Tapping for PUAs

Product Information
Instantly destroy approach anxiety, wrestle back your authentic self esteem, and unleash your hidden confidence.
- Inner Game & Confidence
- Lifestyle & Social Skills
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Introduction
- Emotional literacy
- Releasing
- The road map
- Dealing with your problems
- Living the good life
- Wealth
- Finding love and healthy relationships
- Health
- Spiritual matters
- Physical healing
- Tapping the Planet
Tapping guide :
- Tapping guide
- Procrastination
- Cravings
- Forgiveness
- Emotional detox
- Sleep
- Happiness
- Confidence
- Meeting men & meeting women
- Sexual confidence
Tapping for puas :
- Approaching
- Escalation
- State control
- Meeting women
- Self esteem
- Attraction
- Qualifying
- Comfort and rapport
- Sex
- Dressing well
- Masculinity
- AMOG handling
- Hot girls
- Ex-Girlfriend cleanse
The science of getting rich :
- How to study using energy psychology
What You Get:
Four ebooks
Guarantee / Terms:
User Reviews of Tapping for PUAs
Most Helpful User Reviews
"It's weird , But it works"
April 29, 2008
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"Its a Great Little Book"
October 14, 2009
I just finished reading it. I have experience with EFT, but one of my bigger problems has been just coming up with topics to tap on. With his worksheets and guidelines, it makes it much, much easier to figure out how to figure out what to tap on. Also, as you read certain things, you can see where you feel uncomfortable anyway. This is great for figuring out things you wouldnt imagine you had problems with, and tapping on them.
I got a newsletter from him this week, suggesting tapping on other pua books and limiting beliefs I may have on various topics.
Its a great little book, I havent applied it yet, but I know that EFT can work, so this will be great for me.
In the book, he also explains his journey of getting good inner game, and how he began tapping on everything.
All in all, for many there will be a lot of things to tap on. As things come up, tap on them. I plan to start applying this and really think it could help a lot. Kudos to Magnus. Id recommend the book.
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"It Brought Me a Relieve of a Lot of Limiting Beliefs"
April 16, 2008
Before book came out, he let us try. At first, I thought it was wierd and didn't have any effect on me the first time. However, when I practiced this alone, it brought me a relieve of a lot of limiting beliefs.
Every now and then I wip it out everytime I think that I can't do something.
This program is definitely $$$!
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May 01, 2008
I just want to say 2 things:
1) I use EFT to heal patients with emotional diseases,and it works
2) Also Paul Mckenna (he's famous like tony robbins in the UK) also use TFT while working with people.
IT WORKS,wanna see something weird? try Huna,Silva Mind and others method,you will be astonished
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"Strange at First but it Actually was Pretty Relieving"
April 15, 2008
I tried the Ex-Girlfriend Cleansing video and it was a little strange at first but it actually was pretty relieving to be honest. I thought it was going to not work and be stupid but I was open minded and gave it a try and I give it a thumbs up.
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