Facebook Seduction System   

Facebook Seduction System
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"Good For Learning How To Use Facebook, Disappointing For How To Seduce Girls On Facebook"

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Last Update: March 25, 2025
The Good
Gives a good overview of what many guys do wrong when trying to meet girls on Facebook. Details a few specific ways to give you the best chance of having girls you don't know accept your friend requests. The bonus book The Badboy Blueprint has some solid information in it.
The Bad
The book says its aim is to show you how to find fuck buddies on Facebook, but it stops short of covering anything related to seduction. Not enough examples and detail provided for the areas on getting girls attracted to you. One of the bonus books on Internet Dating Mastery couldn't be downloaded from the website.
The Bottom Line
If this product were marketed more along the lines of how to meet girls on Facebook, it would do a better job of delivering on its claims. But throughout the book it continually says that the aim is for you to be able to find and filter fuck buddies whenever you want, but doesn't tell you how to do so. The author makes a lot of claims about the women he has hooked up with, but sounds young and lacking sexual experience or else does not know how to teach the skills needed get the results the book says you will achieve.

If you have limited experience with Facebook but some understanding already of general dating skills, this product can give you a good working knowledge of how to use the world's largest social networking site. If you possess a working knowledge of Facebook and are expecting this product to give you secret tips on how to get girls off the site and into your bed, you might find it a little underwhelming.


I'll start out this review by pointing out that even though this product has been released by Dean Cortez, he states that the main book, Facebook Seduction, was written by a student of his, Brandon Buckley. I have never heard of Buckley before and know nothing about him, but be aware that throughout this review when I refer to the author, I am talking about Buckley, and not Dean Cortez.

With the huge popularity of Facebook these days, it's only natural that there's going to be a lot of guys trying to use it to hook up with women. Consequently, there are an increasing number of dating coaches and internet marketers promoting their systems on the best and most effective ways to use the networking site to date and seduce women.

Unlike online dating sites, Facebook was never designed for the purpose of strangers meeting each other. As Buckley points out in this book, Facebook actively takes measures to make sure people aren't abusing the site and using it for dating purposes. So if you are wanting to use the site to meet girls you don't already know, you need to be smart about it so that your account doesn't get flagged by Facebook.

The Facebook Seduction System claims that it will show you how to get past these obstacles, then you will be able to seduce and bed a whole array of women who live near you. The problem is, this book makes it sound easier than it actually is, and doesn't give you all the tools necessary to make this actually happen. This book seems to be aimed more at guys who want to take the lazy approach and think that you can get a buffet of hot women all from the comfort of your living room.

The fact that the author states he no longer goes out to bars on the weekend or approaches girls in the real world because he relies on Facebook, is an indicator that he might not be someone you want to emulate. The best dating coaches stress the importance of having different ways to meet women, not just relying on one such as online dating. Here, Buckley briefly mentions all the 'negatives' of approaching women in real life, and why Facebook is far superior.

The problem with this is that it's just giving easy answers to guys who don't want to put in the effort to improve themselves and their success with women. Becoming a more attractive man involves putting in a certain degree of work and takes effort on your part, so advice here like how you can sit in your underwear 24/7 on your couch and meet women is ultimately counterproductive. Sure, use Facebook to try and met some new women, but women will be more attracted to a guy who has a life in the real world and who has developed confidence from approaching women face to face.

How To Meet Girls On Facebook
The book focuses on how to set up your profile to be most effective to attract women. One of the main ways it does this is through showing you what not to do. The author has picked out a few random Facebook profiles of guys and highlighted the things that they are doing wrong. This is pretty good advice, albeit quite basic, about not posting half-naked or creepy photos, making sure you use proper spelling and grammar, and not posting anything that looks like it would belong on the profile of a teenage girl.

Obviously choosing the right photos plays an important part in creating an attractive Facebook profile, and the author here gives some solid advice on how to select six different types of photos that will give you a well-rounded and more attractive vibe.

The author correctly points out that nowadays it's very common for attractive women to have their profiles set to private. This means that you can't see their profile unless you are in her list of Facebook friends. So basically, a lot of the strategy in this book involves ways for you to entice girls to add you to their list of friends so that you can communicate with them.

Some of the ways you can do this that are explained in more detail in the book, are making posts on her wall, making interesting posts on your own wall that will get 'liked' by many people, tagged photos, games and apps, groups and pages, and a few others. Most of the ideas here are good for the most part, but perhaps a few more examples would have been helpful.

There is advice given on constructing your bio and your timeline. I found the advice for your timeline to be pretty much correct, while the examples for your bio seemed a bit contrived and cheesy. Including things about how your goal in life is to make sure no more children starve or no dogs die in the street, to me is the kind of things people post but don't actually mean. If you are into humanitarian endeavors and want to post what is important to you, by all means do so. But it comes across as a bit lame when guys post ideological clichés that have no relevance to them in an attempt to show off their sensitive side. And for attracting girls that you just want to have casual relationships with, you're better off displaying your fun and exciting side where possible.

Questionable Tactics
There are a few suggestions in the book that fall into a gray area, and you will have to use your own judgment as whether you want to follow the advice or not. One of the tactics the author suggests, is hiring girls from a website where girls will pretend to be your girlfriend for a week on Facebook if you pay them. So they will write messages on your wall that show you have an attractive girl interested in you, which in turn can make other attractive girls more interested in you.

Personally, this is not something that I would do myself, but I'm not going to say the tactic couldn't work. But this is taking a short term approach and is an example of how not going out and meeting real women will be to your detriment. If you have to pay women to write nice messages about you, then your overall lifestyle cold use some work and spending all your time on Facebook is not going to solve this problem. The other issue with this tactic is if it somehow gets revealed that you're paying women to pretend to be your girlfriend, what does this say about you to everyone who finds out? Any women who may have been interested in you on Facebook beforehand, will be creeped out after they find this out.

Some of the other tactics basically amount to stalking a girl's profile and trying to find as much information about her as you can use. So when you find out something she has a strong interest in, you feign a passion for that so that you have an excuse to try and start up a conversation with her. There's a couple of potential issues with this. One, is that from the way the author describes some of these practices, it sounds incredibly time consuming. You could be spending a huge amount of time gathering information on a girl, checking her whole Facebook history for information, only to send her a message and she doesn't respond because she doesn't know you.

The second issue is the creepiness factor of stalking a girl's profile. As the author points out a number of times through the book, you don't want to appear as one of the creepy guys on Facebook who stalks girls on the site. Guys who post too many messages on the girl's wall, or comment on all of their photos come across as low value and needy. So for example, he says not to make a comment on an old photo of hers, because it shows you have been looking through her photo albums. But he advocates spending time looking at all her photos and timeline and everything you can find on her.

So basically he suggests acting in a creepy way, but making sure you don't let them know you're being creepy. He continually refers to other guys as losers and creeps for their tactics of stalking girls, while he is guilty of the same tactics himself but just makes sure he hides it from the girls.

This is symptomatic of one of the biggest problems I had with this product, which is that it's more focused on creating the illusion of being attractive rather than actually becoming so. There are a couple of chapters here that acts as an overview as to what constitutes high value and attractive behavior versus low value behavior. It reminded me of a lot of the old school teachings from Mystery back before The Game was first published.

Back then a lot of the dating tactics involved using routines and gambits from other people to convey attractive traits about yourself, but for the most part involved lying about who you are and creating an attractive persona. There are similar elements at play here in this book, and it is up to you if you want to employ tactics that might get you short term results or if you want to focus on the bigger picture.

Lack Of Case Studies
Since this product states that it has the aim to teach you how to find fuck buddies on Facebook, it was disappointing that there were no specific examples shown of how the author has achieved this, from start to finish. There are a few average examples given of a first message to send (such as asking if you go to the same school) that to me don't sound any better than what most guys probably write anyway. There are examples of general messages to send, of how you might get a phone number etc.

But there isn't a single specific example referenced of the author sleeping with a girl from Facebook. He claims he has slept with tons of girls from the site, and this could be true, but I do have my doubts about this. The fact that he speaks in vague generalities rather than giving specific examples is strange. It shouldn't have been too hard for him to include a written transcript of a whole conversation from the initial message through to exchanging numbers, that provided a blueprint of sorts for his system. Something that included obvious signs that the girl was sexually interested in him and that the system works.

For an example of what I mean, you can check out The Gentleman's Guide To Online Dating, written by Love Systems instructor Cajun, that includes a number of complete transcripts from the initial message all the way through to the point of the girl agreeing to meet up for sex.

Facebook Seduction though seems to leave out the seduction part of the equation. Things that the author claims are techniques to help you get laid, in fact aren't. He has what he claims is a '3 point fuck formula' that is pretty much laughable and in no way will it increase your chances of getting laid as he suggests. The author seems to have a superficial understanding of dating knowledge which makes me question his real world experience.

The couple of pages where he gives you his secret to make women 'crave to fuck you' don't really add up. To paraphrase, he talks about how you want to get women doing things for you. This tactic is known as compliance, and is used to get a woman investing in you. But the author says that once you get a girl on Facebook doing things for you and investing in you, she is going to be desperate to fuck you. This is just blatantly untrue, and leaves out so much of the process of creating a sexual relationship that it doesn't deliver on the promise of the book.

When it comes to meeting in real life, the only advice is on how you shouldn't take her to a movie or anywhere expensive, and how you should pay for her but suggest she pays next time. This is given about five pages of coverage and is the only part dedicated to face to face interaction. It's very basic advice that is quite common in the dating community and the book makes no attempt to explain how to escalate on the date so that you can develop some type of relationship.

A Rushed Product?
There are many mistakes and indicators throughout this book that lead me to believe that it was rushed and not given the attention it deserves. At times there are sections of the book that contain so many odd word choices and mistakes that I find it hard to believe that it was written by someone who speaks English as a first language. Whereas other sections of the book are really well written, the tonal inconsistencies lead me to believe that the book wasn't written by just one person.

Whether Dean Cortez wrote part of the book and Brandon Buckley other parts I'm not sure. It almost reads at times as if someone were told to take the common advice from the dating community and structure it in a way so that it applies to Facebook just to help pad out the book. I mean it is so bad that if it were read through even once there are dozens of mistakes that could be easily corrected, so why not have it edited and presented more professionally? Having the same paragraph repeated twice in a row and mistakes in headlines that confuse the meaning is just plain lazy.

There are a few different bonuses that come with the main product. One of them is on online dating mastery, and for whatever reason, this file couldn't be downloaded from the site. Having technical problems like this is pretty poor, but I'm sure it will get corrected soon enough.

Another of the bonuses is an ebook written by Cortez, called the Badboy Blueprint. This is a book from another one of his courses, but the content in here is pretty good. This will be particularly helpful to guys who come across as a nice guy, and is a collection of ideas and tactics that Cortez learnt after years of having limited success with women.

While one of my main criticisms of Facebook Seduction is the lack of practical experience the author seems to have, in the Badboy Blueprint it is quite obvious that Cortez has a lot of relevant experience and knows how to attract women. There are a lot of practical examples and snippets of conversations you can use or just internalize to get the badboy attitude down. One thing to be careful of, is that some of the advice borders on crossing the line and making you appear arrogant, so be careful not to overdo it.

There is also an audio interview of Dean Cortez and Mark Manson on the topic of one night stands. This was a solid interview with the advice pretty spot-on, mostly about how most guys are too conservative in nightclubs and are content to take phone numbers, when women are often wanting to go home with the guy if only he will be more aggressive and make it happen.

Monthly Program
If you buy this product you will become enrolled in a monthly coaching program, called The Mastermind Club. The first month you get for free so you can check it out to see if you like it. You can choose to opt out of the program, otherwise you will be billed $39.95 a month for the new content.

There is a combination of ebooks, audio and video that make up the content. The content might be promotional products from other coaches or companies, or short books on a particular topic taken from other products. It's really going to be up to you to decide if this is something you want to invest in, but from the first month's content there doesn't appear to be anything revolutionary here.

For example, there is a mini ebook on bodybuilding training. It is a really general overview with not much detail and includes descriptions of how to do some exercises where you really need pictures or video. If you wanted to learn about bodybuilding, you would be better off getting information off an authority in that field, not from here.

Most of the other content is related to dating though, such as another coach showing a video clip of him doing a daygame approach. This is to promote his own course and is a video that you could find for free on YouTube, so doesn't offer a lot of value as part of this Mastermind Club.

The Bottom Line:
If this product were marketed more along the lines of how to meet girls on Facebook, it would do a better job of delivering on its claims. But throughout the book it continually says that the aim is for you to be able to find and filter fuck buddies whenever you want, but doesn't tell you how to do so. The author makes a lot of claims about the women he has hooked up with, but sounds young and lacking sexual experience or else does not know how to teach the skills needed get the results the book says you will achieve.

If you have limited experience with Facebook but some understanding already of general dating skills, this product can give you a good working knowledge of how to use the world's largest social networking site. If you possess a working knowledge of Facebook and are expecting this product to give you secret tips on how to get girls off the site and into your bed, you might find it a little underwhelming.

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Product Information

This system is designed to help you find and seduce women on Facebook and other internet dating sites. It is based on advice from Dean as well as from one of his students who experienced incredible success with picking up girls on Facebook and other sites.

Areas covered:

- The Facebook Seduction System manual: focuses on meeting and interacting with women on Facebook
- Facebook Seduction System Audio Course: an audio version of systemThe Facebook Seduction System
- Online Dating Domination Toolkit: teaches online dating skills on Facebook, as well as other dating sites
- Facebook Badboy Blueprint: teaches you how to come off as a "bad boy" to women who desire this in men

Attracting Women
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
  • eBook
  • Download (Audio)
  • Download (Video)
Hot Topic Tags:
Online Dating
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Dean Cortez
Release Date:
June 01, 2013
Price: $47.00


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Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

Part 1 - Helps you filter through and find women who are most likely to be willing to meet up with you. It also teaches how to get past being just friends.

Part 2 - Teaches you how to expand to picking up women on dating sites, specifically focusing on creating a desirable, attractable profile.

Part 3 - Focuses on being perceived as a "bad boy" by women online, and taking charge to increase your chances of meeting women in person.

What You Get:

Downloadable ebook, audio file, and videos

Note: You will receive 30-day access to the Mack Tactics VIP Mastermind Club unless you uncheck the box when ordering. You receive audio lessons, videos, and ebooks designed to help you overcome many different challenges and to improve the quality of your relationships with women. This membership costs $39.95 per month after the initial 30 days. You can cancel anytime by sending an email to customer support.

Guarantee / Terms:

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

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