Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy   

Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy
Dating Company: TSBMag | Dating Coach:
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88 of 109 people found the following review helpful

"Terrific Product Full Of Practical Tips On How To Have Fun And Attractive Conversations With Women"

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Last Update: March 23, 2025
The Good
Has a lot of practical techniques on how to become a better conversationalist. Teaches foundational principles you can use when talking to women in all situations, not word for word lines you need to memorize. Good value for money as a lot of information is included.
The Bad
Some of the advice is biased towards the author/s own particular style, which may not be well suited to everyone.
The Bottom Line
This is an excellent product that will teach you what it takes to have fun and interesting conversations. There's really nothing too complicated to learn here, but there are a lot of techniques and ideas covered so don't try them all out at once or it'll be too overwhelming.

It focuses on conversation topics that are more engaging to women, and different ways that you can control the flow of the conversation and lead it to wherever you want to take it. For guys who have the problem of running out of things to say to women, this product offers really useful information to fix that.

If your main challenge is knowing what to say to start a conversation, or overcoming social anxiety or approach anxiety, a great product to check out is Say Hello by Christian Hudson. It focuses more on starting the conversation and keeping it fun and attractive, plus building up your confidence to make approaching women simple and fun.


One of the biggest sticking points many guys have in their quest to become more successful with women, is not knowing what to talk about when first meeting them. Make Small Talk Sexy by Bobby Rio is a product aimed at giving you the tools to create fun and engaging conversation so that you never again have to worry about not knowing what to talk about.

The course is comprised of eight audio lessons, averaging about an hour each, so there is plenty of content here. The first lesson is particularly useful, providing a ton of great ways to lead a conversation and keep it going, and why this is so important. Rio says at the beginning of the course that learning to become a good conversationalist is the single biggest thing you can do to improve the quality of your life. Since it impacts your life in so many ways - from meeting girls, to your career and making new friends - it's a critical skill to develop.

The good news is that out of all the things that will improve your success with women, upgrading your conversation skills is one of the quicker things you can work on. One of the things that Rio points out is that a lot of guys will tend to look for any sign a woman doesn't want to talk to them as an excuse to eject themselves from the interaction. And that since girls generally aren't going to give you signs that it's okay to escalate the conversation, you need to be comfortable in leading the conversation forward and shouldering that responsibility.

Value And Intention
The two key things that Rio stresses are the keys to your success are bringing value and having intent. These aren't new concepts in dating skills, but they are explained in an easy to understand and practical way. He defines value as the experience you bring to a woman in that particular moment, and then describes the three things you need to do to convey value. He also talks about how these things are more important than factors such as how much money you make, your job and other external factors that many men believe they need to have to attract women.

Because guys often think that women are impressed by money, material possessions and superficial status, their conversations usually involve a certain degree of bragging. I've witnessed this live many times and can actually see the woman start to lose interest the more the guy is trying to tell her what he has to offer. Instead, Rio shows you how you can create conversations that let you shine, but without seeming like you are bragging.

He also talks a lot about the importance of emotions, and the role they play in getting a woman interested in you. He uses some good analogies to help you understand how emotions will influence your behavior, and you should get a much clearer idea of why you need to focus on emotional elements when talking with women.

There's a story Rio tells a few times, and a lot of guys can probably relate to it. That he met a girl at a party one night and they shared a strong interest in the same topic. So they talked about it in depth, and since they had a great connection on this one topic he thought that the girl would just naturally be into him. But when he went upstairs later on he found her hooking up with a guy that she'd only just met, and it was a real kick in the guts for him.

As he now knows, there wasn't any emotional stimulation in his conversation with that girl, and nothing that made her feel attracted to him. It was just a friendly conversation. Guys fall into this trap all the time, and think that by sharing something in common with the girl she's going to realize how perfect they are for each other and suddenly become interested in him. This product will show you instead what creates attraction, and the kind of conversations that captivate women emotionally.

Knowing What To Say Next
Running out of things to talk about has likely happened to every guy at some point, and is a common fear for many men. Make Small Talk Sexy attempts to solve this issue through a number of different ways.

One of the best and most practical techniques from the whole course is how to use the current topic of conversation to segue into another. The example that Rio uses is discussing Charlie Sheen and what a train wreck he is. First, he gives three examples of how you could bring up this topic of conversation, in what he terms 'bidding a topic'. From there, he details six ways in which you can then use that topic to transition into another, and you could keep doing this until you find something that she really latches onto.

This is really fantastic advice, and if you learn how these principles work and make an effort to practice and master them, you'll be able to have free-flowing conversations whenever you like. The great thing about it is you can use these techniques to bring up virtually any topic of conversation you'd like, and it's a good example of how you can go from small talk into much more personal conversations.

Another area that is covered in depth is storytelling. There's solid advice on steps you can take to practice your storytelling skills, and the importance of having a handful of well honed stories. If you find yourself in the situation of being stuck for what to say next, having some reliable stories to tell can give you that extra bit of confidence. This isn't really about using scripted routines, but just acknowledging the fact that we tend to tell a few of the same stories repeatedly so it pays to structure them in a way that is interesting for other people to listen to.

Conversation Steroids
There's a bonus that comes with the course called Conversation Steroids. This also addresses the area of knowing what to say by giving you a list of 12 different topics that are good to use. Depending on your interests, you might not want to use all of these, but there are enough suggestions here that you'll be able to get some ideas and examples of things you can talk about.

Aside from the conversational topics, there's also lessons on conversational hooks and using bait. These are techniques that are based on psychological principles, and are intended to create intrigue and get women more invested in the conversation. They're not word for word lines for you to memorize, so you can take the techniques and adapt them in ways that fit in naturally with what you're doing.

It's worth pointing out though that these aren't magic bullets that will work independently of everything else you're doing. In many cases the woman is going to need to have at least some degree of interest in talking to you for her to feel compelled to respond to whatever hooks and bait you throw out there. So the more you have a grasp on the fundamentals such as hygiene, grooming, style, body language and vocal tonality the better these are going to work for you.

Banter And Teasing
Quite a big focus in this product is on how to tease and banter with girls. There's a lot of good examples of how to do this, but it's important that you have a good understanding of social calibration here. Because of his strong New York accent, there are a few times where some of the things Rio says sound a bit more mean than playful. This isn't his intention, and he points out that you don't want to come across as mean or harsh. But it's just a result of an accent that naturally sounds kind of tough.

He also points out correctly that you don't want to stay stuck in banter mode for too long, and a simple way to get out of it if you find this happening. The other thing he says that you need to remember is that some foreign girls won't respond as well to banter, as they are instead focusing on processing what you've said. So if you're speaking to a girl in a different language than her native tongue, be aware that sometimes she'll be more likely to take what you say literally instead of picking up on any sub-communication that you're being playful.

Rob Judge and Jon Sinn
Two of the audio lessons in Make Small Talk Sexy are actually interviews with dating coaches Rob Judge and Jon Sinn. They're both very experienced and well respected and though their ideas complement Rio's, you also get a fresh perspective here.

A lot of what Rob talks about involves how to have fun interactions mixed with banter and conversation that is engaging for women. He shares a lot of useful information and gives practical examples, so there is good value in this lesson. One thing that I found a slight problem though is that when he talks about a simple structure to use, it is heavily biased towards what works for him based on his personality and might not be the way to go for everyone.

Specifically, he talks a lot about using pop culture references early on as a way to create a bonding experience between you and the woman. So he might reference some TV show from the 80's and use it in a joking kind of way, which can actually work really well. But there are guys who have no interest in pop culture and the suggestion to read up on what's happening in this industry might not be the way to go. If you start trying to have forced conversations about things you have zero interest in you're not likely to get the same results. So it would have been preferable if Rob had discussed a few alternatives to replace the pop culture step of the interaction.

Also included as a bonus is an infield audio recording of Rob approaching and talking to a random girl. It's about 15 minutes long, but there is also an extra audio of him and Rio breaking down and analyzing the interaction, which goes for just over an hour. The interaction is a great example of how to approach a girl in a natural way and have a fun and playful conversation with her.

It does a good job of showing the things that Rob talked about earlier, but the things he says are very tailored to his personality. You won't want to copy exactly what he says, but you can use it as an example of how to have a fun conversation in a bar or club.

In the interview with Sinn they discuss quite a few different ideas and basically Sinn gives a general overview of his style of game. He has some good advice on storytelling and how you can personalize them to make the girl feel more involved, as well as how to structure them to achieve different objectives. He also talks about touching girls and being physical, and how his results improved when he made the conscious decision to go out and start touching girls deliberately. It's a good interview and contains a lot of quality information.

Besides Conversation Steroids and the infield audio of Rob Judge, there are some other bonuses that are included with this product. One of them is called Alpha Attitude and is an hour long PowerPoint video where Rio goes over a lot of the basics of the kind of attitude and mindset that will be more attractive to women. This is particularly useful if you're new to dating skills information or have the problem of coming across like too much of a nice guy.

In fact this is probably the first thing you should watch if you purchase this product, as it lays the foundation to better use all the techniques and conversation strategies that you'll learn throughout.

There's also a ten minute guided visualization audio, which is not that great. It's very short and basic and if you're looking for hypnosis audios, there are much better products on the market. There's also a 'chick crack' bonus that has a couple of short reports on cold reading and palm reading. Again, these are not really that great and I would suggest not to even bother reading them.

Of better quality is the cheat cards that are provided. These are a couple of one page files that have bullet points on different topics such as teasing her, attraction tips, motivation tips and different openers you can use. There isn't anything revolutionary included here but it's a good basic overview of things you can use when approaching women and trying to have fun and playful conversations with them.

The Bottom Line
This is an excellent product that will teach you what it takes to have fun and interesting conversations. There's really nothing too complicated to learn here, but there are a lot of techniques and ideas covered so don't try them all out at once or it'll be too overwhelming.

It focuses on conversation topics that are more engaging to women, and different ways that you can control the flow of the conversation and lead it to wherever you want to take it. For guys who have the problem of running out of things to say to women, this product offers really useful information to fix that.

If your main challenge is knowing what to say to start a conversation, or overcoming social anxiety or approach anxiety, a great product to check out is Say Hello by Christian Hudson. It focuses more on starting the conversation and keeping it fun and attractive, plus building up your confidence to make approaching women simple and fun.

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Product Information

This program aims to provide men with ideas on how to have more fun, engaging, sexual conversations without having to worry about lapses in their communication.

Bonuses include:
- Confidential Social Intelligent Manuscript
- One month membership to the Social Training Lab Mentorship Program
- Cold Reading, Palm Reading and Astrology, and Persuasive Mind Tricks (reports)
- Live Infield "Hidden Microphone" Pickup with Interview Commentary

Note: When you sign up for this program you are also given the option to sign up for the "Social Training Lab" mentoring program.

  • Attracting Women
  • Lifestyle & Social Skills
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
Download (Audio)
Hot Topic Tags:
Conversation Skills
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Bobby Rio
Release Date:
January 01, 2009
Price: $27.00


If you have a question or problem, ask us:

Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

- Examples of "sexualized" teasing
- The importance of role-playing
- A 6-step process to keep conversations flowing
- 3 stages of touching and how to use them
- Tips on how to fill conversation gaps
- Understanding passion and how to display it
- 12 topics to engage women in conversation
- The main reason why a woman will flake out
- 5 signals that warn you should end a conversation
- Why many conversations immediately die out
- What to do if a woman is not reacting to your touch
- How to structure your conversations and techniques
- How to casually respond when a woman compliments you
- The reason most guys completely blow it with "cocky/funny"
- The single biggest turn off that you can display to a woman
- 6 story-telling techniques learned from reality television
- 8 initial meeting techniques that will make a woman like you
- Reasons why conversations hit "lulls" and how to keep them flowing
- Why most guys irritate women within minutes of starting a conversation
- A method to immediately demonstrate that you are a "player" in this game
- An "opening" technique for screening the type of women you are looking for
- 3 simple techniques to immediately show a wonderful sense of humor
- Giving women "mental challenges" to keep them engaged in the conversation
- How to give a woman signals that your conversation is more flirty than friendly
- The 6 "come hither" sexual signals given by women already in seduction mode
- How to "bait" a woman so that she wants you to continue the conversation
- 3 "mindset shifts" to rid yourself bad habits that sabotage your conversations with women
- What to say to a woman to get her imagining you in a sexual way without creeping her out
- How to avoid a woman’s "interview mode" and change the conversation with spontaneity and fun
- What to say to a woman to get her emotionally invested in the conversation
- An innocent touching technique to find out if a woman feels attraction towards you
- The rules for different types of conversations with different objectives
- How to steer conversations away from things you want to avoid talking about
- A mindset shift to prevent you from thinking a woman thinks that you are “hitting” on her
- A real estate salesman technique you can use in conversation
- 3 simple ways to test her touching "comfort threshold"
- What to do when you sense a woman's interest is starting to fade
- An opener that helps build social momentum
- How to have a conversation with a woman in a loud nightclub
- The 5 conversation topics that break down a woman's defenses
- How to get women comfortable talking about sex
- Presenting yourself as the most dominant and powerful man in the group
- How to deal with being overshadowed in way that makes you look more important
- What to do if you're the "weakest" talker in the group
- How to quickly kill your escalation "momentum"
- How to play down your mistakes
- How to master "situational timing"

What You Get:

- 3 videos
- 2 PDFs
- 7 hours of recorded audio material
- 1-month trial subscription to Social Training Lab mentorship program
- Conversation cheat sheet cards

Guarantee / Terms:

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Payment of $38.97 provides access to full Small Talk Sexy Program.

Note: You are also given the option to sign up for the separate "Social Training Lab" mentorship program with this course. Please check our listing for that program for full details on it.

User Reviews of Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy

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67 of 87 people found the following review helpful

"Next level Conversation SKILLS"

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Awesome program!

Helped me a lot to fix conversation problems with women
It explains easy what you can do to use conversation to attract a woman and overcome sticking points
Good quality audio sessions, enjoyable to listen to
No more stuck in converversations you are now in control

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20 of 21 people found the following review helpful

"Fixed my life"

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It fixed my dating and social life. Before learning the techniques in this program I couldn't even make a normal conversation because I didn't know what to talk about, a problem that I don't have to deal with anymore. The lifechanging lesson for me was the first one where he talks about curiosity, impudence and gives a advice on how to never run out of things to say. Then you learn how to be funny but most importantly have fun. The other part is filled with other techniques for building rapport (lifechanging also), touching the right way and storytelling. Also he teaches you the technique that makes almost everyone become more involved in the conversation (conversation bait), this technique is now the technique I use mostly in my conversations with new people. In the last two lessons he talks about some ways of practicing so that it kind of becomes ingrained in your behavior after a couple of months and gives some good advice on inner game. You have to take notes and then to arrange those notes properly, this is the only problem but that is a small problem for a person who is willing to change like I did (and still do).
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13 of 17 people found the following review helpful

"Pretty good for beginners"

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This is a decent program especially for beginners who struggle making basic conversation with women.

The Good: Rio covers many aspects of conversation, as well as covering basic attraction and rapport concepts. Also, for the low cost of investment, there are many hours of content which a plus.

The Bad: While it may connect to some, to me, Bobby Rio's teaching style leaves something to be desired. He normally sounds like he is just reading from the page. Also, while the program itself is okay and covers the general concept of conversation okay, especially for beginners, there are many better products from Love Systems, Josh Pellicer, Jason Capital, and Brad P that cover a broader range of conversation topics for a slightly more advanced level.

The ugly: Bobby Rio's style of flirting and communication really tends to veer to the more abrasive side. This might connect to some, but it a massive turn-off to many women.

Overall: while not the best program for developing communication skills or state, it's a decent program for beginners especially for the low cost.

Overall Rating: 6.5
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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful

"Excellent program that is really effective"

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This program really changed my life. Not only with dating but also with people in general. I am now enjoying my time more, and people are enjoying my company all the time. I am able to talk for hours with women and they enjoy it. Instead of having women cut the interaction with me quickly under any excuse, they are laughing and opening up to me. Great Program!
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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful

"It's really effective"

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So I was a really shy type guy and I was never able to make my way to that sexual zone ever with any girl but after listening to only 4 audios believe I was able to got out of that boring zone in just 4 texts with the girl I was chasing from 2 months.
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7 of 18 people found the following review helpful

"good product but minefield but too much self promotion"

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I have this product for just over a year which is sufficent time to come to abalanced view on the strengths and weaknesses of the said product.

This product is delivered in a way that was light years ahead of most products; in the past you were restricted to either mp3 or ebook, this product went one better offering you a variety of easy to use mediums: ebook, audio and short videos. At the time the product must have be launched that must have a game changer and even in 2015 most pua companies are offering only one medium.

- The video quality is clear and not too long.
For me persoonally I found the video content too short but the quality of audio mp3s cannot be faulted Detailed and too the point with clear and easy to follow eamples. Each mp3 finished with an Action Plan for translating the content into practice - totallly unique.
- ebook: The ebook was reading and not too heavy on the eyes.

- The author wore me down with his continuous plugs and adverts. To describe them as annoying would be an understatement. They were ongoing.
- What is the point of having a phone without a number?
The product comes with a free member's forum (where you are introduced to more products to entice you) and the forums were dead. don't waste your time checking them out.
- Information overload:
This really should be a positive but if you don't have a game plan, it's very easy to suffer from information overload as the product does provide lots and lots of quality information.

Would I recommend the PRODUCT?

If you are someone struggling with your cnversation at a basic level - then stay clear of this product as the wealth of information might stall you (or you could risk temporary stifflement for future growth) or aim for another product. If you are intermediate to advanced and looking to enhance a specific area of your conversaton then this product I feel would be ideal for you.
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