How to Survive An Affair

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Product Information
This book is designed to help you repair your relationship through a system of correctly applied methods. It shows you how to build upon a sequence of relationship repairing successes. It includes three phases that help you to:
- Understand personal feelings and sort through emotions
- Work together to identify and resolve key issues
- Understand how to rebuild and sustain a trust-filled partnership
Bonus reports include:
- What to Do if You've Been Cheated On
- How to Save Your Relationship If You've Cheated On Your Spouse
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Phase I: Individual healing
- Understanding personal feelings and sorting through emotions
- Take control of the paralyzing emotions
- Regain your sense of stability and get rid of the images
- Eliminate the paranoia and restore your self-confidence
- Cut-off the affair and move back to your spouse
- Replace the lies with truth and start over
- Understand why the affair happened
- Uncover what was missing and how to add it
Phase II: Healing as a couple
- Working together to identify and resolve key issues
- Accelerate the healing process: Protect your relationship from further harm
- Discover how to talk about the details
- Transform your relationship with a heart-felt apology
- Generate new honest communication
- Ignite a renewed life-long commitment
- Capture peace of mind with true forgiveness
Phase III: Negotiating a renewed relationship
- Understanding how to rebuild and sustain a new trust-filled partnership
- Eliminate the suspicion with complete transparency
- Restore your sex life without haunting visions
- Affair-proof your marriage for life
- Develop lasting safety, honesty and intimacy
- Accept the past without being tormented
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