Conscious Dating: Finding the Love of Your Life and the Life That You Love

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Product Information
In “Conscious Dating”, David Steele argues that dating has its drawbacks and really doesn't work anymore in finding relationship happiness. He states that the rules have changed and offers relationship information and strategies. This book aims to help singles celebrate who they are and see being single as an opportunity.
It looks at fourteen dating traps and why dating does not work. The author delves into the ten principles for conscious dating and how a single person can go from dating disaster to dating success. The book also includes tips, quizzes, personal stories, and real world advice.
- Kindle eBook
- Book
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If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Chapter 1: The Mystery of Relationships
Chapter 2: What Do We Really Want?
Chapter 3: Why "Dating" Doesn't Work
Chapter 4: The Opportunity of Being Single
Chapter 5: The Principle of Conscious Dating: Know Who You Are and What You Want
Chapter 6: Second Principle of Conscious Dating: Learn How to Get What Want
Chapter 7: Third Principle of Conscious Dating: Be "The Chooser"
Chapter 8: Fourth Principle of Conscious Dating: Balance Your Heart with your Head
Chapter 9: Fifth Principle of Conscious Dating: Be Ready and Available for Commitment
Chapter 10: Sixth Principle of Conscious Dating: Use the Law of Attraction
Chapter 11: Seventh Principle of Conscious Dating: Gain Relationship Skills and Knowledge
Chapter 12: Eighth Principle of Conscious Dating: Create a Support Community
Chapter 13: Ninth Principle of Conscious Dating: Practise Assertiveness
Chapter 14: Tenth Principle of Conscious Dating: Be a "Successful Single"
Chapter 15: Your Conscious Dating Plan
Chapter 16: Pre-Commitment: Is This "The One"?
Epilogue: It CAN Happen for You!
A. Frequently Asked Questions
B. Conscious Dating Glossary
C. Free Conscious Dating Audio Program
D. Conscious Dating Success Story of the Year
E. Advanced Conscious Dating Information & Strategies
F. Join Our Conscious Dating Online Community
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Hardcover $6.21
- Kindle $6.82
- Paperback $14.95
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