Interview Series Vol. 35 Humor    

Interview Series Vol. 35 Humor
Dating Company: Love Systems | Dating Coaches:
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"Strong Product for Guys with Basic Humor Skills"

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Last Update: March 03, 2025
The Good
Very clear concepts relating humor to attraction and women, good discussion of biggest errors guys make with humor and when to avoid using it, some specific humor examples help to relate to real life
The Bad
Lacks basic concepts of what humor is and how to construct it, lacks depth on how to learn humor
The Bottom Line
This product will give you a clear understanding of how the humor skillset relates to attracting women. For people who have very little understanding of humor it may not provide enough basic introduction to allow you to implement it. For people with a reasonable understanding of humor this could make a big difference to your success with women.


A thorough introduction into how humor relates to attracting women. Cajun and Braddock go over the following themes:

1. Why humor is important to meeting, attracting and developing relationships with women

2. The biggest mistakes guys make with humor

3. Calibration and what to do in different situations with humor

4. How humor works with attraction and comfort and should be used to be most effective

5. When and how to use humor

6. When to avoid using humor

7. Practical exercises and ways to learn humor

Not all of these subjects were covered comprehensively.

Insights into Using Humor with Women
Throughout the interview Braddock and Cajun describe many ways to look at humor which I have no doubt will lead even first timers to dating advice to understand its importance and the role it plays in attracting women. A range of concepts are introduced which are clear and straightforward. Great stuff, and relatively innovative. For guys who are already accustomed to dating advice, it will make a lot of sense - even seem common sense - but it is worth listening to it in any case - having improved clarity on a subject always improves your game.
Good Practical Content
The big common issues that guys typically trap themselves with when using humor were tackled.

I particularly liked the section on when to avoid using humor. This was a level of subtlety that I think many guys won't be aware of. It is exactly the sort of things they cover here that can lead a guy to sabotage his game and success with women for a long time without realizing it - so hearing them point out a lot of details of these subtleties was great.

Another area which will be invaluable to guys was the discussion of calibration and how to deal with situations. This is another area where a lot of guys get tripped up.

Harder to Implement for Newbies
The one area this audio didn't do the theme justice was on the most basic principles of humor themselves.

How does humor work? What is humorous? Why is it humorous?

There has been content in the dating advice market for a long time on these exact themes, which helps guys to understand how to create a sentence or phrase that is humorous. This level of detail was missing in the product - it was kind of like they skipped the most basic level, assuming that people understand humor. However... the reality is that a lot of the guys who could most benefit from this product need that basic content to connect the rest.

On the positive, there were some good suggestions on how to learn some relevant humor. For example, they recommended watching specific comedian programs to learn the relevant type of humor. But there wasn't enough.

They also highly recommended some types of classes and an exercise at the end. This was good, but I felt that many newbies would need more to get all of the value out of this product and be able to implement it. They need more guidance on how to learn, in what can be a tricky subject for some because of its subtleties.

The Bottom Line
This is the best product I've seen so far on a very core skillset not just for attracting women and improving your relationships with them, but also the quality of your social life and relationships with people in general. It has some practical implementation aspects that haven't been given a thorough enough look at, that may make it harder for newbies to apply. But overall I'd still recommend getting it if you think humor is an area you can improve upon. For intermediate guys who are not yet 'smooth' with their humor, this could help take your game to a whole new level.
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Product Information

In Interview Series Vol. 35, Braddock and Cajun discuss using humor as a tool in the attraction phase and how to effectively implement more humor in your game.

Lifestyle & Social Skills
Experience Level(s):

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Learning Format:
Download (Audio)
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
BraddockDerek Cajun
Love Systems
Release Date:
December 01, 2008
Price: $37.00


If you have a question or problem, ask us:

Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

- Why humor is so powerful
- The type of humor that fits you
- Differences between sexy and unsexy humor
- How inappropriate humor can hurt your game
- What to do when a joke doesn't go over well
- Openers, routines, and exercises using effective humor

What You Get:

Audio download

Guarantee / Terms:

See policy of product website

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

"Best investment other than a bootcamp"

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The Good
Addresses frequently asked questions well, some great practical exercises, points out big pitfalls to avoid
The Bad
Here's the breakdown of the questions that were asked by Jeremy:

1. Why is humor important?
2. The Pitfalls of using humor
3. What are some ways you can use humor?
4. Inappropriate humor
5. What are ways that someone can convey humor?
6. Routines and...
7. Exercises for humor

Some guys may have been disappointed by the topic of this month's IVS. I mean humor is a pretty easy part of game to get down for most, especially for a lot of seasoned guys. Still even if you're a seasoned guy, I still believe that a lot could be learned from this IVS, and of course if humor is not your forte, this will help tremendously. You probably got two of the funniest Love System's instructors here so that's a plus.

I think where many fail with humor is not knowing how to stop because of the addicting nature of making people laugh aka "The Dancing Monkey." The guys give a simple remedy for it and it goes off of confidence and the self-entertaining idea. When this is mastered, it will not only break your humor game open, but your life also. It's a definite attractive quality to have and the core of, I think, alpha behavior.

With the idea of being self-entertaining, Cajun brings up Tenmagnet's and his infamous game of Jaggering. Read about it on his blog at The idea of jaggering in front of someone you were about to makeout with seems to be defeating the purpose of the whole pickup, but the guys show how this actually can get you more [success with women].

They also address the frequently asked question by members of the community, "What if she doesn't laugh?" They again deliver here with great advice as Braddock highlights the importance of progressing with humor in set. He brings up the theory of the red, yellow, and green light, and how it can be used to calibrate your humor and reduce the amount of "misses" with jokes. Some may be familiar with the red, yellow, green light theory from previous interviews with Braddock and the OGs will remember it being introduced by Style.

The ending of the interview is where we hit the more practical stuff. The stuff that you can instantly use once listening to the interview. Here we get some role plays, the use of banter, Braddock mentions his phone game product coming out and goes over the chapter of call-back humor. There are several funny routines that are given out.

Braddock also comes out with a genius exercise that if followed should actually up your game several levels, and not just in the area of humor.

I know in my reviews I've hardly given any bad reviews on the content given, but trust me if I did I would blurt them out. I want to so badly say that Cajun is a free-loving hippie Gallagher wannabe who thinks he's funny, but doesn't realize everyone just wants to see him smash that damn watermelon, or that Braddock is the white version of Sinbad strutting around with his neon pants stuffed full of condoms AMOGing ever [guy] in his path, but I can't. These guys know they're [good]. The IVS is probably the best investment someone could make in the community besides one-on-one's or bootcamps. So go get it!

Originally posted on the Attraction Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

"If Humor is not Your Forte, This Will Help Tremendously"

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The Bottom Line


WHATS UP! What's good ladies and gentleman? I'm back for another round of reviewing this current month's IVS. Here's the breakdown of the questions that were asked by Jeremy:

1. Why is humor important?
2. The Pitfalls of using humor
3. What are some ways you can use humor?
4. Inappropriate humor
5. What are ways that someone can convey humor?
6. Routines and...
7. Exercises for humor

Some guys may have been disappointed by the topic of this month's IVS. I mean humor is a pretty easy part of game to get down for most, especially for a lot of seasoned guys. Still even if you're a seasoned guy, I still believe that a lot could be learned from this IVS, and of course if humor is not your forte, this will help tremendously. You probably got two of the funniest Love System's instructors here so that's a plus.

I think where many fail with humor is not knowing how to stop because of the addicting nature of making people laugh aka "The Dancing Monkey." The guys give a simple remedy for it and it goes off of confidence and the self-entertaining idea. When this is mastered, it will not only break your humor game open, but your life also. It's a definite attractive quality to have and the core of, I think, alpha behavior.

With the idea of being self-entertaining, Cajun brings up Tenmagnet's and his infamous game of Jaggering. Read about it on his blog at The idea of jaggering in front of someone you were about to makeout with seems to be defeating the purpose of the whole pickup, but the guys show how this actually can get you more V-A-G-I-N-A.

They also address the frequently asked question by members of the community, "What if she doesn't laugh?" They again deliver here with great advice as Braddock highlights the importance of progressing with humor in set. He brings up the theory of the red, yellow, and green light, and how it can be used to calibrate your humor and reduce the amount of "misses" with jokes. Some may be familiar with the red, yellow, green light theory from previous interviews with Braddock and the OGs will remember it being introduced by Style.

The ending of the interview is where we hit the more practical stuff. The stuff that you can instantly use once listening to the interview. Here we get some role plays, the use of banter, Braddock mentions his phone game product coming out and goes over the chapter of call-back humor. There are several funny routines that are given out.

Braddock also comes out with a genius exercise that if followed should actually up your game several levels, and not just in the area of humor.

I know in my reviews I've hardly gave any bad reviews on the content given, but trust me if I did I would blurt them out. I want to so badly say that Cajun is a free-loving hippie Gallagher wannabe who thinks he's funny, but doesn't realize everyone just wants to see him smash that watermelon, or that Braddock is the white version of Sinbad strutting around with his neon pants stuffed full of condoms AMOGing ever in his path, but I can't. These guys know they're shit. The IVS is probably the best investment someone could make in the community besides one-on-one's or bootcamps. So go get it! Until next time!

Originally posted on the Attraction Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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0 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"I didn't like this one as much."

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I didn't like this one as much. I was hoping it would go over to be funny, not just applications of humor.

Originally posted on the Attraction Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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