Crush Social Anxiety

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Product Information
Crust Social Anxiety is a system for becoming socially savvy and attracting friends. Created by Chris Chandra, the system helps to eliminate shyness, conquer social anxiety, tap into your magnetic personality, and improve your social life.
Bonuses include:
- Fast Friends: How To Use Facebook To Quickly Grow Your Social Circle
- Chill Out: 3 Critical Mistakes That Creep People Out
- Winning! How You Can Be A Nice Guy And Not Finish Last
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Creating and magnetic personality
- Unleashing the inner man
- How to tell interesting stories
- How to give compliments
- The social dependency trap
- Enjoy life while still being mature
- 5 social conversation topic killers
- A big low status indicator
- Comedy and humor mistakes
- Make yourself accidentally funny
- 7 social outing idea starters
- The 3 social group authority levels
- 6 traits that exhibit low social status
- Why being liked by everyone is not needed
- How to always have interesting things to do
- The characteristics of a popular guy
- The rookie mistake that end your social life
- How to become the go-to, spontaneous, social guy
- How to generate enjoyable conversations
- Two steps to establish natural self confidence
- An effective communication style to attract others
- The type of communication that will get you ignored
- What not to do at a club or party to avoid being labeled a creep
- Avoid behavior that gives others the impression they can walk all over you
- Wealth, fantastic looks, or a great physique is not necessary to socially succeed
What You Get:
Online access to audio and PDF files
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee