End Game

Editor Review
"Encourages Growth And Self-Development Through Examining The Motivations Behind Everything You Do"
People who are more into the self-development side of things will probably find this book an interesting read, but those just looking for dating advice probably will find it tough to get through. It's a challenging read and will make you confront a lot of opinions you currently have.
A lot of the ideas here are based off the teachings from a particular author whose work has been discredited and disproven by science. While End Game doesn't get into the more bizarre pseudo-science elements from his work, be aware that most of what is presented here is just theory and opinion, there is no scientific justification to any of it.
So this book is written as more of a novel than an information product. Throughout the book LoGun is constantly describing the environment he and Steven are in as well as going into detail on the actions they are taking. Everything from what the ocean looks like, to what people around them are doing, to every little movement LoGun makes are described in detail every few paragraphs.
The result is that this is a very long book that will take you a while to get through. Combined with the really dense subject matter it makes for a tough read at times. If you like products that just cut to the chase and give you the information you want, you might find this book frustrating. If you prefer something you can sink your teeth into and that really takes time to tell a story, you might appreciate this more.
Purpose Of This Book
The focus of End Game isn't so much about women as much as it is about yourself. Even though Steven comes to LoGun because he wants more success with women, he goes on a journey where he discovers that he has to change himself first.
Women are the underlying motivation behind Steven's quest, but there is no direct mention here of specific things to help you with women. The idea is that by becoming a more well-rounded and happier person you will have a better chance to naturally attract women into your life.
If you like material that focuses on 'inner game' and self-development in general, you'll probably find this book really interesting. If you are hoping for something that gives specific advice on how to interact with women, this isn't really for you.
To really benefit from this book, you need to be at a place where you're open to hearing this information. This is something that Steven found out himself when none of his friends from the pick up community wanted to hear his thoughts and feelings on what he learned from LoGun.
Negative Stereotyping Of The Seduction Community
Steven is hanging out with some friends from the seduction/pick-up community the first time he meets LoGun. The PUA guys are all nervous and clueless with women, while LoGun is effortlessly attracting every woman he talks to.
As this book is mostly fiction, it's not clear if this event actually took place. But it does set the tone for the rest of the book where the seduction community is portrayed in a negative light. Incidentally, LoGun has published another book called Seduction Community Sucks, so his views on the matter are pretty clear.
Some of his criticisms are warranted at times, but the main problem is that he stereotypes the seduction community as being a single entity and offers no distinctions within it. If someone were to criticize the fitness industry as a whole for promoting a culture of steroid abuse, this would be unfair as it doesn't reflect the attitudes of most of its members.
Similarly, the pick-up community is very large and has people advocating different ideas and philosophies. It's not accurate to lump everyone together and say they all have the same motivations, desires and behaviors.
Knowing Your Pathway
The meat of the book revolves around the theory that we are all on different pathways in life either based around getting, doing or creating. There are different levels within each of these and the idea is that as you transcend each level you grow as a person. As a result, the further along you are, the more attractive to women you are likely to be.
It's all explained in a lot of detail, but the core idea is that your underlying motivations for what you're doing are what determines which pathway you're on. If you're looking to use women as a way to get something, then you're going to be at one of the lower levels.
Some dating instructors teach the idea of 'giving value' for this reason. So when you're interacting with women the goal is to not want anything, but just to express yourself and be in the moment. But as LoGun explains here, if you're doing this as a technique to make women attracted to you, it's not authentic and you're still stuck in the getting mindset.
This is explained a lot further through the conversations he has with Steven, who generally keeps coming to the realization that whatever new thing he is trying to do is motivated by him wanting to get something from women.
The conversations take place at various intervals over the course of a number of months. Steven always has new questions and struggles with a lot of what LoGun teaches him. This is one of the issues of the product - it's very hard to implement. You can't suddenly just change your motivation for everything that you do, and to really apply all of these ideas is going to be a continual, most likely lifelong, process.
The more you really know yourself and what you want out of life the easier you'll find the process. Essentially the goal is to find happiness from doing the things you love in life and offering your gifts to the world, without expecting anything in return. There's more to it than that but that's kind of it in a nutshell.
Scale of Consciousness
The principles that underline End Game are based on the teachings of David R. Hawkins, a spiritual teacher and author. It's outside the scope of this review to delve too far into what all his ideas are, but a few things are worth pointing out.
The different pathways that LoGun talks about in this book are concepts from the Scale of Consciousness, originated by Hawkins. The general idea is that people vibrate at different levels of consciousness depending on how far along the pathway they are, and that everything in the universe can be assigned a number between 1 and 1000 depending on it's level of consciousness.
Hawkins uses incorrect mathematical formulas and scientific theories that have been disproven by the scientific community. Some of the other ideas he teaches are downright ludicrous and he has been called everything from a charlatan to a cult leader.
His work is merely speculation and personal opinion, and when his theories have been put to the test they have failed. So be aware that the different pathways that are spoken of here are merely the personal beliefs of this man, there is no verifiable truth to any of it.
Now that doesn't necessarily mean the ideas have no merit, as you can still take the principles taught and extract value from them. To his credit, LoGun leaves out most of the pseudo-science from Hawkins and instead just focuses on the more useful elements.
Rather than being about increasing your vibration frequency, the focus is on finding happiness from within and not needing to find it from external sources. It's about figuring out the kind of life you want to live, the kind of man you want to be and the way you want to interact with the world around you and everyone in it.
LoGun has attached an addendum to End Game, to help answer the most common questions he has received from readers since the book was first published. Because of the complex subject matter, it's clear that a lot of guys struggle with how to best make sense of it and how to implement it. Apparently he is working on a total rewrite of this book, but this addendum is included to help clear things up in the meantime.
What it does though is kind of contradict what was written in the main book, and includes completely new terms on the basis of the old ones being no longer relevant. So the pathways of getting, doing and creating are discarded and replaced with dependence and independence.
If this helps people understand and apply the concepts better then that's great. But I couldn't help thinking that I'd just spent a fair amount of time trying to absorb information and ideas only to be told they are no longer useful, here's what you should know instead.
I think the whole thing could have been much simpler than it currently is. There is the risk of getting too caught up trying to figure out where exactly you fit in on the scale of consciousness, when in reality there are a lot of similarities and people don't always fit neatly into an assigned category.
And in the new pathways in the addendum, there are five different elements to each which also overlap. These are the things that are likely to confuse most readers, as they risk obsessing over some of the smaller details and trying to work out where they are at along their journey.
But the bigger picture stuff that focuses on figuring out what you want out of life and bridging the gap from where you're at now to make it happen is quality information. This is the real-world stuff that involves you taking action and being proactive to improve your life. If there was more focus on this, and less on the abstract ideas and teachings from Hawkins, overall this book would be easier to understand and implement.
The Bottom Line
This isn't a product that's directly focused on success with women, it's 100% about learning to understand and master yourself. Typically this type of information draws polarizing responses, as not everybody is at the stage where they want to hear it or are ready to make sense of it.
People who are more into the self-development side of things will probably find this book an interesting read, but those just looking for dating advice probably will find it tough to get through. It's a challenging read and will make you confront a lot of opinions you currently have.
A lot of the ideas here are based off the teachings from a particular author whose work has been discredited and disproven by science. While End Game doesn't get into the more bizarre pseudo-science elements from his work, be aware that most of what is presented here is just theory and opinion, there is no scientific justification to any of it.
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Product Information
The book discusses the 'barriers' that is hindering you from doing what you want or wanting to be who you are in terms of relationships with women. It will teach you techniques in identifying, understanding and overcoming those barriers and be the person that you really want.
- Relationship Skills
- Inner Game & Confidence
- eBook
- Book
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Introduction
- Superman
- The Salesman
- When I Get That Feeling...
- Boobies
- Water Sports
- Pathway 1: Getting
- Pathway 2: Doing
- Pathway 3: Creating
- It’s All About Who?
- Here’s Your Change, Sir
- Let Out The Gimp!
- The Little Black Book
- The Scale Of Consciousness
- Where Are You?
- Memento Mori
- And From The Ashes...
- The Blueprint Re-Coded
- The Muppet Show
- Fake It?
- Turn Up The Volume!
What You Get:
- Endgame PDF
- Lifetime access to private members forum
- Be Happy Without Her (2 hour DVD)
- The Secrets to Inner Confidence (Podcast)
- Focus Formula Guided Meditation
- Approach Anxiety Annihilation (5 part e-course)
Guarantee / Terms:
12 Month Money Back Guarantee
User Reviews of End Game
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Definite Read"
February 12, 2012
The Book is told in a Story Format [Conversations between Logun and Steve], as the author doesn't want to give you large amounts of bullet points of "how to be with Women".
One of the Main things to take away is the "Getting Mindset", in which the way most guys relate to women is through "Getting Something from her" such as attraction, sex, Approval, and validation which pick-up and dating products teach us how to "get" more attraction, sex, approval, and validation.
So if your looking to get something from women to be more happy about your life, then this book will be a good challenge to read.
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"Life Altering material!"
May 19, 2013
Also , I will say that it's not exactly "pick-up" (The book actually describes why most pick-up stuff is the exact opposite of real self esteen and authenticity) and the concepts in this book might shock you at first.
However , this book is more about how one man helped another to transform his life from one filled with misery , suffering , and chronic dissatisfaction to one filled with joy , love , and fulfilment sprinkled with healthy amounts of misery , suffering and dissatisfaction.
Many may consider this as "real self-esteem"...
LoGun claims in no way that he is perfect nor amazing with women , and he actually describes how many times he f&ck*d up things in his life , hurt people and was inauthentic with people...
I decided to purchase this book with my own money as it's so powerful and life changing and I had to get a solid copy of this book.
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"Life changing literature"
December 24, 2014
jerk in the eyes of women with no sex from it.
It gives a really good understanding of the underlying principles of womens'actions and behaviour. It focuses on how to be Alpha in a genuine way not like a robot wich has a routine arsonal staying needy all the time because of his intentions. It emphasises on giving in the first place and how to make women feel in they way they want to (wich is essential to create attraction and to be a seducer). It says that if your intentions are right (to give something without needing anything in response) than it is going to be sub-communicated during your conversation (wich also makes sence).
Before I came across the book called End Game, one of my friends who is a natural - answered the following when I asked him what does he do to make women tick:
he always makes the unexpected move = in other words being unpredictable but at the same time he has a confident presence wich makes the girl feel safe. Our conversation happened a couple of weeks before I came across this book - and for my suprise this book described the same phenomenon wich my friend did...
So if you are serious of finding the root cause of your failiure and the foundation fo your future success I strongly recommend this writing.
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"The Finnal Fronteer of 'Seduction'!!! Happiness"
January 25, 2015
8/10 effectiveness because you will learn that you will NEVER get EVERY girl, because each girl is different. If she likes you for your true authentic happy self, she will be with you, if not she won't. If she doesn't like you, YOU DONT WANT HER IN YOUR LIFE! It wil cause drama, frustration and general unsatisfactory time together.
Think of it this way, you dig down deep deep deep within yourself. Ask yourself the questions that help you see your core morptivarions, drives in life. What makes you passionate and what makes you fulfilled and happy in life. Once you know what you want to do to be happy, you do it.
Think of this.. When you're in that awesome constant sate every day, every minute, every second. Like the feeling you get then you get 100% on your test, or you complete the workout or kiss the women of your dreams for the first time. When your are ALWAYS in that state, do you think you'd give a fuck what people, or a hot chick though of you? .. NO! There is your indifference (which is supper attractive trait) being expressed naturally as opposed to being fake indifferent for the sake of following what the pick up coaches tell you!
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