God Is a Woman: Dating Disasters

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Product Information
This book discusses the experiences of Ian Coburn in approaching, dating, and dealing with women. It shows you how to cope with the inability to deal with women and how to turn the table to your favor.
- Meeting Women
- Relationship Skills
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Why I wrote this book (Introduction)
- God (Proof God is a woman)
- The Women's Names (A note about women's names)
- Too Much is no Good (A note about sex in general)
- Grand Prix Fiancee (A woman tries to run over me)
- Don't Tell My Mom (My gig with Drew Carey)
- First Date (The stupidest thing I ever said)
- The Package (An untimely gift in college)
- Go To Your Own Class (Accused of 'stalking' in college)
- Lingerie Party (The Monkees hook me up with lingerie models)
- Seize the Moment (Facing a high school crush years later)
- Rejected! (A collage of my most embarrassing rejections)
- Women can Fight (Brett Butler and Rocky LaPorte kick some butt)
- Damn Blizzard (God spoils big plans with a beauty via a blizzard)
- Swoon (The trouble trixies can cause)
- Rubber Band, Please (Too small for the job)
- Nikki Cox-Goldthwait? (Meeting Nikki Cox)
- Chivalry Ain't Dead (A knight in shining armor does not get the girl)
- Spread 'Em (Joan Cusack suggest a blind date with her friend)
- The Bitter Friend (Rita Rudner's cheap agent helps me out)
- The Bitter Babe (Picking up women on the warpath against men)
- With Friends Like These...(The friend who wants to be more)
- Wild Times (The downward spiral to behaving like a jerk)
- Man in the Mirror (My gig with Damon Wayans)
- The Bonedigger (Meeting people in a city like Chicago)
- Loose Ends (Conclusion)
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $3.51
- Paperback $16.95
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