Deep Connection

Editor Review
"Some Useful Information Here But Lacking Some Details To Make It Easier To Implement"
If you've got a solid grasp of the basics already and can approach and attract women consistently, but struggle to make a connection with them then you might find this useful. It's not a complete system in itself, and getting good at the techniques here alone won't be enough to make women sexually interested in you.
For a course specifically aimed at developing connections with people, and that provides a bit more structure and is easier to implement, check out The Connection Course.
The third reason that Kezia states women won't respond to you is that you didn't develop a deep connection. So this seminar is more or less presented from the point of view of how to develop a connection when you initially meet a woman so that she will want to see you again.
Contextual Relevancy
One of the problems with this product is that it's aimed at beginners but doesn't provide any proper context for the techniques. Kezia refers throughout the seminar to meeting women in clubs, but what she teaches is only going to have limited use in that environment. Most girls who go out to nightclubs, even those who are wanting to meet guys, aren't desperately hoping to have super deep conversations with people they have only just met.They want to have fun and experience excitement and good emotions. A lot of the examples that Kezia uses are specifically related to what to ask a girl about her job/career and taking it to a deeper level to connect with her emotionally. The problem with this is that most girls don't want to talk about their job in a high energy environment where they're looking to have fun. And by asking her a lot of these deep, probing questions you're more likely to come across as a buzzkill then an attractive guy she wants to see again.
One of Kezia's assertions is that women are tired of having surface level conversations and are yearning to have a man connect with them on a much deeper level than that. This is true, but with an important caveat. Women aren't looking to develop deep connections with every man that approaches them. They want to connect with men that they are attracted to. So once you've already got a woman interested in you, then that's when you can start applying these techniques more successfully.
But Kezia doesn't do a great job of teaching you when to start going deeper. She correctly points out that you don't want to come across as interrogating the girl and trying to get really deep straight away, but doesn't tell you at what point you should start trying to do so. It's a bit like you're given the information but kind of left to your own devices as how to best apply it.
It would have been great if Kezia had given some advice on how to have a fun and interesting conversation when you first meet a girl, and then what to look for so that you know the girl is ready to start opening up to you more. My concern is that guys who watch these DVD's are going to go to bars and clubs and within the first minute of an interaction start asking the girl these really personal questions, trying to connect on a deep level as Kezia describes. But attempting to do so is going to come across as weird and scare the girl away most of the time as she doesn't know you or feel comfortable enough yet.
Some of the questions she suggests asking are decent, but some are not a good idea. There are a couple of questions that you might expect to hear in a job interview, and would be really out of place in a nightclub. But a lot of these ideas will work better in a quieter, more intimate setting, such as out on a date.
For some really great advice on how to handle the early part of a conversation when you first meet a woman, check out Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy.
Getting Past A Woman's Mask
Kezia continually refers to the concept that people are making their way through life wearing a mask of how they want to present themselves to others. And that they key to developing a deep connection with a woman is to get past her mask and let her know that you see her for who she really is. This is true, and it's an area where many men struggle. This area of her presentation contains some really solid information.She gives some examples of her and her friends and the different masks they use when they go out, and the reasons they do it. This will be interesting for guys who have no experience with this to hear, and will hopefully encourage you to examine the motivations of women in doing some of the things they do. If you can go deeper and realize why they do what they do, you can cut through a lot of insincerity and connect with her on a genuine level.
Kezia uses the analogy of an iceberg being like conversations we tend to have. Only 10% of the iceberg can be seen above the surface, while 90% of it is hidden below and holding up the part you can see. So what she's showing is how to explore different layers of the 'iceberg' to get to a much deeper level. She refers to doing this as discovering a woman's different beliefs, but what I think she really means is values. Basically the whole idea of what she teaches could be summed up as a form of value elicitation to find out who a woman is and what's important to her.
Conflicting And Missing Information
There are times when what is presented could be somewhat confusing. For instance, Kezia mentions that you don't want to try and go too deep right away. Yet when the students are practicing on women (see more details below) she's constantly telling them they are not going deep enough practically from the beginning.She also talks about how you can go deep and then break it off and return to the surface level again and then go deeper (known as fractionation). But when one of the students is at a deeper level and attempts to go back to the surface she stops him and tells him not to do that.
She isn't wrong in what she's suggesting, the only problem is that it's too difficult for the students to understand. There are no signposts for them to look out for that let them know what stage they are at and where to go next. A lot of what she is teaching relies on you having good instincts and calibration skills so you know when to do what, but for beginners they just don't have the experience level to know this.
There's other things that are mentioned but not really explained in any detail. The topic of sexual escalation is brought up a few times but not in a way that shows guys how to do it. She mentions that you can use deep connection as a springboard to sexual connection, but stops short of giving you any practical information on how you can do it.
One of the issues here could be that Kezia doesn't have any experience doing this herself so doesn't know how to convey this information to men. Even though she's dated many different men, she would have been playing the passive role in the interaction and the guy is leading things forward. This is where women hand over all responsibility to the man for any escalation that happens, and often say things like 'it just happened'.
This is what women want you to do, but it likely makes it harder for Kezia to describe in any detail specifically what you should do, compared to a male dating coach who has done this hundreds or thousands of times.
Similarly, there's a segment where she talks about the importance of push-pull and how powerful it is. But she doesn't go into any actual explanation of it or give examples of how you can use it. She does ask the students if they know what it is, and presumably no one asks her for any more information on it. That's one of the problems with a recording of a seminar, that you can focus on teaching those who are there live and forget there are going to be people watching the DVD who will need something explained more in depth.
Student Practice Sessions
The majority of the second DVD consists of the seminar students trying out the techniques on women who Kezia has brought along, including her sister. In a way this is a good learning experience, but it's also pretty painful to watch. All of the guys really struggle to understand what it is Kezia wants them to do.I wasn't clear if the guys were supposed to be talking to them as if they had just met them in a role play type scenario, or just talking to them in general. I'm not sure the guys really understood either. A lot of it was just asking them about their jobs or hobbies and then trying to go to deeper levels from there. One of the issues is it doesn't simulate a realistic interaction. The women are there answering the questions and trying to help out, so would not respond the same way as if this were in a bar or club.
Overall this had the feel of an awkward speed dating event. The guy sits down, shakes the girl's hand, asks her what she does and then proceeds to flounder as he doesn't know what to say next. This is what happened for pretty much all of the guys who were shown taking part.
Kezia does step in and offer them direction and guidance, and it steers them in the right direction. But without her prodding them they really have no idea of what to do. A German student and Kezia clearly become frustrated with each other at one point, as he doesn't know what to say and she can't seem to understand why he is struggling. It's an example of how beginners often need more concrete instructions on exactly what to say and do, and how general guidelines might not be enough.
The Bigger Picture
In the grand scheme of things, the techniques that Kezia teaches here are useful but they are only a small part of getting more success with women. The way that I looked at it was like this: if each of the students shown had smoothly used these techniques, would any of the women been sexually interested in any of them? It's highly doubtful. Even if they perfected these techniques and she didn't know them, there's virtually zero chance Kezia would ever date a single one of these guys.There's too many basic level things that they are struggling with that need to be worked on first. Poor body language, nervous fidgeting and stuttering, bad sense of style, poor tonality and other issues are all going to be a major hurdle before getting solid success with women. To be fair to these guys, they are performing in front of an audience and that has likely increased their nervousness.
But when you watch the interactions they all lack any kind of chemistry. There is no flirting or sexual tension present at all. And one of the main reasons is the women can clearly tell the guys have no confidence and are uncomfortable. In real life situations women will talk to guys like this more out of pity, but they won't be interested in dating them. Kezia even admits at one point that a deep connection is not enough by itself to make a woman sexually attracted to a man.
Some of the guys had worked with Kezia before, and one of them had better body language and was more relaxed than all the others. But he still had no idea about how to have a conversation with the woman and the interaction was awkward. It's an example how you really need to work on the basics first before you worry about trying to form deep connections with women.
If you can't approach a girl and have an interesting conversation with her for a couple of minutes without stumbling over your words and generally looking uncomfortable, this product is too advanced for you. The students didn't have any of their bigger obstacles pointed out to them, so they may think not getting a deep enough connection is holding them back when really it's a bunch of other things.
The Bottom Line
It's interesting to hear what women are looking for from the perspective of an attractive woman who gets hit on a lot. She can offer insights that other dating coaches can't. But it also seems to be harder for her to teach what works in a simple way for guys to understand. In the classroom practice sessions every single one of the guys struggles to implement what they have just been taught.If you've got a solid grasp of the basics already and can approach and attract women consistently, but struggle to make a connection with them then you might find this useful. It's not a complete system in itself, and getting good at the techniques here alone won't be enough to make women sexually interested in you.
For a course specifically aimed at developing connections with people, and that provides a bit more structure and is easier to implement, check out The Connection Course.
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Product Information
"Deep Connection" by Kezia Noble contains techniques to learn the art of creating deep connection.
It contains demonstrations and videoed practice sessions with a number of different types of women. The demos are presented by the men who attended the filmed event, including their mistakes as well as the moments when they achieved deep connection through difficulty and impossibly shy women.
- Beginner
- Intermediate
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- How to make an impact on a woman
- Learn how to create sexual escalation
- Gain invaluable insight in to the female mind
- How to get a difficult woman to respond to you
- Creating interesting and inspiring conversations
- How to build instant sense of trust with a woman
- Make a woman see you as someone worth getting to know
- Conversation material so you never run out of things to say
- How to get a woman to respect you, and be fascinated by you
- How to read a woman no matter how much defense she puts up
- Make all the other distractions around you irrelevant, and put you firmly in focus
- How to develop the art of getting real phone numbersWill get you solid numbers
What You Get:
DVD set
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User Reviews of Deep Connection
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Very interesting"
February 20, 2012
The second dvd shows guys being coached to use these techniques on some women invited for the purpose.This in itself is an excellent idea,though there was for me a problem with it.I felt uncomfortable watching the guys from the audience,they were making every AFC mistake known to man...soft nervy voices,bad tonality,nervous smiling and laughing,fidgeting,and being apologetic.Kezia's techniques are powerful,however she needed to correct these faults as well and they weren't addressed.I would give this product a 10/10 if Kezia had kicked the guys up the arse to stop them giving off the typical nerdy nervous body language that we Brits absorb all too often from our culture!
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July 29, 2010
-new skills and techniques that have not been done before
-plenty of demonstrations
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"Useless. Just useless."
February 14, 2015
Okay, I was watching this, and for most of e dvd kezia just talks, usless information that won't help you, she doesn't give anything away.. Instead she draws an iceberg on the board and lays out how deep connection looks with someone who is a dancer, but the model she shows is what she refered to as the interrogation model... And then she says not to do,it... So well done, you just wasted 15 minutes showing us how not to do something, but then doesn't actually show you how to achieve the same results doing it the right way... That's a rip off... Instead she waffles on about what deep connection is going to do for you, ok fine, we don't care, just tell us what to do so we can do it...
After several more minutes of jibber jabber, she decides to finally give us the lines we are suppose to use on the girl when we talk to her.... The bad part is, she only gives us lines that relate to the girls job... And she gives about six examples of what you can say... So after a full hour into the dvd with get a choice to use one of six lines on a girl we can use when she gives you her job...
So we use one of the lines, and then...... Well that's it, there is no then, the seminar is over, and the role plays begin...
That's the product in full... She doesn't give an example of how the iceberg model looks when you are making this deep connection, she only shows you the interrogation ice berg model, that actually went deep into why the girl wants to be a dancer, but doesn't show you how to actually structure the conversation in the proper way to get the same answers...
What is most annoying is that her book, actually has more information about it, as well as the ten hook lead system... You don't need this dvd set AT ALL if you have the ten hook lead system, cos all of the deep connection stuff is covered in there anyway, and in a lot more detail.....
The final verdict is just buy her book for 5 quid, it has all her information in it, don't let her scam you with this crappy DVDs...
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"Very Bad"
June 07, 2015
This dvd set is an indirect method of trying to have a deep conversation with a girl, it is also known as Qualification...
Qualification is a method we use to make the girl put in the work for us, using a series of challenges. it's suppose to feel good for the girl when we reward her with acceptance.
However, this dvd set, doesn't go into enough detail, its very very basic. and for a person who is new to this, they wont really understand what is going on here, it doesn't give you enough to go on... its only because I've learned from better coaches that i understand what the aim of this dvd set is...
Qualification is only part of the whole package, which isnt explained here... you cant just use this stuff and expect to get anywhere, because it wont work..
Kezia fails to explain this, because being a woman, she wouldn't have any idea anyway. shes just taking material that was already taught to her from pua training and trying to put her own spin on it, without actually understanding it fully herself....
This is reflected in the students on the DVD as they struggle to implement what kezia has taught them... it feels very unnatural...
the reason it feels unnatural is because is it... all the demos with the students just start off using deep connection and this is not how a normal conversation is structured.... you must first build comfort and break rapport before attempting deep connection, but no body is told this on the dvd set.
its just rather sad really... kezia is just in it for the money, and doesnt really care either way...
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"just not deep enough"
May 18, 2014
I totally agree with everything the editor has said about these dvds...
i have tried deep connection in night clubs, and girls are put off saying im mr psychologist or something, and commenting that im trying to get too deep with them too fast. so ive proven it doesn't work in nightclubs.
ive done it to girls in my work place. they answered the questions, i made the connection, then it was forgotten about by home time. you see, the girls, simply DON'T CARE. if you make the connection they just dismiss it and move on regardless.
actually talking about surface level stuff is quite normal and more generally accepted for a casual conversation... trying to get deeper into why she loves to dance will make you come off as weird. the editor has pointed out that shed rather do all this deep connection stuff with someone she is already involved with, which is fine.. in that case, the dvd is not needed until you've actually got into a relationship with that girl.
i can promise, that if anyone reading this actually seen kezia in a nightclub, and you tried this stuff on her, shed laugh at you and turn her back to you...
the men featured in this dvd for the roleplaying really struggle to do deep connection, and its only because this is a filmed seminar that the girls even entertain a conversation with them. should they try this on the same girls in a night club or coffee shop, they would soon be blown out, because the girls simply wouldnt care.
buy this ONLY when you are able to get a girlfriend
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"Deep Connection"
October 17, 2018
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