The Dating Black Book

Product Information
This course teaches men how to understand women, relationships, and the dating world from the inside out. It offers inside dating advice, techniques, and principles based on observations, collected writings, psychology, philosophy, seduction, and common sense in how to attract women into your life.
The course also includes diagrams, charts, dialogues, body language discussion, and how to use eye contact.
Bonus items include:
- The Dating Black Book audiobook and MP3 files
- Transitions: Stepping Stones to Success
- Dating Q&A
- The Dating Objective Planner
- Unlimited access to the Alpha Power forum
- Advanced Coaching Teleseminar 101
- Developing your power of seduction report
- Advanced Coaching Teleseminar report
- Beginner
- Intermediate
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Dating persuasion secrets
- Handling the basics of outer game
- How to avoid the traps of “poison women”
- How to identify and handle a “program woman”
- An explanation of the Dating Continuum
- 15 attraction-killing behaviors
- An explanation of the 3 primary desire factors
- The trap and myth of Game Playing
- How to eliminate fear of rejection
- How to create anticipation and desire in a woman
- Avoiding the “friend zone”
- How to maintain the highest levels of a woman’s interest
- The 5 Steps of the Relationship Maintenance program
- The tools to maintain control in a relationship
- The types of women to avoid
- How to test a woman instead of her testing you
- Maintaining your posture and commanding respect
- Avoiding the biggest dating mistakes when meeting women
- Using your innate strengths and qualities to seduce a woman
- How the Principle of Truth can increase success with women
- Where to meet the kind of women you are interested in
- Picking up women without memorized routines and games
- Understanding true compatibility and attracting like-minded women
- How to hold a conversation with a woman, with detailed examples
- Maintaining your confidence with women to avoid inner game traps
- Looking beneath a woman’s surface when she is testing you
- The in words, action, and attitude women want from you
- What not to do when walking up to talk to a woman
- Key elements of what women look for in masculine men
- What is the "Cycle of Self-Confidence" and how it works
- The mental traps of the Comfort Factor and Novelty Syndrome
- How to talk past a woman’s defense shield and make a real connection
- How to recognize and handle when to end your connection with a woman
- Three part of the most important emotion a woman can experience with you
- How to go from being afraid to approach women to talking with attractive woman
- 6 ways to make a woman powerfully attracted to you on the first date
- Learn the ability to be confident and cool to manage conflicts and win arguments
- How to answer questions like, "Are you a player?" or "Are you seeing anyone else?"
- Increase a woman’s desire for you by knowing where, when, and how to touch her
- An explanation of Contention Principle and how to use it to avoid dead-end relationships
- How to resolve your own attitude problems that get in the way of success with women
- Learn and figure out if you are a nice guy, jerk, or natural, and become the kind of guy women want
- Ways to approach women and start a conversation with a woman to quickly get her phone number
What You Get:
- eBooks
- Audio book and MP3 files
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
One payment of $77 or two payments of $38.50
User Reviews of The Dating Black Book
Most Helpful User Reviews
"I Really Recommend"
August 29, 2006
i really liked them a lot, especiallly the alpha male one, and the dating black book.
i'm reading juggler's (whom i really like) book Conversational Jujitsu, its going good, but i'll see.
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