The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

Editor Review
"The Book that Introduced the World to the Hidden Society of Pick Up Artists"
You will not learn actual techniques from this book, but it will MOTIVATE you to get started like it has done for thousands of men around the world.
Note: This review and the rating have been done from the perspective of learning to get more success with women. They do not reflect the 'entertainment' value of the book itself - the book is a very entertaining read.
A Documentary - Not Fiction
Some people I have come across, particularly women have thought this was a fictional story. Having witnessed most of what takes place in this book, I can only say - sorry - it isn't. Some people would like to believe that the world is how they see it today and not have that image ruffled. The good news, is that, most guys will find it opens their eyes to the possibilities - this is the positive way to take it. I have met a few which fear the world of male-female relations that it describes and so reject it. That doesn't, of course, change the reality of it.Heralding a Huge Growth in Popularity of Pick Up Artistry and its Training
Shortly after the book's release, the number of students enrolling in dating coaching bootcamps grew exponentially, and the number of pick up artists that began commercializing their knowledge exploded. The book's popularity helped Mystery, who takes front stage in the documentary-story, to sign his reality TV show with VH-1 - The Pick Up Artist Season 1, after which there has also been a follow up The Pick Up Artist Season 2.A Starting Point for Newbies to Dating Advice
Everyone I have spoken to who has read this book has found it inspiring, and a large majority of the world's dating advice students only took an interest after reading this book. In particular, I remember what one of my buddies said when he read it, "You always knew it was there... but noone talked about it, you always knew there was a reason the worst guys seemed to get the girls.. and there it is, you finally get it. The curtain is drawn on the big secret."
That is the value of this book - it will 'open your eyes' to the possibilities. It will not teach you anything, except that what you already subconsciously knew about the world and men and women relations, is actually true.
What the Book is Not
Do not expect to learn any pick up techniques from this book. It is a story. Or more to the point a documentary of events of the society of pick up artists, wrapped up into a story. Whilst some techniques are highlighted as the story unravels in this book, there is no real explanation of these and it has been known for readers of the book to apply techniques erroneously as they try to take the very limited information on skillsets in the book and apply it.The Bottom Line
If you don't know what the seduction / pick up artist community is, then you should buy this book. It will introduce you to some of its originators, its culture and open your eyes to what it is possible to achieve with women. It also provides some insight into where and how a lot of today's dating advice has come into being, and how reliable it is.Whilst it is not essential reading, it is a strong recommendation. 99% of students of dating advice have read this book, and it helps you to situate yourself amongst all the instructors and terminology you will come across.
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Product Information
The true story of how Neil Strauss (a well known author of Rock Biographies, and writer for Rolling Stone/ New York Times) became part of the secret pick up community and went on to become one of its leading members.
The book follows Neil Strauss, Mystery (Erik von Markovik) and other Pick Up Artists on their journey to success with women, and the beginnings of the first Pick Up Artists teaching their skills to other men.
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Step 1: Select a Target
Step 2: Approach and Open
Step 3: Demonstrate Value
Step 4: Disarm the Obstacles
Step 5: Isolate the Target
Step 6: Create an Emotional Connection
Step 7: Extract to a Seduction Location
Step 8: Pump Buying Temperature
Step 9: Make a Physical Connection
Step 10: Blast Last-Minute Resistance
Step 11: Manage Expectations
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Paperback $6.30
- Kindle $8.00
- Imitation leather copy $24.44
Guarantee / Terms:
See policy of product website
User Reviews of The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists
Most Helpful User Reviews
"An inpirational story, but not learning material"
August 17, 2010
The Game is a fun read, but by no means is it a book to really learn your game from. Don't read it expecting to learn how to talk to girls. There is no learning structure. It is just a great, entertaining story.
It is kind of known as the book that everybody starts with. And that's fine. But after you read it, read some material that actually is meant to teach you how do to the stuff in the game, or other stuff.
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"It Opened My Eyes."
March 23, 2006
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"It's Vague"
March 27, 2006
He's got game..thats for sure, but he just gives examples, A sheet full of openers would have given his book an A+ rank..but its only a C as its vague.
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"I did Find my Self Skipping Past Parts"
September 19, 2006
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"The Game was not Good"
April 22, 2006
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"Strauss wrote an Excellent Book. "
December 27, 2005
Honestly my game is close to perfect however this read has given me more of an idea to help my already perfect game get better...Cudos Mystery and Styles
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"A Great Motivational Story"
April 28, 2009
It's all about what you want to get out of this whole thing. I would never say Mystery is not good cause that would be a lie but lets face it there are some guys out there who are insane. I personally feel like if they had the PR he did they would be considered the best.
Now with all this talk that seems like Mystery bashing I want to say this. I use Mystery's stuff and in no way do I want it to seem like I dont respect him or Style. But I must also tell what my opinion is to give my respect to the community and the other mPUA's out there.
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"The Game is Only About How Style Became a Pickup Artists"
January 02, 2010
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"Where it all began. Motivation only. "
November 01, 2010
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December 31, 1899
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