Interview Series Vol. 22 Damage Control   

Interview Series Vol. 22 Damage Control
Dating Company: Love Systems | Dating Coaches:
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"A "Good Buy" if You Consistently Have to Recover from Mistakes with Women"

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Last Update: March 25, 2025
The Good
Covers the biggest 'frustrations' typically come up against by beginners, provides practical and effective advice on what to do in each situation.
The Bad
A bit pricey for an audio download.
The Bottom Line
If you are getting frustrated with some of the situations covered in this product a good investment of your money.


The nice thing about this interview volume is that it tackles something that every guy gets stressed about the most. The situation where he feels he has messed things up with the girl, and is not sure where to go next. As they make a point of saying in the interview, this happens to everyone at sometime or another. And many situations are recoverable if dealt with properly.
What You Really Get
Nick Savoy and Speer do a good job of covering the most obvious situations that come up such as:

  • When the conversation dies off
  • When a girl flakes on you
  • when you say something that upsets her
  • When the wrong girl in a group likes you and the girl you like is getting put off
  • If she tells you she already has a boyfriend
  • If she isn't complying or refuses when you try to get her to move to a new location
  • And issues in relationships
  • The content is focused on recovering from mistakes you've made. So they describe the typical mistakes, and how they come about. They do talk a bit about how to pre-empt mistakes so they don't come up in the first place, but primarily the discussion is on how to recover from mistakes.

    Good Solid Practical and Effective Advice
    They hit the nail on the head with everything they go over. The advice is all practical and not very complicated to implement.

    A lot of the advice has been well tested and represents popular approaches used by the majority of dating coaches to handle these issues. So it isn't all that innovative. If you've read a lot of dating advice don't expect too much new stuff, except for a few nuggets of gold. The value in this interview is that they've taken the best approaches to 'damage controlling' and packaged them into one short interview for you.

    Don't Expect Too Much from Advice on Flaking
    With respect to flaking, don't expect too much from the advice. They offer some good tips on what to do to recover the best, but it isn't likely to help you to recover more than in 10 or 20% of the situations. That isn't a reflection on their advice - it is just the nature of the issue of flaking, which is an issue you need to address pre-emptively.

    For better flaking advice, that covers the important pre-empting part The Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Game is currently the best product we've looked at.

    More Structure Would Have Made it a Better Product
    A minor fault is that the interview could have been structured better to make it easier to follow and ensure they hit all the points. It sounds pretty informal the way it is delivered. If they'd done this it would have turned out a top professional product.
    The Bottom Line
    Because the content is all about 'damage control', which is mostly relevant for beginners as they are learning and make more mistakes, and it is all practical - I'd recommend beginners get this product if they are consistently running into problems in the situations I've outlined above.

    It will save you getting frustrated - it is a little pricy, but since it can provide you relief from that frustration - it's really a "no-brainer".

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    Product Information

    This audio shows men how to damage control their interactions when something goes wrong. Instructors Savoy and Speer discuss:

    - What to do when your opener fizzles
    - What to do when her friend is attracted to you
    - What to do when a woman doesn't respond to your physical escalation

    This program is designed to give you the confidence to manage your interactions.

    Attracting Women
    Experience Level(s):

    • Intermediate
    • Advanced
    Learning Format:
    Download (Audio)
    Expert/ Coach/ Author:
    Nick SavoySal Peer (Speer)
    Love Systems
    Release Date:
    November 01, 2007
    Price: $37.00


    If you have a question or problem, ask us:

    Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

    - Speer's ABCs of damage control
    - Using your own faux pas to increase your value
    - How to correctly and immediately deal with flakes
    - Controlling the situation and reframing awkward statements
    - How to take responsibility to minimize negative consequences

    What You Get:

    Audio download

    Guarantee / Terms:

    See policy of product website

    User Reviews of Interview Series Vol. 22 Damage Control

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    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

    "The CD fits for any experience level"

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    The Good
    On this CD two senior PUAs (Speer and Savoy) are interviewed by another senior PUA (The Don). The title "Damage Control" is a little bit misleading, since: "If you think you are in damage control mode, you are, otherwise you aren't." Thus, are you are almost never in "damage control mode", it's more about "handling hard sets", things that might go wrong and how to get around this from the initial pickup to sex or the relationship. The interview offers great information on how to handle difficult situations. You can almost always recover from your mistakes if you know how to do it. Some of the tips and tricks given were already put out in earlier CDs (e.g. set doesn't hook, phone flake). However, I see this as a benefit, to make the information more complete. The CD fits for any experience level. Newbies may get most value out of it, while more experienced people still find those small things that make a large difference. The audio quality is great.
    The Bad
    What the CD does NOT answer is "how do I win her back?", which is REALLY damage. Some people may be looking for answers in this product. However, there aren't. Probably, senior PUAs don't worry about this too much, but some listeners might do.
    The Bottom Line


    So, what I miss in the interview are some hints on how to fix "hardcore damage". The standard community answer is (was) "forget her, next her". However, I think if you know how to play your game really well, you may get around it (means the standard answer is old stuff). I'm thinking of how to recover from DLVs, how to recover from lack of qualification etc. What you do if she doesn't take your bait, what if she sees you as a friend, what if she wants to fight.

    I would like to see ideas on those topics on a "relationship management" CD.

    Rating: 8/10
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    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

    "Mandatory to any Newbie and Intermediate Guys who are out in the field"

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    The Good
    As most students of The Game, I have gotten in situations where the sets do not go "as planned", even if you know the different phases on top of your head. This CD should be mandatory to any newbie and intermediate guys who are out in the field. It will help you handle your sets better and get more out of them.
    The Bad
    I found Speer to be speaking very fast (esp when I was taking notes). Damage control during the seduction phase is not discussed but can be found in the Seduction CD 12 with Sinn and Tenmagnet. I would have loved more time spent on damage control during the comfort phase (esp if you accidentally DLVed or hit DLV pits instead of DHV spikes).
    The Bottom Line


    The structure of the interview is easy to follow. Savoy and Speer go through the different phases of the Emotional Progression Model (from opening to relationship management) to pinpoint instances where things could really go wrong, and in each instance, provide more than 5 ways to deal with it. Most of the advice/tips/insights are NOT found in any other products/interviews.

    Here are some of the things I found very useful for me:
    - how to know if you are really in "damage control" and when you really need it. There are various cases where you'd just have to follow the EPM and the advice given in Magic Bullets.
    -the key principles of damage control. I learned that it's not about lines, but rather the mindset/guidelines that will also help you when you are NOT in damage control mode.
    - What NOT to do when you are in damage control.
    - Whenever "personal field tested lines/gambits" are given out by Savoy and Speer, they also explain the theories/techniques behind it, thus allowing you to know why they work. Sure, you could use those lines straight away and get results. But if you have internalized the principles behind them, would you not feel more confident going into any damage control situation and recover from it?
    -how to deal with not opening/hooking, overnegging, awkward silences(running out of things to say), obstacles, the boyfriend line, bouncing, flaking and relationship management among others.
    -how and when to apologize for your behavior.
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