Dress Like a Man

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Full Title:
Dress Like a Man: A Style Guide for Practical Men Wanting to Improve Their Professional Personal Appearance
Utilizing his background in clothing design and style, Antonio Centeno offers a comprehensive guide of advice on how men can dress better. His goal: teach men how to use clothing to get what they want out of life.
This illustrated book is for beginners as well as advance men of style. It includes sections addressing the many pieces within a man’s wardrobe, how to dress depending on the situation, and why style matters.
Some of the areas covered:
- Creating an interchangeable wardrobe
- How to save money on your clothes shopping
- Dressing for black tie affairs
The book also includes a bonus series of poster size images of how to assemble and wear various clothing items.
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Section 1: Introduction
- The Only Style Guide You’ll Ever Need
- The Case for Style (5 Reasons to Dress Well)
- Is Style Manly?
Section 2: Building a Wardrobe
- The Style Pyramid
- The Interchangeable Wardrobe
- Five Pieces of Clothing Every Man Should Own
- How to Build a Wardrobe on a Budget
- Shopping for Your Body Type and Posture
Section 3: What to Wear and When to Wear It
- Dress Codes, Written and Unwritten
- Formal Dress (Morning Dress and White Tie)
- Semiformal Dress (Strollers and Black Tie/Tuxedo)
- Business Dress
- Business Casual
- “Sharp Casual” for Social Situations
- Work Clothes (Dressing Well for Manual Labor)
- Dressing Your Age
- Work vs. Play – Wardrobes On and Off the Job
Section 4: Physical Properties of Clothing
- Raw Materials: Properties and Purposes
- Fabric Measurements and Weights
- Specific Cloths and Weaves
- Understanding Color
- Understanding Pattern
Menswear, Piece by Piece
- Men’s Suits
- Men’s Jackets
- Men’s Shirts
- Men’s Sweaters
- Men’s Trousers
- Men’s Shoes
- Men’s Accents
- Men’s Coats and Outerwear
- Men’s Underwear and Undershirts
- Men’s Bags and Luggage
- Men’s Cologne and Scents
- Wardrobe Maintenance
- Grooming
- The Final Word
What You Get:
Kindle book
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