Interview Series Vol. 44 Overcoming Approach Anxiety

Product Information
This audio teaches men how to overcome approach anxiety when meeting a woman. It explains how to overcome the physical symptoms as well as the secondary excuses to justify not approaching women. Instructors Future and Calabrese discuss the fight-or-flight like response of approach anxiety and differences between social anxiety and approach anxiety.
- Meeting Women
- Inner Game & Confidence
- Beginner
- Intermediate
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- How to properly set helpful goals
- The reason you should practice in a different city
- Game examples to keep anxiety low and state high
- How to get into a talkative mood and positive state before approaching a woman
- How to relax the physiological effects of approach anxiety to overcome the mental ones
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User Reviews of Interview Series Vol. 44 Overcoming Approach Anxiety
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Just okay. Not worth the price. Not a total waste of time, but crappy audio."
January 16, 2014
The advice they give is basic.
It seems as if there were some golden secrets that I missed because he says something like, "The greatest thing is, I always say this, it's golden..." then he whispers it under his breath to the other guy, and they both laugh loudly. So basically the best tips are lost because of the shitty audio.
They also try to discuss the difference between "General Social Anxiety" and "Approach Anxiety," as if nobody has ever distinguished the two; when in fact this has been a subject in psychology for decades. There is General Social Anxiety Disorder, which is different from Social Phobia, which is different from General Anxiety Disorder. Probably the most efficient and effective treatment for specific anxiety (such as approach anxiety) is Systematic Desensitization, which has been confirmed successful by many research studies since the 1960's. There's a newer technique called "Flooding" which is almost as effective, and it's advantage is that it's faster (as in it can take less than a day to work).
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