I-Casanova: The Top Secret Confessions of A Modern Day Casanova

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Product Information
"I-Casanova: The Top Secret Confessions of A Modern Day Casanova" by Ken Oboh (I-Cassanova), provides techniques to develop your confidence in approaching, attracting and seducing women.
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- The simple thing you must say before you call a woman on the phone
- How to create the same feeling in a woman
- The psychological reason why most regular guys have little success with women and get rejected often
- A quick five minute daily exercise you can do to develop
- How your early childhood experiences affect your current level of success
- 3 things you can you do to improve your physical appearance
- The reason why 99% of men get physically rejected by women in the bedroom
- Why anything you may have learned about body language is next to useless
- 2 sneaky signs women use to spot the man in a crowded room
- 3 ways to get a woman’s phone number
- How to spot the guys who are very good at attracting women
- Have you ever lost a girl to another guy
- The powerful eye contact “trick” that you can do when you meet a woman
- The correct way to smile at women
- The one simple thing you should always do to a woman
- The technique for spotting a woman’s “real” personality
- The one specific type of job that can make you a “master” at meeting women
- 2 things you should never say to a girl on the phone
- “Macro body language” - The 3 laws of body language
- The “secret” body language technique
- Sometimes we just want to be lazy
- Have you heard some of those so-called dating “experts” theories
- A “cunning,” little known 5 minute technique
- The 2 things you MUST do to be able to go from meeting a woman to kissing her
- The 2 steps to take to successfully attract girls who are together in a group
- “Mr Romance novel fantasy guy”: My special “secret” technique
- The very best topics of conversation
- The tell-tale signs that a woman gives you
- 2 things to do to create the kind of mystery about yourself
- How to turn the tables on a woman who plays “hard to get”
- 3 things you must say at the start of any conversations with women
- The psychological reason why women are attracted to money, fame and power
- Why women absolutely LOVE you to find “fault” with their personalities
- Why the way you behave and interact with other men
- The 3 crucial stages of every “pick up” success story
- The true scientific difference between “love” and “sexual attraction”
- Why you must never “boast” to a woman to try and impress her.
- What she really means when a girl says that she’s got a boyfriend
- Why women just love astrology, psychology and palm reading
- Fun “games” you can play that gets you interacting
- What exactly to say to particularly beautiful women that 99% of men do not know
- Why you should never treat all women the same regardless of looks
- How to recognize and attract the exact type of girl that is perfect for you
- Ever wondered when the best time to call a girl is after getting her number?
- How to develop your own unique “dress sense”
- How to “enter” the mind of a woman to understand how she thinks
- Why you should be wary of modern day theories like feminism
- The “non-machine complex”: the psychological reason why very few people
- The “secret” link between your dress accessories and female attraction
- The “naturals”: men who instinctively understand female attraction
- The difference between approaching a woman on her own and one in a group
- Why you can sometimes come across to a woman as being “too” attractive
- Why some “reality T.V. dating shows” are bad
- How to get a woman laughing
- How to integrate all this “pick up” skill and knowledge into your true personality
What You Get:
Bonuses Items:
- Bonus 1: “The Correct Way To Seduce A Woman,”
- Bonus 2: “How And Where To Meet Women,”
- Bonus 3: “An Online Guide To Meeting Women,”
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