How To Fuck A Woman's Brains Out   

How To Fuck A Woman's Brains Out
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Editor Review

14 of 15 people found the following review helpful

"Interesting Look into BDSM, but Way Too Much Fluff & Bad Advice"

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Last Update: March 31, 2025
The Good
Interesting and useful advice on BDSM and its culture, some good advice on pushing the boundaries of sexual relationships with women while keeping them psychologically healthy
The Bad
Lots of fluff and irrelevant content, can be very repetitive at times, bad attracting women advice, weak mindset and confidence advice
The Bottom Line
This book contains a lot of bad advice and fluff, and an interesting and useful introduction into the world of BDSM.

Overall, it isn't worth investing the time in reading it.

Caveat: If you are specifically interested in investigating the world of BDSM and kinks, and you are at an advanced experience level (so that you know what to ignore in advice) then you could skim read through this book and get a good practical start into the world of BDSM.

DSR Editor Note: We will look out for a better introduction into BDSM which doesn't have all the minuses of this book and update this recommendation later.


This is an amateur written book about BDSM. Due to this it is very lengthy and repetitive. It was really hard for me to get through the whole book, despite the fact that you can learn a lot about BDSM and its culture by digging through it.

The experience was like going through Internet forums that are badly moderated, where you have to sift through mountains of irrelevant or bad advice to find the gold nuggets. It's challenging. And not what you buy a book for - you buy a book to avoid all of that time wasting and distracting or misleading noise.

Warning: This book has a lot of what I'd call dangerous advice. It is full of advice that is just plain wrong and could potentially lead men to do very silly things. For this reason I've highlighted some of the more ridiculous advice later in this review.

Beware the Misleading Title
The title of this book "How to fuck a woman's brains out" is really misleading. The content covers purely BDSM (the useful content) and then there is a lot of fluff where Thorn Daddy is basically boasting about his sexual triumphs and telling you about his general life philosophies (which I would advise you not listen to...).

I point this out because the title is obviously very effective, and a topic that guys want to read about. You wouldn't believe how many searches we get for this book on our site.

Unfortunately the content inside the book doesn't fit with the expectations the title sets for you.

Useful Part - Introduction into BDSM
If you are interested in the world of BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Sadism, Masochism) this book gives you some insights into someone who has obviously spent a lot of time in the BDSM community, and whose sex life is based around its values.

As a result, this book will give you some insights and very practical tips on what to do if you want to develop your life sexually in this direction.

It introduces you into many BDSM concepts, vocabulary, mindsets, typical people you find in its community and so on. Enough to make you feel a lot more at ease with the subject if you are new to it.

Many of the BDSM tips are good, practical, and play on the general psychology of sex. Some would be effective in any sexual relationship, not necessarily just between partners that have mutually consented to get involved in BDSM. They would stimulate healthy sexual development in a relationship. It gave me some more perspectives to look at and add to my own knowledge.

There are many many ideas given on what to do with your woman, the majority of them degrading, humiliating, dominant or kinky to some degree to fit with the BDSM theme.

Useful Part - Psychology of Sex
Another useful part of this book was the contents related to the psychology of sex. Throughout the book you will have Dollie, Thorn Daddy's partner, relate her feelings about certain techniques and situations.

This is all relevant and educational and similar to material contained within the book "My Secret Garden" by Nancy Friday.

It can give you insights into the darker (or less discussed) side of the psychology of the sexes. However, I'd recommend reading the Nancy Friday books, because they are better researched and structured and don't contain...

Fluff... Fluff.. Boast.. Boast.. Blah.. Blah
It took me several months to finish this book despite reading this type of advice being "my job" - it was particularly difficult at the beginning because it contained so much fluff, off subject material and ThornDaddy telling you how great he and his lifestyle is.

Amongst the topics passed over are politics, your apartment, plants and cats, skinny vs. chubby women,, TV etc. etc.

You have to 'wade' through a lot of irrelevant material that is tedious, and for some people could be misleading (if they take it seriously).

Ok, So Now Let's Move to the Ridiculous
Nothing that Thorn Daddy relates is substantiated by more than his own personal experiences in life. This isn't so much of an issue where it relates to BDSM. However when it relates to anything outside of BDSM and outside of that specific community it is often just wrong, and at times laughably so. Ridiculous advice includes:
  1. You should not wash your bed linen often, because if it has cum stains on it from women, new women will be unknowingly motivated to have sex with you when they get near it.
  2. Advice on how to fatten your woman up (because she is skinny which ThornDaddy explains at length is not what you want) including specific dietary and meal recommendations - peanut jelly sandwhiches are a feature.
  3. Advice on how to fatten your woman up including specific dietary and meal recommendations - peanut jelly sandwhiches are a feature.
Unhealthy Mindsets
This book contains some really bad mindset advice. Thorn Daddy's philosophies and ideals are extremely limiting and narrow and his writing is very opionionated.

Some of the insights you get into the values of Thorn Daddy include:

  1. Don't seek out beautiful or attractive women, seek out chubby or fat women who aren't so attractive because they are easier, more fun and better in bed
  2. Attractive or skinny women are bad in bed, no fun and only give you drama.
There are, of course, all sorts of women in the world. There are very attractive, great personality and fun women (and yes, who are good in bed) and there are chubby, fat, unattractive women who have terrible personalities, and are no fun.

Remember this: You learn more about a person's success and results through their limiting beliefs than through what they say they have achieved (or boast about, more to the point where this book is concerned).

I highly recommend NOT taking in or accepting the limiting mindsets contained in this book. They will only stop you from building a truly satisfying dating lifestyle and limit your success with women.

The Bottom Line
This book contains a lot of bad advice, and an interesting and useful introduction into the world of BDSM.

Overall, it isn't worth investing the time in reading it.

The issue is basically that Thorn Daddy has written a long book and put all of his advice in it, many random bits of life. Thorn Daddy, has obviously spent a lot of time in BDSM and experienced a lot from it. This positions him as someone you can learn from on that - on BDSM.

But the rest of his advice is just kind of amusing and a little retarded, it had me smiling and shaking my head, if not laughing. If he cut all of the non- BDSM material out of this book, it would get a much higher rating from us.

It's a 260 page paradox.

If you are specifically interested in investigating the world of BDSM and kinks, and you are at an advanced experience level (so that you know what to ignore in advice) then you could skim read through this book and get a good practical start into the world of BDSM.

Editor Note We will look out for a better introduction into BDSM which doesn't have all the minuses of this book and update these recommendations later.

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Product Information

This is a manual on BDSM. It is intended for people specifically interested in kinky love.

Thorn Daddy and Dollie (his wife) have a podcast of their recorded sex sessions named "Submission and Coffee". Its goal is to serve as a BDSM educational resource.

Masculine Sexuality & Sexual Skills
Experience Level(s):

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Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Release Date:
April 28, 2008
Product No Longer Available.


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Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

- Greetings, Eager Male!
- Fucking Your Bitches with Respect
- What Women Want
- Who to Fuck
- How To Attract Women
- How to Fuck a Woman's Brain Out - Let's Jump Right In
- How to Fuck Women's Brain Out - Kings Don't Lie
- How to Fuck Women's Brain Out - Holy God of Fuck!
- Where to Find Willing Women
- How To Keep Women Coming Back, and Begging For More
- How To Keep Women In Line
- Overcoming Adversity
- Closing Arguments
- Interviews with Seven Kinky Women About What They Want and Need
- Interview with ThornDaddy and Dodie Llama
- Poly Dolli - Essay by Colie on Finding Joy in Polyamory
- Kink and Sex Educational Resources and Sites

What You Get:

Hardcover book

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User Reviews of How To Fuck A Woman's Brains Out

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9 of 10 people found the following review helpful

"Hilariously awful"

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This book is so awful that it actually could not only add nothing to your sex life, but give you stupid limiting beliefs, dumb hygiene ideas, waste your time, and, if you take it seriously enough, make you horrible with women.

The reason it received 2 stars for informativeness is because of some info regarding the BDSM scene, which I haven't heard much of, but only 2 stars because I couldn't rate it less than one star for the other categories.

The hilarious part is how much thorndaddy exaggerates and goes on about how great of a sex life he is, how great of a writer he is and how other books suck, and blah blah blah. It means nothing to be a good writer if all you do is constantly repeat your original 3 pages.

He also constantly shits on all other sex books that he apparently read, it's fucking hilarious because I have yet to read ONE book that was worse than thorndaddys.

Furthermore he has the dumbest ideas about so called "sluts". "Sluts" is the blanket term used to describe attractive women, because according to thorndaddy, desirable women are fat, ugly, and old (I'm not joking he actually has a chapter dedicated to making your woman fat).

He also goes on about his stupid self help ideas and how this book isn't just for sex (which it's terrible for) but it's also for making you a MAN (which it's even worse for).

And for some seriously dumb shit filling the pages, let's add to these retarded self help ideas with some great hygene tips. Some of these gems include not wearing deodorant, showering 5 times a week, and not cleaning your sheets, because women love the natural smell of a man...hahahahaha.

This book is more of a joke than anything, if you want a 250 page joke, then go ahead and read it, don't say I didn't warn you, thorndaddy is a fucking idiot, the extent of which may blow your mind.
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2 of 4 people found the following review helpful


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I just finished listening to the audiobook. It also took me a long time, because I was saving the episodes for times I was feeling down, as a mood-lifter. I liked it very much, because it was so hilarious, and had many new and mind-opening concepts for me.

I think other bad reviews may come from the fact that the whole book is quite ironc and semi-serious. For example, the chapter about "fattening your woman" I read as a statement "It is ok for a woman to be fat. Really ok, not just trying to be polite here". Threre is at least one man in the world who actually prefers plump girls, and there may be more like him. It is good to know (even though I am a "skinny bitch").

I don't know how useful the advice from this book can be for a man, but as a woman I can say that yes I would be attracted to a kind of man like ThornDaddy, because he seems to present (and promote) qualities I value such as respect and concern for others, sense of humour, intelligence, imagination, sexual stamina, imdependence.

I gave low rating only for ease of implementation, because I really don't know how I can even get started with this BDSM stuff. Also I don't rate effectiveness, because I have not tried it, and I am a woman, so this is not for me.

All in all, I recommend this book for any man to read. Maybe don't take everything too seriously, use what you like (and what you can ;)), leave out the rest.
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