Flawless Natural Method

Editor Review
"Good Information, Poor Structure"
Syboh Seven
Last Update: March 25, 2025
This product was released in 2008, with a lot of hype about its game-changing potential. It is all about teaching you how to become a “natural”, ie a guy who can approach anywhere, anytime, someone who attracts women naturally, just by being himself.The Method is broken down in 3 parts:
The Flawless Mindset
The Flawless Method
The Flawless Ecosystem
The programme therefore starts by covering “The Flawless Mindset”, which is based on equal value: the girl you approach does not have a higher value than you do. You don’t have to demonstrate higher value, because your perception of yourself is on an equal level, if not higher.
Therefore as you approach, you are not concerned with rejection, quite the opposite in fact: you are thinking “this girl is lucky, she is gonna go for a ride” – and YOU are the ride. And by the same token, you do not perceive her friends as obstacles, but as cheerleaders to your success.
Another concept I particularly liked was that pick up is not about girls at all. It’s a celebration of YOU. YOU are the only constant in every one of your pick up, therefore the only thing that matter is your progress and enjoyment.
A feeling of déjà vu
This is all great mindset stuff, and most experienced guys have reached those same conclusions. It is nicely explained here. There is one problem though: many of those concepts were all covered in depth in other products from the same company, namely, in Tyler Durden’s The Blueprint or Real Social Dynamics’ Transformations (where the same guy, Timothy Marc, had a 2 hours speech).“As far as you are concerned, you are the coolest motherfucker on the planet”? – seen in the Blueprint
“Entering the Woo”? – seen in the Blueprint, and in every Real Social Dynamics product since forever (it is, in fact, the old NLP/community technique of “state pumping”).
“Assumption of Glory”? – Blueprint.
“Giving yourself permission to be the cool guy?” - Blueprint.
“Everything must come from your own self amusement” - Blueprint.
“Sense of entitlement”? – Blueprint.
“Do not give a fuck what anyone thinks of you”? – Blueprint.
You get the idea. Different names occasionally, but same concepts.
So the bad thing is, a lot of this is not ground-breaking, especially if you have seen The Blueprint before. The good thing is, this program is a lot shorter than The Blueprint and in many ways it is more practical. Tim discusses heavy mindset stuff relatively briefly, and only to go straight into how to apply each principle in action.
You could say that if the Blueprint was the mindset-tweaking product, this could be the Action Manual for it.
The action manual for Blueprint-style pick up
In fact, on DVD 3 and 4, the practical side picks up even more. The idea of ‘feeling dangerous from the word ‘HEY’ and having strong masculine intent was good, and reminded me of Paul Janka’s teachings.The idea of using rejections to build a “Fury” that propels you into further adventures was excellent as well. Tim talks about having the attitude that nothing can stop you, an attitude of “I’m prepared to go in when others are not”. The “Russian mafia girl” was a cool illustration.
Another nice concept was to put the girl into a "you and me" bubble instead of a "you vs me" dynamic. You don't trick her to come home with you, she is happy to come along – this is a much better frame to be in, indeed.
Tim also covers the concepts of Chode Hope, the Pinpall, Internal Cheerleaders, and many more - some of them new stuff, but many are just old material with a new spin.
DVD 3 and 4 are by far the most enjoyable, but again the structure is lacking. Most of the "in field" videos, unfortunately, are also disappointing - very brief and you don't get to see or learn much. The “Flawless Ecosystem”, supposedly a third of the Method, is talked around the very end, and not developed at all besides saying “meet lots of people and you will have lots of girls”.
Bad structure, good information
All in all, this product is hard to rate. It is not bad but could have been much better with a proper structure. The DVDs were moving too slowly for me and all the renaming of old concepts was annoying.Upon reviewing my notes later though, I realized how much good information was hidden in this. I would still not recommend it to advanced guys – not that you wouldn’t enjoy watching it, but there isn’t enough new stuff to justify the price if you are at that level.
For beginners to intermediates though, this is a chance to see a quality “natural” mindset in full glory, and to put the Blueprint principles in action. Just make sure to take a lot of notes for later review - this is mostly a collection of stories and ideas, thrown at you one after another, and you will have to reach your own conclusions.
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Product Information
A step-by-step program that shows you how to attract and approach women with flawless charisma.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- DVD (Video)
- CD (Audio)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Disc 1: Flawless Fundamentals
- How to eradicate any trace of robotic pickup tactics
- How to unleash your deep masculine intent
- How to embrace the delusional sense of coolness
- How to amplify your attractive magnificence with flawless attitude
- How to unlock the blueprint of your ideal woman
- How to express your core purpose
- How to stop trying to pick up
- The dynamics of the Flawless Natural
- The 4 words that shatter the chances of your competition
- How to finally figure out how your unique natural attraction works
Disc 2: Flawless Approach Methodology
- Tools to generate a mesmerizing state of pure sexual intent
- The power of becoming spontaneously lovestruck
- How to ignite your inner man
- The power of 'Lording' the club
- The "vision of self" exercise
- How to blast through the "20 minute threshold"
- How to recognize the difference between player vs spectator
- How to captivate a woman
Disc 3: Flawless Attraction Mega-Dynamics
- Live demonstration of how to walk up to any group situation
- The key to unlocking your "inner man"
- The three words that cut-to-the-chase
- How to approach mixed groups of guys and girls
- How to set off the triggers of your core purpose
- The power of the animation range
- The inner mechanics of Tim's Rosetta Stone
- How to keep interest hot and intense throughout the night
- How to seduce
- Sample openers
Disc 4: Flawless Harmony Win-Win
- The keylock of glory
- The two words that destroy sexual charge
- The portal to a permanent state of confidence
- How to avoid the "You Vs Me" pitfall
- How to use the power of a word that can defuse negativity
- The Praying Mantis Claw
- The Bubble of Love
- How to jump-start her intrigue
- How to ignite passion, with just a few words
- How to close deals with a high value woman
Disc 5: Flawless Legendary Ecosystem
- The keys to running the phone game
- The radiant method of total belief
- How to generate rhythm and sexual intent
- How to develop your own Rythem 10 to 2
- How to adopt "Harmony Win/Win"
- How to obtain VIP status
- Tim's "Last Resort" techniques and tactics
- The perfect harmony of playfulness and sexuality
- How to put an end to awkward silences
Disc 6: Flawless Forever
- How to access core enjoyment while escalating with a girl
- How to go full sexual on a girl
- How to align yourself with your purpose
- How to dial in your sub-communications
- How to remove all judgments you have
- How to maintain your position of the aggressor
- How to talk to a girl with core congruence
- How to keep the conversation moving forward
- How to turn your voice into a weapon
- What never to do with a girl
- The House Builder exercise
- How to avoid deep, emotional subjects in a club
What You Get:
6 video DVDs ($269) or 6 audio CDs ($169)
2 bonus RSD Mastermind CDs
Guarantee / Terms:
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
User Reviews of Flawless Natural Method
Most Helpful User Reviews
"I Really Like It"
November 30, -1
Routines and gambits are great but the more i think about it the more I feel they are just training wheels, words to fill the silences with.
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"Really Good Inner Game Stuff"
November 30, -1
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"Good Program"
November 30, -1
The way Tim presents, just from taking his speaking as a good example you can learn a lot!
The motivation this program exudes, always gets you off the couch and into the club automatically!
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"A Bit Off the Wall"
November 30, -1
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"A Huge Disappointment"
January 13, 2009
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December 03, 2008
Its valuable because he is ALWAYS saying what he is thinking outloud, so you know all the little intricacys of how his mind works and what hes thinking. Oh, and not to mention the CLAW and Key Lock technique...
he also gives kickass names for everything...like his piece of shit car, he calls it the 'chariot', or the claw, he will call it the Claw of Glory...just awesome things, he takes uncool things and makes them awesome.
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