How To Get Hotter Women

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Product Information
Jason Capital's 'How To Get Hotter Women' is an ebook and audio collection on how to date and handle women that men think are 'hot'.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- An exercise for a manly transformation
- How to 'reverse' rejection from a woman
- How to handle another guy flriting with a potential girl in front of you
- Friend zone avoidance tips
- How to put girls in your friend zone
- Avoiding the 'P' word when attempting to attract women
- The compliment test
- 5 steps to attract women
- 3 things women want in a man
- How mothers mess up with women and what to do about it
- Detecting lack of interest
- Raising your bar and value to women
- Why putting women in your friend zone attracts them
What You Get:
Audio MP3
Guarantee / Terms:
- Trial period (14 days)
- Long-term access: additional $39.95