Podcast listener
From: Angel Donovan
If you're here on this page, it means one thing:
Your dating life isn't where you want it to be.
Maybe you wish you were dating the girl of your dreams.
Maybe you want to hook up with a different girl every time you go out.
Maybe you simply want the confidence to flirt and have fun when meeting
Whatever it is you want, it feels frustrating when you don't know
how to get it.
I know how you feel.
I've been there too.
Knowing what works with women and dating didn't come naturally to me. I
had to put in years of work before I got to the level I'm at now.
The whole reason I created Dating Skills Review and the Podcast was to
save you from making the same mistakes I did.
To give you the knowledge you need to create the life you want to live,
without wasting years trying to figure this out for yourself.
Here's the thing though: the knowledge you're getting is
only half of
the equation.
Knowledge Isn't Power...
The Application
Of Knowledge Is Power
The best of the best information in the world isn't enough to transform
your dating life.
If you don't use that information to
take action, it's
the same as
never having learned it.
The men out there dating and sleeping with the women you
want don't have any natural advantage that you haven't got.
They're simply prepared to do what others do not:
apply the knowledge
they learn out in the real world until they get the
results they want.
I've been coaching guys for a dozen years now. I've heard every excuse
imaginable. I'm still yet to come across a legitimate reason that a guy
can't get amazing results with women.
I promise you've got everything you need to date and have relationships
with women you think are out of your league.
Attracting women has very little to do with your looks, money,
possessions, career, or anything else you think women are drawn to.
Here's what it boils down to: Attracting women has everything to do
with how you make them feel.
When you can control how a woman feels, she will do anything for you.
And this is a skill you can learn, just like I did.
But to learn this skill, you need to know how to get out there and take
A Scientifically Proven Way To Get Results
So why is it that you, like most other people, have a hard time taking
requires change... and change is something that humans
usually struggle with.
are you resist doing anything that makes you feel
uncomfortable. Your brain interprets this as danger, so triggers
mechanisms to keep you safe.
This is why you feel fear, anxiety,
nervousness and all those feelings that keep you stuck right where you
However, getting out of your comfort zone is what will
more women into your life.
what's the solution? If you need to take action, but you're naturally
resistant to change your behavior, does that mean you're screwed?
Fortunately, no.
You see, there's a way to bypass your own internal resistance to
leaving your comfort zone.
a kind of 'hack' that lets you take the actions you need to take, yet
your brain doesn't feel like you're in any danger so it doesn't trigger
your body's natural resistance mechanisms.
This hack has been
proven the most effective way to
achieve lasting change.
And it's used by successful people in many fields all over the world.
So what is this hack I'm speaking of?
It's micro-steps.
Micro-Stepping Your Way To Success
What exactly are
micro-steps? you may be thinking.
Good question. They're simply very small steps that you take towards
your goal.
has been scientifically proven as the most effective way to create
change that lasts, whether it's in dating or any other aspect of life.
The reason it works so well is you're not trying to do anything too far
out of your comfort zone. You brain says,
'Hey this isn't too scary, I can
do this without feeling panicked and anxious.'
If you think about it, I'm sure you already know this is true.
Imagine this:
an unfit couch potato wants to be able to run a marathon. Where do you
think he's going to have an easier time beginning training... running a
mile on the first day? Or jogging a hundred yards?
The person
who tries to do too much too soon usually gives up on his goals.
Motivation alone is
rarely enough to create lasting change.
You need to create useful habits that get you what you want and that
easy to
stick to.
Taking a running leap out of your comfort zone is difficult... sticking
a toe outside it is easy.
Keep taking these small micro-steps and before long you'll
have taken giant leaps forward.
Why You're Not Getting Results With
Dating Advice
While there is a lot of good information out there, most of it is not
easy to apply.
It encourages you to dive in head first and make big changes to your
life, which as we know creates a lot of resistance.
If you're a guy that isn't used to starting conversations with women
you don't know, how likely is it that you're going to be able to
approach 20 women a night just because some book tells you to do so?
It's not going to happen, no matter how much you wish you could.
This is why you look for more advice and new products all the time,
hoping the missing ingredient is hiding in there somewhere.
But until you learn how to
create change in your life, no
amount of information is going to help you.
It's not the fault of the dating product, and it's not your fault
You've just never known before the proven way to begin taking action.
Nobody really
talks about or teaches this.
But now you know that micro-steps are the key to transforming your
dating life.
The only question that remains is, what are the actual steps to take
and how do you start?
A 'Done For You' Solution Featuring Every Micro-Step Needed
For Dating Success
Over the last dozen years I've personally coached hundreds of men on
how to meet, attract and have relationships with the women they really
The reason I've been able to help them find success where so many
others have failed is I've
the principle of micro-steps.
I've shown them how to take action in a way that's guaranteed to work,
even for guys who have been studying dating advice for years but never
even spoken to a woman yet.
This method of teaching has proven incredibly successful. However, not
everyone is able to afford my private coaching fees and I simply don't
have the time to work with everyone.
So I wanted to create a solution that will address both of these issues.
I've taken everything I've learned from my 15 years' experience and
packaged it into a program that gives you every micro-step needed to go
from zero experience to sleeping with incredibly attractive women.

It's called
Implant and features 30 micro-steps that will ensure you
take action and get the results you want.
These micro-steps are specific challenges that you go out and do in the
real world... one at a time and only moving to the next when you're
You're not being pushed far outside of your comfort zone which means
you'll have no resistance to doing them.
And after you've completed the 30th micro-step you'll have learned all
the skills needed for a lifetime of happiness and abundance with women.
While each of the exercises will seem easy to achieve, they all
build on each other and by the end
you'll be shocked at how
far you've
It's like you're able to take all the things women find most attractive
in a man and
them onto your subconscious, without much effort
at all.
Let me make one thing clear:
This program will work
for anyone who uses
it properly. That means doing each of the challenges that
are included.
The whole reason Attraction Implant works better than anything else is
gives you a blueprint
on exactly what to do and say each micro-step
of your journey.
If you're looking for a lot of theory or another product to study and
do nothing with, then do us both a favor and don't read any further.
This is not the program for you.
However, if you're looking for a fool-proof system that gives you
everything you need to attract high quality women into your life, this
is the program you need.
What You'll Get From This Program
I've recorded a series of videos with fellow dating coach and DSR
editor, Jackson Hunter.
In each video we give you a specific challenge to complete that will
teach you a new skill.
Because we've done this using micro-steps,
challenge is focused on getting you results without being
enough that you won't be able to do it.
What we've done is
the need to think about how to do this. It's
literally done for you.
Simply follow the crystal-clear blueprint and you'll be
implanted with
the most attractive behaviors that we personally use ourselves.
That's right, you'll be discovering the exact system that Jackson and I
used to fast-track our dating results which led to us being featured in
The Game by
Neil Strauss.
Between us we have 30 years of experience and have tried every single
method out there. We've reviewed hundreds of products and interviewed
experts from all across the globe in every area related to dating, sex
and relationships.
If there's a system, method, technique or secret out there related to
dating, we've tried it.
So trust me when I say these 30 challenges that make up Attraction
Implant are all you'll ever need to naturally meet, attract and sleep
with high quality women.
We've only included what works and discarded everything else. In each
video we'll give you examples of doing the challenge ourselves and the
way it helped us get the girl.
There are templates included which means
you can use our own
word-for-word examples or you can fill in the blanks and
tailor it to
your own personality.
A Sneak Peek Inside The Program
We've put a huge emphasis on making Attraction Implant a lot of fun.
Not only will you learn a great deal from each challenge, you'll also
be excited to try it out.
The more fun you're having, the more you'll be motivated to get out
there and do it.
Each day you're going to get access to one new challenge, with
practical examples from us on exactly how to complete it.
So there's no chance of you getting overwhelmed or confused...
you only have one simple thing to
focus on.
also designed it so you can complete this program at your own pace.
Some people might want to do the 30 challenges in 30 days, while for
others they'd rather take their time.
Here's what I
recommend: Take as long as you need to comfortably
complete each challenge, as long as you are taking action.
rather you spend six months and get the full benefits from the program
than race through it and miss out on any of the key lessons.
Now, let's take a quick glimpse at just a few of the challenges and how
they'll help you...
What Our Students Have To Say

"The thing that surprised me was how quick it can be to get results
once you start working smarter instead of harder, like I'd been doing
in the past. I'm seeing two girls regularly that I enjoy having sex
with. In the last two months alone I've had more experiences than I did
in the last few years combined. I would absolutely recommend this
program because it's really a no-brainer when you receive so much value
for such a small price." -
26, Italy
"Yesterday I accomplished Challenge 3 it was super chill. I had blast
pumping myself up and trying to make everything more fun.
Also I just got to say this is the best course I have ever taken, I
don't know how to explain it, I'm just having a blast." -
James Manzini, 29, Los Angeles

"This weekend I met a gorgeous girl who is really into me, and I made a
solid connection by following the process that you kept describing. I
had failed so many times before and now I finally have real success
with women and I feel like a totally new man and that I've found a
missing part of myself. Thank you so much for the mentorship and being
willing to share this information." -
Brad Fincher, 40, New York
Bonus #1 - Dates Done For You
you take action today and invest in Attraction Implant, you'll get
exclusive access to "Dates Done For You".
With everything you learn in Attraction Implant you'll be
meeting women
easily and going on lots of dates, so we designed Dates Done For You to cover everything you need to know.
From where to take her, what to do and say, how to get physical and
lead her back to your place for a night of wild sex.
As well as everything you need to make sure your pad is set up in such
a way to ensure things go without a hitch (if you get this wrong, your
chances of sex drop to almost zero).
We give you our
own personal 'date templates' that show you in
extreme detail everything we do to guarantee the result we want.
We both have different strategies on the first date, but still end up
with the girl back at our place... and we'll show you how to adapt what
works for us and tailor it to your own specific situation.
Bonus #2 - Legendary Club
If you act today you'll also get one month of free access to the Legendary Club, a
mentoring program where we work with
you directly to achieve all your dating and relationship goals.
We'll give you feedback on all the challenges from Attraction Implant
and personally answer any questions you have. You'll get a response
from us in less than 24 hours, so you'll never get stuck.
You'll have access to exclusive Mastermind Skype Calls with Angel every month where he answers your questions 1-on-1.
Finally, you'll also be able to check out the Legendary Journal training videos, the
Toolbox that Angel put together for himself to build out his entire lifestyle after he had already solved "women".
Our Legendary Club
members are getting unbelievable results,
such as one guy going from a virgin to dating three girls
The value that the Legendary Club offers is huge, so use the month of free
access to really check it out and get all the benefits from it.
If you decide you want to remain a member it's just $47 a month to stay
on board... if not, just shoot us an email within the first month and
we'll make sure you don't get billed further, no questions asked.
I have to warn you this is a very limited offer, as we're only
accepting a small amount of members inside the Legendary Club. The reason is
we give a lot of hands-on personal attention to everyone and there's
only so much time we have available to do this.
To make sure you don't miss out
click on the 'Add To Cart' button below to get started.
Here's A Recap Of What You're Getting
When you invest in
Attraction Implant you'll be gaining access to a program that gives you
everything you need to go from meeting a woman to beginning a sexual
You'll have everything you need to
start conversations with women, attract them, develop a genuine
connection and take things physical. No matter what situation you're in,
when you see a woman you
want, you'll have an exact strategy of what to
do to get her.
It's based on 30 years of combined real world
experience from two world-leading experts who have studied everything
under the sun related to dating, sex and relationships.
What sets this apart from everything else is it's
based on the most
scientifically-proven way to create lasting change.
be taking small micro-steps which are enough for you to learn new
habits and skills but doing so in a way that feels like it's not taking
you far out of your comfort zone.
So if you've tried other
dating products before without the success you were promised, this is
the program that will give you a blueprint that makes it impossible to
Everything is explained in clear detail with practical
examples of what to do.
give you word-for-word examples of what we
do and say to women that gets real results.
You also won't be
left hanging when you use this program. You'll have direct access to us
so we can answer any of your questions and help you out with whatever
you need. We'll be on hand to guide you every micro-step of the way.
And of course you'll be getting access to the exclusive Bonuses:
1. Dates Done For You
- Follow our proven roadmap to ensure you have amazing first dates with
everything you need to do to make sure it ends with sex back at
your place.
2. Legendary Club
- You're getting one month free access to the Club, which others
are paying $167 to sign up for. You'll get exclusive resources and
training videos, as well as monthly coaching conferences and 24/7
access to us through the private club forums.
Here's What To Do Now
You can get immediate access to Attraction Implant right now by
clicking on the 'Add To Cart' button below.
Your order will be processed by Clickbank, which handles millions of
digital transactions daily and is 100% safe and secure.
the moment you can get access to Attraction Implant for
one-time investment of
$47. This is a special discounted price that
shortly will be raised to $97, so I encourage you to order
today before it goes up.
When you consider that there are 30
challenges included in the program, each with the power to transform
your dating life, I believe this price is a steal. It works out to
$1.56 per challenge, so really there's no reason not to test this out
for yourself.
I'm so confident you'll love this program that I
want you to
it for a full 60 days to make sure you are 100%
satisfied with it and that it delivers you the results you
dream of.
the unlikely event you're not satisfied for any reason, simply shoot me
an email and I'll refund your purchase price in full, no questions
asked. There's literally zero risk for you.
This program is
all about getting you to take action. If you're willing to do that, I
promise you will get results with women you can be proud of.
first action you need to take to transform your life with women begins
right here:
Click on the
'Add To Cart' button below and get ready for
the adventure of a lifetime.
To your success,