How To Pick Up Women On The Dance Floor: Secrets Revealed

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Product Information
This ebook is designed to help men pick up women on the dance floor without having to learn how to dance.
Bonus items include:
- 7 Dance Game Secrets Video
- The Psychological Pick Up Report
- 30 Day Email Support
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- The reason why most men fail on the dance floor... So that you can be successful
- Simple things to look out for when choosing a club
- The little-known way to stand out from 95% of the other guys on the dance floor and attract women
- 5 parts of yourself that are easy to groom and make a huge difference in getting women
- Big mistakes guys make on the dance floor and how to avoid them
- How to recognize when a woman is showing interest in you
- Techniques to dance with more sexy women in the same night
- How to dance with the woman you've set your sight on
- The essential characteristic to have when approaching a group of women in a club
- A simple and easy way to make out with any woman in the club after only 3 songs
- 7 killer techniques to attract more women on the dance floor
- 4 types of clubs where you can dance with women even if you don't ask them to dance with you
- 3 important rules to follow when you're on the dance floor to remain attractive
- How to directly steal women from guys on the dance floor and even make out with them
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