Hot Seat

Product Information
The “Hot Seat” from Real Social Dynamics (RSD) is an advanced program that utilizes “infield footage” of the most seasoned veterans in the game, as well as live commentary.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Seminar
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Unlock your potential by discovering how to model guys who are successful at picking up women
- Accelerate your learning by watching guys demonstrate how they use build attractive with hot women
- Get a sports-commentator hot seat critique of successful and failed pickups
- Video of guys trying to pickup women in real-world scenarios
- The similarities that guys who are successful with women have with you
- The difference between the male and female mechanisms of attraction
- Learn how to subtle body language cues to demonstrate your intent
- What signals you need to know when talking to a woman to know she is attracted to
- The principles of physical escalation
- Develop a sense of entitlement to improve your interacstions with women
- Develop a unique sexual magnetism that makes it easier for you to attract women
- Funny hidden camera videos while learning educational concepts to improve your game
- How to handle scenarios when you are trying to pickup women in front of their friends
- Deal with the root cause of insecurity, and shine with an 'inner light' that will mesmerize women
- Watch a compilation of openers to know exactly what to say and do when you meet a women
- Developing permanent confidence with women and increase your results
- How to use humor to your advantage in a way that creates sexual excitement!
- Properly use a wingman so that you make going out with your friends a much more successful experience
- Insights about how to have fun in bars and nightclubs in a way that attracts women
- The real truth about how much physical appearance affects your game
- How to get physically and verbally aggressive with women in a way that demonstrates sexual competency
- Build upon your conversational repertoire by watching guys talk to women
- Discover how to pickup girls of all ages when you are at any age.
- Hidden secrets so that you can develop a freedom of outcome
- Ideas about how to make your pickup experiences more innovative, creative, and entertaining
- An anatomy of the perfectly successful approaches
- The differences between attractively persistent guys versus a guy who is going to freak out the women
- How and when to kiss a women girl
- A series of blowouts to learn how to transform your failures into educational learning experiences
- The little things that kills your state so that you can prevent them from messing up your game
- The subtle distinctions that you must learn in order to “steal” beautiful women from your male rivals
- The secrets that will cripple the attempts of other guys and women that try to sabotage your game
- A detailed map of what you need to say and do in order to create a strong chemistry
- Successful pickups of guys approaching women by themselves, with their friends, in bars, on the street, etc.
- Develop ironclad solutions to every possible interaction and scenario to rapidly develop chemistry
- How to develop intense levels of love and compassion for women
- Master the subtle dynamics behind ‘different levels of rapport in a social interaction
- Discover the secret to using compliments in the right way to get women more interested in you
- Discover how even the most simple interactions can create powerful emotions in women
- Develop a razor sharp wit that will allow you to seduce highly attractive, intelligent women
- How to overcome the “I have a boyfriend” excuse
- Reasons that a woman will choose you over other guys
- Watch RSD Instructors pickup women in some of the most off-the-wall scenarios and situations
- A detailed breakdown of what to look for when you are talking to a woman
- Tap into the sexual charisma that most guys never fully experience with women
What You Get:
Full day "infield video" experience
Bonus Items:
- Tyler Live Seminar (Streamable Web Version included)
- Tyler Live Hot Seat Teleconference
Guarantee / Terms:
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
User Reviews of Hot Seat
Most Helpful User Reviews
"I Highly Recommend You Take It"
October 16, 2010
Nick (aka Papa) from RSD very kindly invited me along as a guest to his Real Social Dynamics Hotseat Seminar this weekend.
The seminar sales page advertises "Full Day 'Infield Video' Experience with live instructor breakdown and high potency interactive exercises. It goes on to describe how Tyler spent an entire year filming himself with hidden cameras doing pickups.
Nick's stated goals for the seminar were
- shorten your learning curve
- teach success with women as a set of principles
- demonstrate that the game is fun
- take your game to the next level through realistic clips from over 30
years of cumulative pickup experience.
I attempted to take some notes at the seminar, though since the bulk of the presentation (a good 95%) is spent on the videos, I found it too distracting to try to write and far more valuable to simply observe what was going on. There are a lot of subtleties in the videos that can be easy to miss. Nick points out many things to look out for, often pausing the video, but there were plenty of additional things that caught my attention, too.
Nick promised us a pdf handout to go with the seminar so that we didn't need to take notes, although at the time of the seminar, apparently Tyler was still working on the handout. Nick also promised an invite to see Tyler speak in LA, or an invite to a web cast of the event for those of us not likely to be travelling all the way out to LA.
The first set of videos we were shown featured Tyler and were used to demonstrate different levels of Intent. That is, "clarity in your thoughts, words and actions." They were shown without sound so we could watch just the physical actions without distractions. We saw Tyler engaged in different interactions with women, sometimes going in hard, other times, with a little less intention.
Next we got to see examples of Tyler opening. He's very freestyle and it looks like a difficult style to replicate for someone it doesn't suit. However, the videos are there to illustrate the principles of Freedom of Outcome - caring more about expressing yourself, rather than making an impression. There's lots of fun stuff, like spinning women when he meets them, telling them he loves them, wants to marry them, put a baby in their tummy, etc.
Then there's the set of videos of Tyler getting blown out, which illustrate Social Experiment Frame. He's getting blown out, but he's having fun. I picked up on things like how persistent he is. In these clips he is often saying "Wait ... wait ... wait ..." and physically pulling the women back in. He keeps going until the women practically beat him off.
After this there are a set of videos with the theme of Group Dynamics. There are both "right way" and "wrong way" examples. Tyler's not ashamed to show his mistakes. We see him alone dealing with an agressive cock-block and also see how he works things with a wing man in a similar situation.
Finally we see Tyler in some longer sets, including a start to finish street to house set, and also a daygame example of physical game which ends with Tyler rolling on the beach with his woman.
I was quite surprised at some of the things Tyler says and gets away with. He seems to like the "Sexual Predator" theme but often turns it into something that should sound very creepy, going on about his white van and lollipops. He also tells various different women to "punch me".
I noted all sorts of little pieces whilst watching. I'm sure different people would resonate with different parts but things that stood out for me were how Tyler gets in physically close to the women, how he would start kino with a one-handed spin, then move to holding both hands. These are things I've found work well for me before, so it was nice to see someone else doing the same things.
There were many many little tips just thrown out there during the videos - eg Tyler's habit of finding a way to convey the target's interest in him to the target's friends by pointing out her body language; or the observation that if a woman asks you to do something specific to her ("bite my neck again") then you should do it - in the Jeffy video the expression on her face after says exactly why.
After Tyler's videos, Nick showed us videos of Jeffy in action. The main video being a single pickup from bar to taxi home. We see the woman repeatedly resisting Jeffy's suggestions that they "get out of here". It's a great example of how to deal with this. Jeffy's game is noticeably different from Tyler's but it is still easy to see the same common principles - persistence, intent, body language, being unreactive and so on.
I was particularly impressed by Ryan's videos. Ryan used to post here on as GroundGame. He comes across as an entirely different character to Tyler or Jeffy, but his style still works for him. Again, with the same RSD principles in common. Notably his persistence in the long set shown where he literally carries the woman out of the club while she is screaming and protesting all the way. He goes above and beyond the call of duty in not only dealing with having the target spot his hidden camera team, but even having them interview her after the lay.
I liked that watching these videos I could see where I'd probably have gone wrong, but could also see how I wouldn't necessarily have been that far from getting a result, either. I found that very encouraging, especially the fact that none of this needs to be rocket science and that I recognised many things in the videos that I already do or have done.
There were plenty more videos, including those from instructors Brad and Alex, both of whom have very different styles. We got to see Brad's unusual line in fluff talk; speaking his mind and being directly physical. Alex's video showed a much wilder variety of party game, filmed right on closing time when the drink must have been flowing pretty freely.
I find it a bit harder to see myself behaving like Alex, but again the videos show how you can fit the principles around your own style. Alex's style works for him. His persistence in picking up a girl from the street in front of her mother is incredible. For all it looks unsubtle and crude there are still some surprising little nuances to it. Like for example the way he exploits auto-pilot responses - "birthday kiss" and "See ya!" kiss.
Finally, not only do we see footage of instructors pulling but we also get a brief shot of Jeffy instructing on a bootcamp and guiding one of his students towards a nice extraction and lay.
All of the videos presented during the day were filmed covertly. As such, the quality isn't like watching a TV show, however, I was amazed how close it got, on occasions. Night shots tended to be a bit green and fuzzy but sound quality was always excellent. The cameramen have generally done an excellent job of keeping their targets in shot with more than enough detail to see what is going on.
RSD also have gone out of their way to film as much of the pickup as possible, in one case following Tyler and his target leaving the club, then walking all the way back to the woman's house. In other videos the "pull" starts in the club, then finishes with the instructor getting in a taxi with their woman, giving directions back to his house. Jeffy's video finishes with us overhearing him over the radio mic from inside the taxi telling his woman that "The dude's got my keys. Shit! I'm going to have to break into my own house."
These really are complete pickup videos. Nothing like the crap you see so often on youtube of guys standing several feet away from women on the street making polite small talk. This is actual club pickup going sexual straight away.
The seminar finishes with the "high potency interactive exercises" which I felt were a bit of a tack-on. I think we perhaps needed them putting them into context a little more, or maybe having Nick say more about why we were doing them. I think I'd have been happier to have had more commentary on the videos, instead. The exercises were fun, I just wasn't quite sure what I learned.
For the record, the exercises were: Free Association; Describe something mundane with energy; Floating Thoughts; Positive Dominance Tonality; and Talking Through Distraction.
In summary, I thought this was an awesome seminar. I think watching is the next best thing to doing for learning and certainly light years ahead of listening to or reading a description. The videos are the real thing and in many cases went all the way from club to taxi to the lay. I spotted tons of things that I think will help my game, but mostly think I will benefit from the eye-opener of seeing exactly what is possible and just how far the guys push their game.
If you get the chance to go along to this seminar (especially at this price) then I highly recommend you take it. Papa has promised newer and even more hard core private videos for the RSD World Summit in Vegas in August.
Reposted with permission from
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February 20, 2014
Word of advise, don't take this bootcamp unless you have done a good amount of approaches. I'd say this program is only good for intermediate students...not beginners. I'd go out and do 100 approaches before doing this program.
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