Ejaculation Guru

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Product Information
Ejaculation Guru is a step-by-step manual is designed to eliminate premature ejaculation in men. It offers natural techniques and approaches instead of pills, creams, special condoms, and other usual methods for treating premature ejaculation. Focus is placed on training the mind and body to control orgasm and last 30 minutes or more in bed before climax.
Bonus items include:
- Last Longer In Foreplay
- Multiple Orgasm Oral Sex: The Guide
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- The breathing technique
- How to deal with slip-ups
- Visualization techniques
- Stimulation control
- Neuro-linguistic programming
- The psychological and physical aspects
- Proper use of pelvic muscle to delay orgasm
- Common sexual intercourse misconceptions
- Tools to train your mind to overcome sex difficulties
- How to increases your abilities as a sexual partner
- Three sexual positions likely to result into premature ejaculation
- Using the 'secret muscle' and unlocking your potential in bed
- Locating your partner’s erogenous zones while controlling ejaculation
- The Stalling Method and how you can buy yourself some extra time with it
- Pleasuring your partner as you recover from arousal without your partner finding out
- The sexual preferences of women and how you can apply them to boost her experiene
What You Get:
Guarantee / Terms:
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