How to Want Sex Again - Rekindling Passion with EFT

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Product Information
“How to Want Sex Again” functions as a guide to saving your relationship. It offers actionable tools to help you achieve your desired connection, and sustain loving and healthy sexual relationships through sexual healing. It also includes how-to information to help heal the traumatization of past experiences related to sexual issues.
Using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), author Alina Frank aims to help heal those wounds towards life-fulfilling love and relationships.
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If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Partial Table of Contents only
How to tell if this book is for you
What lies ahead
A few notes
- How to read this book
- Nouns, pronouns, and assumptions
- Case studies
Chapter 1: My Wake-Up Call
Chapter 2: Hotdogs or Hamburgers?
- Identifying your own needs
- Speaking your needs
- Learning to love the body you’re in
- Identifying delights, edges, and boundaries
Chapter 3: Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands
- Ten reasons to self-pleasure and two reasons not to
- When self-pleasuring can make things better
- When self-pleasuring can make things worse
Chapter 4: What EFT Is and How It Works
- A specific event or condition
- The emotion(s) you feel in response to that event or condition
- The origin, location, or source of that emotion in the body
- Self-acceptance
- Tapping acupoints
Chapter 5: Before You Begin – Paving The Way For Healing
- Addressing fears that may prevent you from healing
- Outsmarting your subconscious mind
- When to work with an EFT practitioner
Chapter 6: A Few Of Your Favorite Things
- Outer resources
- Inner resources
Chapter 7: Wait. How Did I Get Here?
- Identifying “tappable” issues
- Little stimulus, big response
- Limiting issues
- What to do if tapping takes you somewhere unexpected
Chapter 8: How To Tap – Learning The Basics
- A precaution
- Overview
- Creating the setup statement
- Creating the reminder phrase
- Tapping
- Re-rating and repeating
- Download the journal template
- What to say when you do EFT
- What to do while you’re saying your setup statement and reminder phrase
- The acupoints
Tapping FAQ
- How quickly should I tap?
- How often should I tap each point?
- How much pressure should I use?
- How important is it to tap the exact location of the acupoint?
- Does it matter which eye I tap or which arm I tap under?
- Does it matter which hand I use?
- How many fingers should I use?
- What if my eyeglasses are in the way? I can’t read these directions without them
- Why state these problems negatively? Doesn’t that go against the law of attraction or positive thinking?
Practice tapping
Putting it all together
Circle Back
Chapter 9: Creating A Safety Net With EFT
Chapter 10: Ouch! Overcoming Physical Pain or Discomfort
- Preparing to tap
- What size is the pain?
- What’s the quality of the pain?
- How intense is the pain?
- Tapping to relieve pain
- Creating your setup statement
- The reminder phrase
- Putting it all together and tapping
- Re-rate the intensity
- What to do if the pain doesn’t abate
- Symptoms as metaphors
Chapter 11: Healing Your Heart – Overcoming Emotional Pain
- Start where you are
- The root of pain and discomfort
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $2.99
- Paperback $13.48
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