Emotional Intelligence - Develop Absolute Control Over Your Emotions and Your Life For Everlasting Success

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Product Information
This book stresses the importance of effectively communicating verbally and non-verbally, how to control your emotions, and development interpersonal skills. It shows you how to take control of your emotional intelligence in order to enhance your communication with others.
The author aims to show you how become more emotionally intelligent in order to:
- Take charge of your life
- Improve leadership potential
- Successfully achieve your goals
- Develop better professional relationships
- Build confidence and improve mental capacity
Some of the areas covered:
- Active Listening
- Communication and people skills
- How to increase emotional intelligence
- The basics and principles of emotional intelligence
- Emotional intelligence at work and in social situations
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Chapter 1: Emotional Intelligence – The Basics
- What is it?
- When did it come about?
- What is its purpose?
Chapter 2: Principles of Emotional Intelligence
- Perceive
- Reason
- Understand
- Manage
Chapter 3: Why Is Emotional Intelligence Important?
- Importance of Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 4: Emotional Intelligence at the Work Place
- Understand yourself
- Adapt yourself
- Empathize with others
- Listen to them
- Anticipation
- Accept differences
- Use the differences
- Know how to delegate
- Delegate power
- Be just as responsible
Chapter 5: Emotional Intelligence in Social Situations
- Speak freely
- Listen
- Establish understanding
- Making new friends
- Maintaining existing ties
Chapter 6: Tips to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence
- Dealing with Negative Emotions
- Staying Cool and Managing Stress
- Being Assertive and Expressing Difficult Emotions
- Staying Proactive in the Face of a Difficult Person
- Bouncing Back from Adversity
- Expressing Intimate Emotions in Personal Relationships
Chapter 7: Everyday Communication Skills
- Making conversation
- Identifying troubled areas
- Starting a conversation
- Keeping it going
- Ending a conversation
- Practice and experimentation
- Non-verbal communication
- Assertiveness
Chapter 8: People Skills
- Trust and honesty
- Patience
- Empathy
- Active listening
- Conflict resolution
- Tolerance
- Interest
- Flexibility
- Good judgment
- Persuasiveness
- Open-mindedness
- Sense of humor
- Good manners
- Supportiveness
Chapter 9: Easy Ways to Improve Interpersonal Skills at Work
- A happy faces fixes (almost) everything
- Show that you care
- Be considerate
- Be an active listener
- Promote togetherness
- Settle disputes
- Hone your communication skills
- Make them laugh
- Put yourself in their shoes
- Stop whining
Chapter 10: Active Listening
- Ways to deal with difficult people
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $3.24
- Paperback $9.87
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