Instant Sexual Attraction

Dating Coach: Original Sin
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SIN’s "Instant Sexual Attraction" offers an entertaining ride through the life and times of a master seducer and pickup artist in the often times dramatic and chaotic pickup community subculture.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
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User Reviews of Instant Sexual Attraction
Most Helpful User Reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful
"An old master returns"
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Reviewed by Locky
December 31, 1899
December 31, 1899
The Good
An old master has returned to the community to deliver his take on the years he spent with mystery and then beyond. Citing that the Mystery Method was never quite was his style , now SIN has released his own material and Story that prequels Styles “The Game” he has gone his own path and discovered his own deeper methods. SIN has developed some materiel from an interesting an unorthodox perspective. Often this fits in with the natural order of things and is very effective. I found SIN’s view of the PUA world to be one of social accuracy and behavioral studies. This gets very complicated an intense at times however it is well rounded with the history and stories of Mystery, Style and Sin, beginning their journey in the world of the pua community. Original SIN, also understands the plight of sexual anxiety and gives straight forward structures and methods to gain confidence in this area. Personally I found Sins book to ramp up from the simple to advanced concepts, fantastic background story and obviously one of the few genius’s with in the pua community.
The Bad
Has complex concepts that shift ones perspective. This book maybe more for someone who has been in the game for a while and would like a boost.
Difficult to implement some of the concepts without infield feed back.
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