Interview Series Vol. 34 Female Psychology

Product Information
This volume provides an understanding of how women think and helps you to gauge what they really want. The audio aims to help you improve your pick-up ability. Instructors Savoy and Soul discuss female psychology from attraction through comfort and explain the reasoning behind certain female behaviors.
- Beginner
- Intermediate
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Why men end up in the "friend zone"
- Female psychology during the day vs. night
- The qualities women look for in a man
- Why women like the Bad Boy persona
- Why women give men fake phone numbers
- Conversation differences between men and women
- The reason a woman won't kiss you when she's attracted to you
- Differences in a woman's personality when she's by herself vs. with her friends
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User Reviews of Interview Series Vol. 34 Female Psychology
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Great Interview and Good Refresher for the Advanced."
November 18, 2008
Now, it may be Matador's sleeveless gayness rubbing off of me from watching The Pickup Artist on VH1, but Soul's accent is [so] sexy. Wow, that really did sounded gay, but compared to our accent in Hawaii, he's filet mignon compared to my ground beef.
Speaking of The Pickup Artist show, this season is a total disaster compared to season 1. I understand Mystery might be rushed, but I can't see guys learning sexual techniques when opening still remains a huge obstacle. I strictly watch the show for Tara (who flashed her nicely shaven vagina to the camera last week THANK YOU VERY MUCH) and the crazy afro-asian guy, but I digress...
Female Psychology. It's the very first part of Magic Bullets and aside from inner game, the foundation for a guy's overall game. If you master how women think, game should come easy. Every routine out in the community are meant to hit those special switches of a woman's mind, they're not just words. The understanding of female psychology is at the heart of the whole Love System's theme.
The interview runs 55:36 long. According to Savoy he didn't plan on doing an interview series on female psychology, but gave in when he found a recording of one of his talks on female psychology circulating the internet. "I figured that if this was going to circulate anyway, it may as well come from me directly," he says. Aren't we so lucky.
The guys start off by explaining the eight attraction switches a little more in depth, but not too much. If you've read Magic Bullets, these attraction switches are something that you should be familiar with.
The interview seems to follow the female psyche through the Emotional Progression Model.
We hit opening and attraction first. The guys explain what a woman is looking for consciously and sub-consciously the first seconds of seeing and meeting you. Savoy then mentions the importance of her friends and introduces the concepts of MACRO and MICRO rules.The guys go on talking about humor and how important it is. Humor = Fun. Nobody wants to hang out with a stale loser. The importance of delivery and balance of humor is also mentioned.
The guys then take on the differences of the 19 year-old mind and the 35 year-old mind. Talking about an episode of MTV's "My Super Sweet 16" to a 40 year-old MILF might not be a good topic to build rapport. Soul also mentions training older men who believe that gaming younger women is out of his reach and taking him to a fetish club. Kinky.
The guys then move to comfort. They explain how flipping certain switches in her head during comfort can get you less flakes and more lays. Savoy now emphasizes the idea of isolating the target and how important a target alone can be. Guys also need to be aware of the social rules amongst women.
Here's where the interview takes a weird turn as the guys are trying to figure out what signs women give when she wants to go home with you. Here Savoy mentions how he uses coke, no not the soda, to lure women to his house. Thanks to rehab though, Savoy has pulled through. (it's not what you think)
Off to closing. They talk about factors that stop her from kissing you, why girls give out bogus phone numbers, and of course, every guys NIGHTMARE....THE FRIENDS ZONE. Savoy offers a pretty easy routine, if you can call it that, which keeps you out of the dreaded zone. He says it relates to the new Love System's model, which I have no idea what it is, but it seems to include having bigger balls. His solution seems ballsy, but also looks like it would work to avoid getting LJBF'd.
It would be a waste to have Soul around and not talk about day game. He explains a little about day game and the differences it has to night game and how a guy should approach during the day.
The interview ends with the explanation of the differences between the male and female psyche.
I obviously just touched on the subjects that were discussed in this interview and probably didn't do this interview justice. It's not really a must have interview, but if you find yourself not understanding why women do things, this may be the interview for you. Overall still a great interview and good refresher for the advanced.
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