Everyone's Guide to Online Dating: How to Find Love and Friendship on the Internet

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Product Information
This guide teaches you about online dating in order to improve your social life. This book was written specifically for UK daters.
- Kindle eBook
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If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
An Introduction to Online Dating
- What is online dating
- What's in it for me
- A brief history of online dating
- Will online dating work for me
- Online dating requirements
- Common myths and misconceptions
- Online vs traditional dating
- The personal checklist
Finding the Right Site
- The different types of dating sites
- Choosing a site
- Is this the right site for me
- The free trial - making the most of it
- Avoiding scammers
- A note about the beautiful people
- A fairly incomplete list of popular dating sites
Your Profile and You
- Make yourself stand out
- Setting up your profile
- Placeholders
- Men scan, women read
- Your objectives
- Building a good profile from the ground up
- The personal blurb
Your Picture
- Why upload a picture
- Do looks really matter online
- Uploading your picture
- Your objectives
- Women try harder
- Taking pictures
- Good pictures, bad pictures and how to choose
- Different pictures and what they say about you
Finding the Right People
- Different search types
- Less is more, more is less
- Timescale for seraching
- A note about long-distance relationships
- Reading profiles critically
- Giving people a chance
The First Move
- Should I contact people or wait for them to contact me
- Women get more messages
- How many people should I contact
- Sending a signal
- Replying to signals
- The first message
- When you are turned down
- Replying to unwanted messages
Online Interaction and Beyond
- Getting to know each other
- Your objectives
- Pacing yourself
- How many people should I talk to
- The different means of interaction
- Learning about people online
- Dating with dead ends
- Letting people down gently
Online Safety Rules at a Glance
- Exercise caution
- The dangers
- Am I being paranoid
- Keeping your information personal
- Safety Dos and Don'ts
- A note about moderation
Problem Users and How to Deal With Them
- Scammers
- Liars and cheats
- Offensive users
- Stalkers and bullies
- Further reading
Metting Up
- How soon should you meet
- A date is just a date
- Be yourself
- Reality vs fiction
- The perfect date
- The time, the place
- Safety tips for your first date
- The danger signs
- Dealing with shyness
- Who pays for the first date
- Should I bring her flowers
- Should I sleep with him on the first date
- Beyong the first date
When Things Go Wrong
- Is it the site or is it me
- Taking a look at yourself
- Common problems and possible reasons behind them
Other Ways of Meeting People Online
- Alternatives to online dating sites
- Online personals
- Chats/chat rooms
- Social networking sites
- Forums, groups and message boards
- Online gaming
- Blogs and onlien communities
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $6.08
- Paperback $14.99
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