Ego Is The Enemy

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In “Ego Is The Enemy”, Ryan Holiday addresses how the enemy within – our ego – gets in the way of a full and successful life. It impedes learning, the cultivation of talent, can be a blinding force to our faults, and causes problems. Using stories and examples, the author introduces historical figures (e.g. George Marshall, Jackie Robinson, Eleanor Roosevelt) who have reached high levels of power and success by conquering their egos.
Holiday believes the battle against ego must be fought on many fronts and his book aims to provide lessons to become “less invested in the story you tell about your own specialness” in order to liberate yourself and fulfill your achievements.
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If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
The Painful Prologue
Part I. Aspire
- Talk, Talk, Talk
- To Be Or To Do?
- Become A Student
- Don’t Be Passionate
- Follow The Canvas Strategy
- Restrain Yourself
- Get Out Of Your Own Head
- The Danger Of Early Pride
- Work, Work, Work
- For Everything That Comes Next, Ego Is The Enemy . . .
Part II. Success
- Always Stay A Student
- Don’t Tell Yourself A Story
- What’s Important To You?
- Entitlement, Control, and Paranoia
- Managing Yourself
- Beware The Disease Of Me
- Mediate On The Immensity
- Maintain Your Sobriety
- For What Often Comes Next, Ego Is The Enemy . . .
Part III. Failure
- Alive Time Or Dead Time?
- The Effort Is Enough
- Fight Club Moments
- Draw The Line
- Maintain Your Own Scorecard
- Always Love
- For Everything That Comes Next, Ego Is The Enemy
What Should You Read Next?
Selected Bibliography
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $5.56
- Hardcover $15.00
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