How To Catch Your Cheating Lover

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Product Information
Edward Talurdey offers step-by-step methods on How To Catch Your Cheating Lover, including undeniable evidence gathering.
The material is intended for serious "inquiring minds" that want to know what their partner has been up to.
- The identity of the other man or woman
- The length of the affair
- The location(s) of the affair
- The intended future plans of the cheaters
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- How to catch a cheating partner red-handed
- What to say to expose the cheater as a liar
- A technique to immediately expose any affair
- Obtaining credit card statements
- Getting solid proof of an affair that seems unexplainable
- Why seeing a marriage counselor is not a good idea
- Divorce lawyer methods to get your partner to back down
- Get the upper psychological advantage over a cheating partner
- Tactics a cheater will use to throw you off their trail
- Avoid becoming a victim of your partners deceptions
- How to easily get a detailed cell phone record listing
- Eye contact signs that alert you to a nervous partner
- A device for immediately catching a cheating lover
- Body-language clues when the subject of infidelity is brought up
- Get the details of what your partner does online, even remotely
- How to find out the identity of the person behind seductive email messages
- 4 cycles of your sex life that identify whether or not your partner is having an affair
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Initial payment of $4.95 for 21-day trial. After trial, if you keep the system, you will be charged $42.05.