How To Become A Modern Viking - A Man's Guide To Unleashing The Warrior Within

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Product Information
Following the power and strength of ancient Viking culture, “Modern Viking” serves a practical, no-nonsense self-improvement book for becoming a better man. It is designed to help you build the body and mindset of a Viking warrior and applying your increased masculinity in the modern world.
The author takes you through his personal journey of becoming a modern Viking and the pride of building a strong and muscular body, embracing a natural mindset, and the confidence to achieve goals.
Some of the areas covered:
- Principles and guidelines to building a Viking body
- Thinking like a Viking to deal with overwhelming situations
- Becoming more assertive in social and professional situations
- A spreadsheet-free nutrition diet to eat as much as you want and still meet your goals
According to the author, Modern Viking is especially effective for bigger men, such as himself.
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
What’s In This Book
- Section Summaries
- This Book Isn’t For Everyone
- My Story
- Who Were The Vikings?
- We Stopped Being Real Men
- Have You Lost Your Way?
- Becoming A Modern Viking
Viking Body
- Why Build A Viking Body
- Viking Exercise Principles
- Winter Season & Raiding Season
- Lift Like A God
- The Modern Viking Diet
- Diet Supplements
- Viking Juice
- Viking Style
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $8.99
- Paperback $16.42
Guarantee / Terms:
See policy of product website