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Product Information
The G3 Program is a 12-step program. It aims to help any man get a woman on his arm and in his bed. Covered in here are over three different ways to approach women. They are indirect, direct, and situational.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Step 1: Your Foundation
- The single most attractive/unattractive thing women see in a man -- and no, it's not his abs, his wallet or his car.
- The exercise that's inspired two job promotions and one man picking up and moving across the world to his dream location.
- That six basic tenets of creating an attractive life that women will be aching to be a part of.
Step 2: Fashion and Style
- Find out the one thing you can do to make yourself three times more physically attractive OVERNIGHT.
- Learn which colors look best on you and how to shop for them.
- Discover the most important piece of clothing to women and how to always impress them with it.
Step 3: Approaching Women
- 3 of the most efficient and effective opening lines that I use every time.
- How to recover from 99% of your "blow outs" with one simple statement.
- Exercises specifically designed to chip away at your approach anxiety until you can open women at will.
Step 4: Conversations I
- How to turn an icebreaker into a full-blown conversation with anybody.
- The SINGLE biggest tactic to make you seem twice as engaging when you speak to people.
Step 5: Conversations II
- The technique that kills awkward silences... for good.
- The basics of storytelling and how to do it to captivate entire groups of people.
- Exercises designed to train you to NEVER run out of things to say ever again.
Step 6: Sexual Intent
- Discover the two lines that never get a bad reaction from women, ever.
- Understand when you should compliment a woman and how to do it so that she sees you as a romantic interest, not just a "nice guy."
- Be able to read the signals women give when they're aroused and/or attracted to you. Never be in the dark again on how she feels.
Step 7: Passive Attraction
- Understand exactly what attraction is and how it relates to all of your actions and words.
- The 3 specific behaviors that determine one's dominance and how they attracted women like moths to a flame.
- Exercises that will push your comfort zone permanently force you to become more dominant and masculine.
Step 8: Active Attraction
- The 2 types of flirting and how they make girls giggle with joy when you do them.
- The 3 components of teasing well and how you need all three to build attraction in her.
Step 9: Texting and Phone Calls
- The 3 rules of following up with a woman and why you should never break them.
- Learn the 4 texting tactics that will get her to hang out every time.
- Finally know the correct voicemail to leave when she doesn't pick up.
Step 10: Dates
- Where you should take her on a date -- and no, you haven't thought of it before.
- Why lunch, dinner and movie dates are suicide and what to do with her instead.
Step 11: Physicality and Sex
- The 6-step process of sexually escalating with her.
- I give my absolute best tips on being the best she's ever had in bed.
- The best places to touch her to get her aroused, both in public and in private.
Step 12: Relationship Basics
- The biggest mistake 95% of men make when they commit to a woman and how to avoid it.
- 3 tell-tale signs that a woman is low self-esteem and high drama.
- The best way to manage women's expectations so that you may date more than one at a time.
What You Get:
- a collection of pick up advice for men (over 350 pages)
- 22 photos and video examples
- 4 hours of Audio Bonuses
- 83 Exercises and Challenges
- Community and Forums
- Email Coaching
Guarantee / Terms:
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