Expectation Hangover - Free Yourself from Your Past, Change Your Present & Get What You Really Want

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Product Information
Christine Hassler offers a treatment plan for recovering from disappointment when our expectations are not met. The author shows how to ease the suffering of an “Expectation Hangover” by learning how to process it on an emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual level.
This book is intended to help you understand why your hangover took place and moving on to pursue your goals.
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If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Forward by Lissa Rankin, MD
Introduction: What to Expect
Chapter One: My Expectation Hangovers
Chapter Two: The Whats and Whys of Expectation Hangovers
- “Expectation Hangover” Defined
- Why Expectation Hangovers Happen
Chapter Three: What Does Not Work
- Distraction
- Numbing the Pain
- Being Strong
- Pep Talks
- The Next Best Thing
- Spiritual Bypass
Chapter Four: Awareness and Acceptance
- The First Step Out of Disappointment
Chapter Five: A Holistic Prescription for Treating Your Expectation Hangover
- Role-Playing Rx
Chapter Six: The Emotional Level
- How We Suppress Emotions
- Role-Playing Rx: The Surfer
- But I’m Not Angry!
- The Power of Vulnerability
- Make a Date with Your Feelings
- Conclusion
Chapter Seven: The Mental Level
- Your Story
- Role-Playing Rx: The Horseback Rider
- Thought Time Travel
- Conclusion
Chapter Eight: The Behavioral Level
- Role-Playing Rx: The Scientist
- Compensatory Strategies
- Your Superpowers
- Avoidance Traps
- Your Core Values
- Conclusion
Chapter Nine: The Spiritual Level
- The Goal Line versus the Soul Line
- Your Spiritual Curriculum
- Role-Playing Rx: The Seeker
- Living Inside Out
- Surrendering to a Higher Power
- Lesson Quest
- Your Life Purpose
- Conclusion
Chapter Ten: Managing Your Expectations
- The Secret Sauce for Pursuing Goals
Chapter Eleven: Quick Fixes That Work
- Quick Fix 1: Stop People-Pleasing
- Quick Fix 2: Go Your Own Way
- Quick Fix 3: Don’t Go to a Chinese Restaurant for Nachos
- Quick Fix 4: Wake Up from Comparison Comas
- Quick Fix 5: Be of Service
- Quick Fix 6: Be a Kid
- Quick Fix 7: Gorge on Gratitude
About the Author
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $9.99
- Paperback $12.51
- Hardcover $20.36
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