Demonic Confidence

Product Information
The "Demonic Confidence" program teaches you how to build self-confidence in 21 days. It shows you how to eliminate the fear of approaching women. It was created to mimic the mechanics of behavior formation, thereby developing new behaviors and beliefs through experience.
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- How to radiate confidence
- Making affirmations work
- Eliminate rejection and embarrassment fears
- Techniques specifically tailored to your subconscious
- The Blow-out technique to make confidence permanent
- Train your mind to accept change without relying on old patterns
- Forming a bond with your subconscious to accomplish your objectives
What You Get:
Audiobook (MP3 Format)
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Single payment of $147.00 (billed after 7 days)
- Three installments of $57.00, each billed over 3 months (starts after 7 days)
User Reviews of Demonic Confidence
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Terrible instruction. Old idea, "Systematic Desensitization." Free info you can find on Wikipedia."
January 16, 2014
I give this 1 star for innovativeness. This is because Systematic Desensitization has been around since the 1960's, and is considered possibly the most effective method for treating specific phobias or specific anxiety (as opposed to General Anxiety Disorder).
When I listen to the audio tracks, I play them at least at 1.5x playback speed, which makes "A bus" speak at a normal pace. Abus (not Archer Sloan and not Lucas West...for some reason they chose to use a narrator with an excrutiatingly irritating voice) sounds like Bullwinkle the moose crossed with Goofy (the cartoon) after drinking 10 shots of whisky.
Many tips that would've been immensely useful, and should've been given in track 1, are given on Day 4 or Day 5; such as, "do the exercise on 30 girls," (in the first couple days, they tell you to do the exercise and take between 30 minutes to 2 hours).
Abbas (pronounced "A bus") sounds like he's bullshitting most of the answers he gives to Archer. Apparently I'm not the only one who detects this, after looking at other reviews on this program.
The pdf that comes with it, titled, "Read This First!!!" has spoilers in it, and contradicts Abbus's firm statement that you must not proceed to the next exercise until you completed the previous exercise.
Despite the warning that you should not proceed to the next track until completing today's exercise, they often tell you in, say, track 5, " you now should have done the 3 exercises in track 4, and you've now approached at least 120 women." They only told you about 1 or 2 exercises in track 4! And they never mentioned that you were supposed to approach 30 women...they said 30 minutes.
One exercise, Day 4, is to ask, "Where's the post office?" Should we ask this near a post office? Inside a post office? Far away from the post office?
And now, I don't speak from personal experience, but from another reviewer on another forum. He said that on Day 10 (or whatever day it is when you're supposed to approach a girl and say, "Want to fuck?," he literally got dragged by the collar by her brother across the mall and hit in the face. He said that this really set his game back and now he feels fear when thinking about approaching.
I can't see how a program with a 50 year old treatment program that you could design for yourself (based on looking up Systematic Desensitization at Wikipedia), narrated by someone who might as well be hiccuping throughout the recording, could be priced at $150...or even $50.
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"Effective (temporarily), but use at your own risk."
January 07, 2015
I finished the last day (a long time ago).
I nearly got beat up by an angry, screaming boyfriend.
I'm not the guy Brainbuster mentioned.
This was on my 7th girl, to whom I said,
"Hi, excuse me, I think you're attractive."
Her: "Thank you."
Me: "Would you like to come to my place?"
Her: "No thank you." she walked away.
Then a few minutes later a big guy with tattoos comes up to me and starts screaming at me asking if I'm going up to girls and saying that (it was her boyfriend).
I do NOT recommend this program.
First of all, the jump from the 2nd to last exercise to the last exercise is not incremental (like most of the previous exercises).
It went from, Give a girl a compliment - to, Ask a girl to fuck you.
That's a huge leap.
Second of all, the results are temporary.
They claim that this is a permanent solution.
It certainly works, going from asking ~30 girls the time,
then doing the same wearing a watch or holding your phone,
then day 3 doing the same but asking girls who are with a guy...
and so forth.
Actually by the end of day 3 you will feel much more confident
and at ease with girls. But even after finishing the program,
you must do it again if you, say, work from home and focus on your
career for a couple weeks. You lose it. Still, that's probably true of all methods. AA is in our blood.
Third of all, the last exercise is dangerous
unless you don't care whether you get beat up or die.
I found out myself.
It's possible you won't get beat up,
and it's possible you won't get stabbed or shot.
But you are risking your life and limb,
and because I followed the advice, I nearly got beat up and I certainly got traumatized and stopped going out of my apartment at all.
And it's not worth it since most of the work, perhaps all of it, is already achieved by the second to last exercise...since you've been approaching so many girls.
The last exercise is just foolhardy and irresponsible.
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"Review of New Demonic Confidence Lucas West version 2008(spoiler)"
July 16, 2015
I had attempted to use a torrent version of the Old Demonic Confidence (DC) product associated with Archer Sloan and narrated by Abbas Ali and Lucas West. There was obviously no customer support to ask questions, and like many others I became frustrated with the exercises leading towards the final days of the product.
I had attempted the program two times within the Summer of 2006. I failed as the program became more bolder and direct with my sexual intentions. I crawled away and completed the Collection of Confidence (COC)successfully in the spring of 2007.
A mate of mine sent me the ad copy for the New DC(2008), and I know it was a sore spot for myself. Although I had completed COC successfully...DC was my Ivan Drago!
Like others old DC punched me in the I contacted Lucas and addressed my concerns with him and purchased with his support in the background for questions, concerns, etc. He reassured me that slight modifications were incorporated related to the context of where you were living.
WARNING: IF you live in a city or county that being extremely direct with people can be viewed as harassment...then you will certainly need to adjust you program to support the environment. But do your research before...because it can make the difference between pushing the envelope and doing something extreme or making excuses.You are the only judge of that.
Now, with the modifications its doesn't mean the program lacked from the original. The intensity, exhaustion, etc was still the same.
Now, the bigger question is does one really need to do DC? I say...with our modern consumer of seduction and dating inner game DC is very time consuming. It requires energy to do the rapid approaches. You are progressively conditioning yourself and you will become bold, direct, and express your sexual intentions very quickly.
One can move from being the guy who wishes you had something to at the bare minimum say something and start playing the numbers game. Is this GAME itself...NO, but its certainly a pretty good start compared to theory.
So the New DC was conquered with my foundation with Hypnotica's COC. Both programs are the same with a progressive conditioning component to the curriculum. COC incorporates exercises related to Crazy Wisdom to seal in the confidence. The New DC is intense and exhaustive and is structured to even slightly throw you if you think you know what is happening the next day ( from prior listening of old DC) you will be taken maybe in the direction of reflective exercises or exercises incorporating strictly state control.
Looking back at it all COC...was enough. The New DC was probably more ego based then anything else, but I am happy to complete it successfully.
If I had a choice to what to start off my young nephews with...I would just do the COC. Incorporating a 20 minutes of meditation can also really do wonders as well for inner game.
Anything...further towards the skill development of incorporating the cognitive aspects of a COC inner game program and even the skill set developed from meditation can seen through the work of RJ's Nail Your Inner Game or updated versions of that model. Swinggcat has some good ideas as well incorporating skill of feel concepts through Masculine Polarity. Blueprint Decoded is cool but if you have massive field experience to relate to Owen's theory(that was generated through his experience).
Anyhow, the New DC is an awesome progressive conditioning program, but it is very time consuming and requires energy. I was off during that entire period to plot out my logistics for experimentation.
The results in the end will be the same whether COC or DC...because ultimately you are the architect towards the work.
I also came from a history of major inner game issues and sticking my desire to finish DC was from a different place.
Hope this helps.
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"Game Changer "
October 21, 2015
If your a person with general social anxiety... that means you can't talk to men or woman without shitting yourself. There is no way in hell you will cope with this product.
This product is hardcore, it requries a hardcore person that can go outside of their comfort zone to do it.
The first time I attempted DMC, I did days 1 - 12 before I gave up because it got too difficult.
Then... I tried it again a year later, this time I did day 1 - 16 before I gave up.
I plan on trying it again at the end of the year and trying to finish all 21 days.
What will you notice after attempting or completing dmc?
You're confidence will PERMANENTLY GO UP. That's right, it stays. I can say this because I still feel amazingly confident a year later. Plus, my progress has shown that to you and to me.
Secondly, you'll develop the skill of cold approach. I can't tell you how beneficial this is, in regards to both work, attraction and just being a bad ass in general.
You'll also get a whole lot of other skills, like learning the general pattern of conversations. That's right, 99% of conversations you have on a daily basis have a pattern. You just don't notice it when you're not actively having 10+ conversations a day.
Reading books and watching PUA material has done close to nothing for me and I' sure you can relate. It fills your head with mental masturbation and when your done reading, your still left exactly where you started.
DMC on the other hand, is practical self improvement. It's the only type that actually works. It puts the responsibility on you and if your a bad ass that can handle it, you'll reap the rewards.
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"Ok for its time, but pickup has evolved better trainings than DC."
April 06, 2017
I did the entire program 3 times to completion in 2004 and 2005. The way the course was originally set up, you are supposed to approach 30 women a day every day, doing different exercises every day. A DC approach takes less than 5 minutes, it is not the same as an approach in any other pickup method. You don't Attract or build Comfort in DC and you definitely don't Seduce. The entire program is designed for you to crash sets.
There are a couple of days where you do no approaches at all, and a couple where you do 2 - 5 Instadates. On Days 19 and 20 you are supposed to approach 120 women per day). When it's all said and done, you are supposed to have approached exactly 690 women.
Because i misunderstood some of the confusing instructions, i opened more sets than i was supposed to. I approached exactly 2525 sets. I had developed a checkmark system for counting sets as soon as i ejected or closed, and i tallied the number every day.
All of my customer service needs were dealt with by Lucas J. West. He was very patient with us and modified the program based on the concerns of the people in the group such as myself who were actively doing the program. Archer Sloan (a pseudonym) was a marketer promoting Lucas and Carlos Hamill's knowledge of erotic street hypnosis. Instructor Carlos Hamill used the pseudonym Abbas Ali to promote Archer's basic material. On Archer's advanced material, Carlos used the pseudonym Moses Kahuna to teach NLP+ and Huna. On all of Carlos' audios, he used pitch-shifters and vocal affectations to change the sound of his voice for his different pseudonyms. That is why he sounds wierd to some of you on the audios - he was disguising his voice for different pseudonyms.
As far as the DC program itself, my experiences with it were confusing. The benefit to the program is it gets you off your ass and out into the street doing nonstop approaches. DC had me doing what on the surface seemed to be massively confident approaches and escalations, but there the benefits come to an end. The program does not lay the foundations for Inner Game, authority frames, strong states, overcoming shit tests, or developing strong pickup Mindsets. It gives no instruction on dealing with psychology or pacing and leading the interaction. Some of the exercises are Mystery Method M3 Sequential Errors and are therefore bad pickup tactics. The blowout exercises on Days 19 and 20 are dangerous and foolhardy. I used my common sense to tone them down when i did them, but still had some close calls. The program also requires a lot of endurance and a huge time commitment. By the end of Day 20 i was wiped. Day 21 is a rest day where you review the entire course, so you don't do any approaches then.
I've learned and done a lot since 2004, and now realize certain things about the program itself. To make a long story short, DC is an outdated method for building your Inner Game, and its benefits to you are negligible compared to its drawbacks if you do it as it is outlined. FWIW, y advice as one of the original buyers of the program is this: you don't need to do this type of program anymore. Pickup has evolved beyond this type of training since the old days - you can get more bang for your buck in other ways.
I now know you can hire a hypnotist to give you all of the benefits of Demonic Confidence in 1 to 3 hour-long sessions. A competent hypnotist can easily install self-belief into your deep mind and give you posthypnotic triggers to approach beautiful women. Once this skillset is installed, you can use any pickup system you care to use in order to refine and develop that ability with far less trouble than you will run into when doing DC as it is laid out. A competent hypnotist can install these abilities in-person or online via a Skype session. Any hypnotist or hypnotherapist who is registered with a national certified hypnotic organization has the training to do this work for you.
Bottom line: Pickup training has evolved beyond the type of Inner Game Demonic Confidence teaches. You can get more bang for your buck elsewhere. If you do choose to use Demonic Confidence out of curiosity or stubbornness, modify the approaches to remain socially calibrated, and use another pickup method to turn your 5-minute sets into real sets so you get the full benefit of doing the work. Also, just skip Day 19 and Day 20. There is no value in doing those exercises and they do not make your confidence permanent. They also expose you to social danger and public censure. Be wise in how you act in the world.
Note: Lucas and Archer split their company in 2005. After the split, Lucas re-released Demonic Confidence 2.0, with delay modules for those who couldn't do the entire program in 21 days. Archer and Carlos also released their own take on DC called Superconfidence. My review is strictly for the original Demonic Confidence program from 2003.
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