Deep Inner Game   

Deep Inner Game
Dating Company: Double Your Dating | Dating Coach:
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Product Information

"Deep Inner Game" shows you how to eliminate crippling insecurity, anxiety, and fear in order to develop into the powerful, confident, attractive men that women want. It addresses the core of inner game issues and how change must begin from within you.

The program shows you how to identify specific problems that are ruining your chances with women, and how to fix them. It teaches you how to transform bad experiences of the past into positive strength-building references.

Inner Game & Confidence
Experience Level(s):

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Learning Format:
  • DVD (Video)
  • CD (Audio)
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
David DeAngelo
Release Date:
September 12, 2005
Price: $299.85


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Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

- Becoming your own life coach
- How to improve your self-esteem
- Quickly establishing trust with a woman
- Impressing a woman with your character
- How to appear confident to women
- A conversation starter approach
- How to conquer your emotional energy
- A plan to pull your self out of depression
- Initiating yourself into manhood
- Tools to build a charismatic inner presence
- Quickly overcoming the pain of a bad breakup
- Building your self confidence by seeking out rejection
- Creating your own unique identity and personality
- Turning a bad response from a woman into a good thing
- How to be in a relationship and still be independent
- Blending your intellect with your street smarts
- Identifying your objectives to achieve your goals
- A technique for supercharging your cocky comedy skills
- An exercise to identify your 3 main inner issues
- How to block a woman from effecting your emotions
- Transforming stress, anger and anxiety into self-esteem
- A guide to the operating system of the human mind
- A simple psychological technique to conquer anger and anxiety
- The big mistake men make that allows a woman to take all of their power
- Why human nature can actually prevent you from having success with women
- An exercise to identify how you are letting women control your actions
- A scientific method of solving psychological problems using simple charts

What You Get:

- 15+ hours of video material
- Optional DVD, in addition to the online format ($3.99 extra)
- Workbook
- Track listing

Guarantee / Terms:

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

1 payment of $299.85 or 5 payments of $59.97

User Reviews of Deep Inner Game

(19 reviews)

5.6 out of 10 stars


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12 of 12 people found the following review helpful

"A Program on How To Become a Complete Person"

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I highly recommend this program to anyone who has deep routed issues that make them feel like there is no point in learning techniques because they dont have control of themselves or their life. If you are not sure who you are or not sure where your going or how to get there...pick up this program. This program is not about women although it references women throughout. It is a program about yourself and how to look inside yourself and become a complete person who comes to the center. The big aha moments I got from the program:
1) There are different personality types and the closer to the center you become the more you appeal to everyone.
2) The only way to get past fear, and anxiety is with courage and action...
3) For every personality flaw or internal problem there is a solution.
I will warn those of you who are not secure that this program repeatably advises and even lectures against techniques that are not part of who you are. It doesnt say you cant change...but it says that just using a technique that makes you appear a certain personality is only hurting yourself...that you need to become more of that part of yourself that you lack with action experience and learning. Overall the program works well with Davids teachings but there is definately some aspects that directly clash with what David does. If your out in the field doing canned material that isnt a part of who you really are then you will despise this program or it will make you abandon your methods. Dr Paul...a very established psychologist teaches most of this course. We all know what psychologists takes are going to be on the idea that biology is the biggest influence...I mean their entire life is devoted to the mind and how to help someone control it. So think about that before you get this program. Dr Paul does however aknowledge that you cant be wussy or niave or too much of any one thing really. It all balances out.
Bottom line: is it worth the money? If your the kind of person who will listen over and over and internalize it...ask yourself the tough questions and take the time to not only figure yourself out but to take actions consistant with what you learn then it is worth 10 times the money. If your someone who just wants a set of techniques to go out into the field with and pull girls home to have sex with and are not interested in finding the right girl then you will hate this program.
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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful

"Simply Amazing."

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I think this program is simply amazing.

Sure, the material can be a bit dry but what do you expect? It's a self help tool, not Die Hard 4! I have notoriously bad concentration and I still can watch this program for hours at a time, even after I've seen it a couple of times before!

The program basically covers the entire psychology of our minds, sticks it on 7 DVDs and then fires it into our brains. This isn't a quick fix program to help your dating and it might seem like it's often not that related. However, its intention is to make you into a much more mature, confident, happy man who knows exactly how to achieve what he wants. This is the sort of guy who will naturally be far more attractive to women.

I've always been a 'thin-skinned' person who easily gets his buttons pushed, finds it hard to say no and be assertive. I've also been plagued by a lot of anxiety, self-doubt and depression about my progress with life. This program offers very real and workable solutions to all of my problems. If you've ever been affected by any of these problems even a tiny bit you can use this program to fix them.

I think every guy could benefit strongly from using this program and really working with the material every day.
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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful

"I've Learned a Lot"

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Dr. Paul is great. I've learned a lot with his material. Had no problems with his delivery. Actually the Deep Inner Game I've gained the most from and I'm not even finished with it yet. I actually liked his enthusiasm and the way he laughed at his own stuff. DAvid suggests not to but it makes the presentation better IMO.
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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful

"A Great Place To Start"

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This is the first dating product I bought. It is not really related to techniques to pick up women. But it gave me a solid foundation to actually pull off the different pick up strategies with congruence. It helped me have the basics to be naturally attractive to women. It gave me set of tools that I use to deal with emotions that are experienced not just in "pick up" but in all other areas my life. I took a few months to actually implement a lot of the stuff because there is so much material and I had lots of screwed up thinking to overcome.

It was slow and I spent 2 weekends to watch it and rewatch some parts cause there is so much psychology but it is a great place to start if you are not very confident or deal with fear, anger and anxiety; your negative emotions.
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6 of 21 people found the following review helpful


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The Good
I guess you could call it innovative.
The Bad
I like David DeAngelo but here he doesn't speak much, and the product is about the theories of his guest speaker, Dr. Paul. I don't want to say the product is complete shit, because I actually know people who rave about it, but it didn't work for me at all. It is way too theoretical and abstract. And the presenting style is boriiiiing. I could not finish this and it is one of the very few products I sent back for a refund.

I think it really depends on your personality because as I said, I know people who enjoyed this. If you are very analytical and a "big picture", theoretical thinker, maybe this is for you.
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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful

"Deep Inner Game is a Must Have"

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I read his ebooks and then watched his series with Mastery being a top pick since it covers just about everything. Deep Inner Game is a must (Sure the material in this can be boring and too lecture-oriented like in a college course but it seriously helps with inner game issues.)
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6 of 8 people found the following review helpful

"For Me This Was Awesome"

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i've been reading that some people didn't like this program but for me this was awesome and really helped shift my perspective on alot of issues and really goes into fine detail on how to improve yourself and get over rejection, loss anxiety etc.
Dr.Paul is a little 'medical' but he talks real sense and is very insightful.
David D pretty much sits back the whole time and lets him speak. If you want inner game help, this program is really good.
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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful

"More than a course about how to get women"

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This is a course that has the distinction of being more than just about success with women. It has a lot more to do with developing high character and becoming a happy and content person on the inside instead of looking for things on the outside to complete you.
In the beginning you might think that getting a girlfriend right now would be the answer to all your life's problems, but come to the realisation that you're better off concentrating more on goals that would be more beneficial in the long run at this point in your life. I love women but they're not the 'be all and end all' of my life.

Be sceptical about books and programs that claim to have all the answers to having better relationships and on 'how to get laid'. There's a lot of rubbish on the internet written by people who haven't even had much success in this area themselves. They're just jumping on to the money making gravy train that is the dating self help industry. Beware of the pretenders.

This is a program that for me required regular review. Change doesn't happen overnight, nothing worthwhile does in my experience. I've learned to take back some control over my life, to try to have as much fun as possible and not take any of it too seriously. If more people were interested in doing the hard work this course calls for instead of looking for the short-cuts and acting like wide-boys with cheap pick-up lines, trying to sabotage the competition a lot more people would be more successful. The world would also probably be a better place.
On the down-side it did seem excessively long, containing quite a bit of 'filler', but it's worth it.
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3 of 10 people found the following review helpful

"His Stuff Makes Sense, But It's soooo Boring"

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Dr Paul is pretty much the person doing this program....and he is [so] boring, his stuff makes sence, but it's soooo boring, like super boring....pretty much what he talks about in this program, he breaks it down in 1 hour on the approaching women program..

I doubt Dr Paul is even getting laid, if he were to have that energy level on a date, he would probably put the girl to sleep...
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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful


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The reason why I wasn't too fond of it is because it's REDUNDANT. If you like redundancy, then know it's basically an in-depth preview to Dr. Paul's program. There is some good information in there. . . but think about it. . . why not buy Dr. Paul's program instead of throwing money here? Deep Inner Game is like a "middle-man" to the actual information. People love spreading information nice and thin over a whole lot of dollarinos. Biiiite meeeeeeeeeee.
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