Day Game Domination

Editor Review
"Infield Footage Product Showing Women Being Successfully Picked Up During The Daytime"
If you're mainly interested in seeing infield footage, this product might be just what you're after. But if you'd like more of an explanation of how to meet women and more examples of what to say, we recommend Say Hello by Christian Hudson.
Daygame Domination is a product that was a long time in the making, as Yad had a camera team follow him around periodically over a couple of years, recording his interactions with women during the daytime. The footage was then cut down to the interactions shown here, which are analyzed by Yad and Richard La Ruina aka Gambler.
The entire product is a video series, of which there are seven modules and two bonus modules. The first module is an introduction and shows clips from some of Yad's interactions with some explanation of his style, while the rest of the modules each focus on one complete interaction with ongoing commentary throughout.
You should note that there is more commentary than there is of the infield footage itself. A whole interaction might only be ten minutes or so, but the video could be over an hour long. It's worth keeping this in mind as it can feel like Yad is spending a lot longer talking to the various women than he actually is.
The Yad Method
If you've seen Yad in any other products before then you'll be familiar with his method for meeting women during the day. He approaches women directly on the street and takes things forward from there. He does get solid results and you'll see he gets the phone number with each of these women, as well as kissing a couple of them.
He does more or less the same thing each time, with the opener he uses never really changing at all. So the opening line is planned out in advance and then the rest of the interaction is mostly spontaneous, with Yad focusing most of the conversation on the girl and not himself.
Some of the things he does are intended to create attraction, while others are aimed at developing a connection to make sure the woman will be more likely to want to see him again for a date. There's a bit of an explanation of this in the first module, and then in the commentary in the other modules Yad will point out why he is doing or saying certain things.
One thing you'll see demonstrated that Yad is great at is handling obstacles that women bring up. So in one of the videos the girl tells him pretty much right away that she has to go and begins walking off, yet he's able to keep her there and end up getting her number. This is an area where many guys struggle, and Yad goes into detail in the commentary on why he prefers it if a woman isn't too receptive straight away and how it means she's probably a higher quality woman.
Structured Versus Unstructured Learning
One of the things that stood out about this course is there's no real structure when it comes to teaching a model or method to use yourself. You'll get a clear idea of the opener to use, but beyond that it doesn't really teach you how to do what Yad is doing. If you're able to learn just by seeing something demonstrated then this won't be an issue for you, but for many guys they'll need a more structured explanation of what they should be doing.
There's no discussion really of body language when it comes to approaching the woman initially, so you'll have to pay close attention to the clips to see this for yourself. Something that Richard points out is that a lot of guys can do the opener and make a strong impression but then they fall into boring conversation and lose any interest the woman may have felt. This is an area where Yad is pretty strong, but it's not shown how to do this yourself.
One of the reasons we rate Daygame Blueprint so highly is there's a lot of detail when it comes to explaining the actual model to use. Nothing is left for you to try and figure out yourself and you'll come away with a crystal clear idea of what you should be doing during the interaction. You also get to see some other coaches demonstrating the method besides just Yad.
There's no doubt that Yad is one of the very best when it comes to picking up women during the daytime. However when it comes to clearly teaching his method then arguably some other dating coaches are better at this. In Daygame Blueprint it's Andy Moore aka Yosha who provides a lot of the structured explanation of the method and really holds the whole seminar together when at times Yad gets distracted a bit.
Here in Daygame Domination there's a lot of discussion between Yad and Richard, and while much of it is good in explaining what's going on, at times it goes off on a tangent. Whereas Andy was good at keeping things focused, Richard goes off track more often and doesn't have the same experience at using this model himself and being able to explain to the viewer what to do.
When it comes to the infield footage though, Daygame Domination is superior to Daygame Blueprint. The footage is better quality and there's more of it, featuring whole interactions rather than short segments of the interaction.
Variety Of Situations
If you've seen Yad in action before, you would have seen him approaching women on the street. It's more of the same here, apart from one interaction where he approaches a woman sitting down inside a university campus.
So while the demonstrations are good, it does seem a bit repetitive to show the same situation again and again rather than adding some variety. This applies to the fact that all the woman are approached on the street, but also in the same way.
It probably would have been more beneficial to see Yad approach women in other situations, such as in coffee shops, book shops, museums, supermarkets or any other places. The approaches take place in London, where there are many women walking the streets, but not everyone has high traffic areas like this and often other places can work more in your favor. It might be harder to film in other places due to trying to conceal a camera, but would have been preferable from a learning perspective.
Similarly, it would have been great to see some different styles of approach. What Yad does works very well and is well suited to his personality. His style of approach is quite direct, which may not be optimal for every guy in every situation. So it would have been nice to see different types of approaches tailored for different environments. However this isn't just a criticism of Daygame Domination, as it also applies to Daygame Blueprint and most similar products.
You will get to see different types of girls though, as Yad talks to a few English girls and also some foreign girls living in London. Their personalities are very different and also the way they react, so this is good to see. If you find yourself often approaching foreign girls, there's some discussion here from Yad and Richard on what guys often do wrong and what you're better off doing instead.
Bonus Modules
The two bonus modules feature footage of Yad interacting with women without any commentary. For the most part it is the same women from the other modules, but there are a few new interactions included as well.
It's worth seeing these in real time, without all the commentary, so you can see the pace they move at and the total times of the interactions. Yad demonstrates that you don't really need to talk to women for that long before getting a number of taking them for a coffee.
I would say that it might even be worth watching the bonus modules first to get an idea of Yad's style and see what he does, then you can watch them again with the commentary and you'll notice things that you didn't pick up the first time around.
The Bottom Line
This product is a series of infield videos of Yad approaching women during the day, interspersed with commentary from Yad and Richard La Ruina. If you're able to see techniques in action and then replicate them yourself, this will be a solid product to check out. If you need a more structured method and game plan to learn from, this is lacking here. Put simply, this product shows you what to do without really telling you how to do it.
If you're mainly interested in seeing infield footage, this product might be just what you're after. But if you'd like more of an explanation of how to meet women and more examples of what to say, we recommend Say Hello by Christian Hudson.
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Product Information
In 2010 and 2011 Yad (also known as Yad PUA) spent the most part of a year approaching women in the streets of London and other majors cities in the world with a camera team following him and recording his every step. The footage was then edited down by Richard La Ruina and Yad to 6 hours of infield video revealing Yad's day game, which is known as one of the best in the world. The course was finally scheduled for release in May of 2013.
The launch on 19th May 2013 will be restricted to 1200 copies.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- Beginner
- Intermediate
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Module 1 - 7: High-quality infield footage of Yad approaching women in the streets with analysis by Richard La Ruina (Gambler).
What You Get:
Online access to 7 video modules with 2 bonus video modules. Audio from the videos can be downloaded.
Guarantee / Terms:
3 monthly payments of $97 plus a 30-day money-back guarantee.
User Reviews of Day Game Domination
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Hmm... a little underwhelmed by Rich and Yad's collaboration"
June 02, 2013
however, i have to say that im dissapointed, quite dissapointed. Ive seen it all before, very recently.
The format of the product is talk show style, Richard Gambler as the host, interviewing Yad as they go through Yads approach videos one by one. sound familiar anyone? The Yad show, maybe? when you subscribe to the Yad show (as did) you get exactly this. Jon Matrix effortless infield anyone? you get exactly this with Jon and Tom disecting Toms approaches, - with twice the number of approach clips for half the money that PUA Training charge.
PUA companies need to man up and move away from teaching us what we already know, we have seen the street approach to phone number a million times now, PUA Training selling us the same thing again is simply not worth the time.
To be fair, i may be being a little harsh. Its an ok product. if you have never seen street approaching and have no idea about it, and have £200 to throw away then you will get a nice overview of seven approaches. However, if you have been daygaming at all, or have any other products like the ones i mentioned, then really you are being sold the same thing which you already have. Gambler adds nothing to the field, just recaptitulates what we already know, much like his recent, also disappointing book. It seems like Gambler these days is not interested in innovation, he is a marketer who just sums up other peoples work. As a direct choice between this and Jon Matrix Effortless (from its very easy to choose the better product. Jon gives you over twice the approaches, and costs just over £100 and so is vastly better value and a better product. overall 5/10, PUA training losing big marks for an over expensive, formulaic product covering the same ground as others have done better.
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"Disappointed in Day Game Domination"
June 19, 2013
What red blooded man wouldn't want to learn these secrets, allowing him to effortlessly approach any hottie, quickly strike up a conversation, magically induce a powerful attraction she simply could not resist, and fuck the shit out of her that afternoon?
Why is it so many ads for 'how to meet and seduce women' products stress it does not matter what your looks are, your age, how much money you make, or the kind of car you drive...just learn these secrets and any woman will become dripping wet with desire for you...
Yeah, right.
And I have a bride to sell you in Brooklyn.
To Yad's credit, Day Game Domination does show him walking up cold to women, striking up conversations, talking with them for several minutes, and getting their phone numbers. You see him do it not once, but six times. Okay, great. There is something to be said for having the balls to walk up to a woman and talk to her cold. Really. Lots of guys can't or won't do that. I definitely give Yad lots of credit for having the courage to approach, and doing it over and over again. That's the real secret to meeting and dating more women: do more approaches. Lots more. It's the only way to get more dates. Approach, talk to and ask out more women. It works.
But there's nothing magical about it.
Books, CDs, DVDs, seminars and personal dating coaches have taught 'how to approach women' for many years. You don't see Yad do anything earth shatteringly new, unique or different. He walks up and talks to a woman. The does it five more times over the course of 7 DVDs.
Except for DVD one, all of the DVDs are of Yad and Richard LaRuina watching videos of Yad approaching and talking to women, pausing the tape every 30 or 60 seconds, and talking about what's going on.
The first DVD was excellent, providing a structure to the 'system' Yad claims to use. Unfortunately, after DVD one, there is no mention of the system any longer. Yad just talks stream of consciousness about what he is doing and why. No reference back to the 'system' on DVD one. It's like they forgot about it.
Some men might find seeing Yad actually do six approaches to be really valuable. Especially men who have very little experience approaching women. I did not find the footage of his approaches to be very useful. I've done a lot of approaches myself. I've watched other men do a lot of approaches. Everyone does it a little different. We all eventually develop our own style and unique method.
Yad's comments about what he is doing and why he is doing it may be insightful and instructional to some men. Certainly I get the impression Yad's heart is in the right place and he is genuine in his interest to teach and help others. But Yad is Yad. He has his own personality, just as you or I have our own personalities. What works and feels comfortable for Yad may not work quite as well or feel comfortable for you. Or me.
It's also not particularly useful to have someone tell you what they are doing, without getting into the specific details of HOW they are doing it. And that's my real dissatisfaction with this program: Yad goes on and on and on telling you WHAT he did and WHY he did it...but he does not tell you HOW SPECIFICALLY TO DO IT. I found this very frustrating. If you watched a mechanic change the water pump on your car, and he explained what he was doing and why, but did not tell you HOW TO DO IT YOURSELF, you probably would not be able to repeat the work he did. And this is the problem I have with Day Game Domination.
In summary, if you are completely inexperienced with walking up to women during the day, talking to them, and getting phone numbers, you may indeed benefit from Day Game Domination. On the other hand, if you have any experience with day game, have approached a few dozen women, and gotten phone numbers and dates, you may think the material in Day Game Domination is pretty basic.
The real 'secret' to dating more women, and having more choice in the women you date, is to do lots and lots and lots of approaches, and keep working at it over many weeks and months. While you keep working at it, read books on how to get better at approaching women and asking them out. Keep learning. Keeping practicing. Keep trying new things. Keep paying attention to the results you are getting. Continually strive to improve. Do all of this, and you will start to get better at it. Find and befriend other men who are good (or at least going out regularly and working hard at trying to get good by actually doing lots of approaches) and you will get good faster.
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"Yad early years worth the money"
June 06, 2013
I found the talk show style useful and Richard does a good job goading Yad into expressing his knowledge, the footage is well shot and gives you a great insight into the amazing possibilities of daygame
overall this would be more useful for beginners to intermediate daygamers, but even advanced guys will benefit from Yad running through his experiences and explaining its finer details, especially as he was the creator of the daygame model as it is now practiced.
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"Richard has no interviewing skill"
August 03, 2013
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"Not bad, but not the best"
March 11, 2014
As usual, the marketing is BS, but the overall program is good, though not great.
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"Outstanding All Around"
January 12, 2015
You can have just this program and be set for life.
Return to it again and again.
Gambler is a great interviewer, because we can see
that he catches stuff in the infield video that Yad might not catch
(or admit Yad's using the "handshake routine" which he read in the forums, which ended up in the kiss close; and also that time he used NLP).
In Daygame Domination, listen to Yad.
He explains that his excellence comes from having
loads of "knowledge" of pick-up,
and implementing bits in the right places throughout the interaction.
The end goal: be natural. Of course.
Many say that the steps toward "being natural, authentic, and pure,"
is to discard all "artificial" method and just be honest and yourself.
Not even mentioning how unhelpful that advice is,
that is NOT how Yad became what we see today:
"natural, pure, and authentic."
You observe that he is calm, cool, collected,
"pure"...and you believe that is the method.
That is not the method,
that is the expression of all the methods converging into a whole.
At worst, it's the end expression of years of application of method.
The question is, can you become like Yad without all the pick-up study that Yad went through? Learning about push-pull, learning routines, learning lines to challenge women, etc.
In other words, if Yad had spent the years pounding the streets hitting on chicks, WITHOUT METHOD, would he still have ended up a master at picking up women?
What we do know is that he spent years pounding the streets,
APPLYING CLASSICAL METHODS. These eventually became a part of him.
So it was theory plus practice--not just blind practice.
Playing a thousand games of chess doesn't make you a great chess player
(I think I read that in Tarasch's classic book on chess).
It's not just the practice, but the right practice.
My sensei used to say,
"Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice makes permanent.
Only perfect practice makes perfect."
Many men who tried direct and concluded that it does not work
seemed to think that after just complimenting the girl or stating your interest, the girl would do the rest of the work, and you could just say, "So...what are you doing today?"
People often say, that "girls aren't stupid...they know you're not really looking for starbucks. They know you're hitting on them."
I strongly disagree (not that girls are stupid...the point about whether they know).
I've seen so many clueless girls it's ridiculous.
After fucking a girl or when I'm in a relationship,
I usually ask them about my approach,
their thoughts on it, and I try very hard to get honest answers from them. I also observe my girlfriends texting orbiters, and they never realize that the chode just wants some pussy.
The point is, I don't think I've ever heard a girl say that she knew I was "just hitting on her." Don't put the pussy on a pedestal, and stop giving women more credit than you give men. Women are obviously not smarter than men, and I also don't just nod my head when people say women are more "intuitive" than men.
I've had success with situational openers that led to SDL's
(same day lays).
For example, I once sidled up to a girl in the pet food aisle and I casually said,
"What are you doing?"
just as though we were friends who saw each other a few minutes ago.
She replied, "I'm looking for a collar for my dog...he keeps chewing through his collars."
A couple hours later she was in my bed fucking me.
Was that direct? Was that indirect?
My first words weren't, "You're so sexy girl...I wanna bend you over a barrel and show you the 50 states."
They weren't an elaborate opinion opener either.
Just "Whatcha doin'?"
Maybe we can define an opener as "direct" if it's a comment about the girl.
Problem with that is, then my trademarked opener,
"You're wearing your shoes on the wrong feet," becomes direct.
I wonder if hot guys have more success with direct openers and
average-looking guys succeed with indirect openers? Or vice versa.
Mystery's argument for the indirect opinion-opener was
so that you can go in 'under-the-radar'
before she has a chance to reject you.
That sounds clever and wise.
Especially in a club (I don't have experience in bars or clubs).
The disadvantage is that you may waste a long time having a nice chat with an unavailable woman.
Direct openers display that you're brave and masculine.
Indirect openers can also display high value, but of a different kind.
They display that you're socially intelligent, clever, creative, funny, charming, etc.
A number of guys (above) have said that they open direct, and then the girl says, "Thank you," and walks away.
Sinn has said, I think in his interview with Vin DiCarlo on Same Day Lays,
that, "Thank you," is a rejection. We clearly shouldn't think this,
since most of the closes I've seen Yad do (and Matrix and Yosha) got a "Thank you," at first. What else is she gonna say??!
Girls walk away after the direct opener,
then the men conclude that direct openers don't work.
In Daygame Domination, the girl walked away from Yad THREE TIMES saying
"Thank you but I really have to go."
Yad didn't move his feet as she walked away and he said things like,
"One more thing before you go..." and a few minutes later she was givings all kinds of IOI's
and asking about him and having a great conversation with him...
and then Yad ended up fucking her in the pussy.
Let that sink in.
In Daygame Domination,
the hot girl rejects Yad 3 times,
and then ends up mounting him.
This debate about direct/indirect is just distracting dick crack.
Anyway, it's been said that Yad isn't very direct. Sometimes, even in DD I think, he doesn't even say, "I thought you looked nice." He just stops her and says, "Excuse me," then makes a sexually neutral comment about her, for example, "I noticed you're just ambling down the street in your own little world." That's not direct...but it doesn't matter.
What you say first doesn't get the girl; how you act afterwards does.
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