Foreplay Mastery

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Product Information
Former porn stars Alexa Aimes And Lexi Love introduce their “Foreplay Mastery” program designed to show men how to unleash the nymphomaniac in a woman. The program offers techniques to master foreplay and achieve enjoyable orgasmic experiences.
Aimes and Love breakdown and demonstrate the techniques.
Bonus items include:
- Supernatural Stamina
- Rock Hard Every Time
- The Dozen Deadly Signs She’s Faking It
- Size Doesn’t Matter: Get Her Off No Matter What
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- The DaVinci Kiss
- A secret porn industry technique
- Using the full body kiss to explore her body in a specific way
- Simple touches and kisses designed to make a woman horny
- A five step guide to give her the most unforgettable amazing oral sex
- “Pre-foreplay” to set you apart from other guys and raise her anticipation
- How to subliminally implant sexual ideas in a woman's mind that turn her on
- Fingering techniques to give a woman intense, full-body, multiple wet orgasms
- An oral technique that will give her so much pleasure she get's addicted to you
- The triple heartbeat technique causing her to feel as if your bodies are perfectly in sync
- The "Breath of Desire" kiss to make a woman melt with pleasure and do whatever you want
- A technique to bring a woman to the brink of orgasm and hold her there as long as you want
- How to use her body's natural rhythm to move your tongue in ways that feel the best to her
What You Get:
Online access
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
The World’s Best Lover Program (free trial)
IMPORTANT: Contact product owner directly regarding when the free trial ends / expires. The free trial is optional when purchasing Foreplay Mastery in the checkout area. If you continue The World’s Best Lover Program after the trial period, you will be billed $59.95 per month for four months. You will receive a new sex technique every two weeks.