Evolution and Human Sexual Behavior

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Product Information
In "Evolution and Human Sexual Behavior", the authors draw upon evolutionary theory, genetics, neuroscience, comparative primate research, and cross-cultural sexuality studies in exploring the various patterns in human sexuality.
It is a survey of the evolutionary science of human sexual behavior and why human beings remain fascinated with sexuality.
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If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- The Evolution of Sex, Sex Differences, and Human Sexuality
- The Garden of Variety: Cross-Cultural Variation in Human Sexuality
- Love and Maybe Marriage: Patterns of Pair-Bonding and Romantic Love
- Raising Human Sexuality: Processes of Sex Differentiation and Sociosexual Expression
- Play at Sex: Learning, Practicing, and Developing Socialsexual Behavior in Context
- Welcome to the Party: Puberty and Adolescent Sexual Development
- Kinsey Takes Anatomy Class: Human Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology within Evolutionary Perspective
- Turning the Key: Human Sexual Response and Orgasm
- The Evolution of Baby Making: Mechanisms of Fertility, Infertility, and Variation in Fertility Outcomes
- Born to Be Less Wild: Peripartum Shifts in Human Sexuality
- The Sands of Time: Aging and Sexuality
- Sexual Revolutions: Contemporary Human Sexual Practices
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $29.70
- Hardcover $42.00
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