The products reviewed on this site fit into different types of learning format. The learning format you choose can depend on how comfortable you feel with going to public events for dating skills development and what type of a learner you are. The types of learning format include:

  1. Dating Advice Homestudy Products: These include eBooks (generally PDF), books (standard hardcovers/ paperbacks), DVDs (Video) and CDs (Audio).

    Most people are familar with learning from these types of products. The DVD and CD products generally contain footage from training at seminars/ conferences, or sometimes it is training that is prepared especially for the product within a private studio.

  2. Dating Coaching Bootcamps: Coaching is often referred to 'bootcamps'. Whilst the format varies in terms of length, these are often two days long, being broken down into some small seminars and live field experience and coaching. Most bootcamps have less than six students on them and instructor to student ratios of 1:3 or lower.

    Within the seminar portion you are more easily able to ask questions, and get interaction with the instructors directly, compared to the larger seminar/ conference products. In the field experience you will generally be shown and follow through yourself with techniques that you have been shown. This generally includes approaching and attracting women in various situations during the day (coffee shops, shopping malls, street etc.) or evening (restaurants, clubs, bars).

    You will get direct feedback from instructors in these coaching sessions on how effective you are in your approaches and efforts to attract the women you meet. These are the most expensive products, but also the ones that are most customized and where you get the most personal and direct feedback. See an Introduction to dating coaching bootcamps for a complete lists of all the types, formats and how they work.

  3. Dating Advice Membership Programs: These are subscription programs where you pay a set fee, which is usually billed monthly, but sometimes according to other periods (e.g. billed once for lifetime access to the program).

    The subscription can include a variety of services, but usually takes the form of online access to content such as forums, email coaching, downloadable video seminars, downloadable audio programs, and sometimes teleconferences and even access to conferences.

    Basically they are packages of services, so if you are interested in these programs make sure you read carefully about what is and what isn't included in the package.

  4. Dating Conferences & Seminars: These are public events that take place normally at a hotel where there are normally up to around 100 attendees. Although some seminars/ conferences are bigger.

    The format of these events usually includes primarily Dating Instructors speaking about specific dating skills topics. Sometimes workshop like activities may also take place, and often coaching / bootcamps will be available in the evenings or days surrounding the event if desired.

    The important point for seminars/ conferences is to make sure there are instructors that you are interested in learning from that will be presenting at the event. In the 'Find Dating Advice By...' menu you can access rankings of the highest rated products by learning format in the 'by learning format' menu item.