Get Girls on Facebook

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Product Information
Ann Onymous has written a Facebook girl-getting program from a girls perspective, her own. It is designed to equip men for searching on Facebook and turning conversations into dates.
The program offers information and advice on what to say and do to push a girl's emotional buttons on Facebook. It also helps men "man-up" and get over weaknesses and fears.
Some of the areas covered:
- Understand the logic of women
- How to engage in a non-threatening way
- How to build up confidence
- How to package themselves
- The methods to successfully talk to girls on Facebook
The manual serves as a guide if you are new to Facebook or new to girl-getting.
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Why Facebook?
- Why girls enjoy spontaneously being flirted with
- Respecting the rules of the game, and yourself
- How girls have an insecurity radar
- Things you should not do when trying to get a girl
- The 4 personality traits of girls
- The chase - do girls really love it more than men?
- A woman's biggest turn-off
- The basic elements and profile preparation on Facebook
- What photos to put in your albums, and the do's and don'ts
- A 3-line opening dialogue script
- What matters when posting a status
- Advanced commenting tactics
- How to locate the hot girls
- How to approach the dating arena and setting up a date
- Non response helpers
- A seduction and charm weapon to hold a girl's interest
- Get into a girl's head with Facebook and generate emotional response from her
- Understanding "testing" mechanisms" when connecting and flirting online
- What you need to know about the friend zone
The Get Girls Quick Setup Checklist
- Items pulled from the main course to use as action steps
Conversation and Scripts
- Demo conversation examples from clients
Raw Girl Talk
- Audio of Ann’s two girlfriends discussing guys on Facebook, online flirting, and dating
- A list of sites that you should know about
- Coupons: Provide details of who you want to approach and receive tools to make a girl want you
What You Get:
Downloadable PDF and audio files.
Receive the full program for an initial payment of $7.95 and pay the remaining $49.00 balance in 14 days.
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee