Finding Stephanie - A guide to understanding women and finding the girl of your dreams

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Product Information
"Finding Stephanie" from T Knud Carter is a guide to understanding women, navigating the world of dating and relationships and finding the girl of your dreams. It covers topics from learning what women really want, to dating, to sex and relationships.
The book is written as a story about 2 men who become friends as they look for the girls of their dreams. The book aims to have a style that is light and easy to read by using a story to try to relate to your own expeirences.
- Attracting Women
- Relationship Skills
- Masculine Sexuality & Sexual Skills
- Image, Physique & Style
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Ch. 1 What Women Really Want – A direct explanation which the author says leads to everything else about relationships making sense… And this isn’t warmed over, feel good stuff you read in some women’s magazine.
Ch. 2 Improving Your Image – Once you understand women you learn to present yourself as the kind of man women are looking for.
Ch. 3 Choosing the Right Women – This has to be one of the biggest mistakes men make. Learning to get this right will pay dividends your entire life.
Ch. 4 How To Meet Those Women – It’s simple and honest and risk free when done right. This gets way over-complicated by men.
Ch. 5 Dating – Learn to understand women’s expectations for a date and learn to fill those expectations.
Ch. 6 It Takes All Types – Ever run into manipulators, gold diggers, selfish girls, angry girls, critical girls, cold girls or…dare I say it…bitches? This chapter explains how to deal with them.
Ch. 7 Sex – This chapter is not what you think it will be. It’s about sex but approaches it in a way that you won't have heard it explained before.
Ch. 8 The Relationship – Ah, you’ve reached nirvana. Not so fast. This includes advice on what to watch out for and how to keep the relationship strong.
Ch. 9 Problems in the Relationship – Learn the red flags and warnings. Learn to deal with the problems. Learn which problems are fixable and which ones are terminal.
Ch. 10 Love and Marriage – It can be great and this chapter is intended to make sure it is great and not…uh, how to put this…not so great.
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