How To Get Your Power Back After She Breaks Up (Kindle Edition)

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Product Information
This material is to help you regain your confidence and power after a break up with a woman. It aims to help you address the emotions and attitudes of a breakup in order to create strategies and solutions. This book is intended to help you reconnect with your natural instinctual power so you can move on.
- Attracting Women
- Inner Game & Confidence
- Kindle eBook
- Book
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If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Part 1: Key Strategies to get your full power back
- Shift your mind
- She takes too much place in your mind
- This is a battle for power
- What if she calls you?
- Is it wrong t meet?
- How often should you meet?
- No contact?
- Is there a chance of you two getting back together?
- Do you feel pain right now?
- What about guilt?
- Letting go of the dream
- She is dating someone else
- What if she calls you everyday?
- Remove all traces of her presence in your personal space
- Anger and frustration are okay
- Make new friends
- Stay away from alcohol and drugs
- Rebound relationship?
- Stay healthy!
- Think Professionalism!
- Why did she break up? - Find answers
- Was this relationship a mistake?
- The 'invisible' story
- How to deal with emotional pain?
- Sexual needs
- Should you be friends with your ex?
- Yes! I can live without her!
- Why you want a coherent strategy
- You are not a victim - You are a winner
Part 2: Power Kicks
Part 3: Power Tips
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $9.99
- Paperback $49.12
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