Code of The Natural

Editor Review
"Lots Of Exercises On Improving Body Language, No Real Information on Attracting Women"
This book is all about body language, and the importance it plays in being sexually attractive to women. Rob Brinded has a background in sports science and holistic healing and has worked with athletes from all over the world to get their bodies working as efficiently as possible.
A side effect from his work was noticing how men with natural, relaxed body language were much better at attracting women. He tested out his theories on himself and claims he dramatically improved the way in which women looked at and responded to him.
It's certainly no secret that body language plays a huge role in your ability to attract women. An oft-quoted study claims that as much as 55% of our communication is done through body language alone. Whether this is entirely accurate or not, it is clear that your body language says a lot about you.
The Key To Attracting Women?
A shortfall of this book is it implies that just by correcting a few body language issues women will magically become attracted to you. While incorporating better body language will certainly help you, it is only a part of the bigger picture.
The reality of the situation is that even if women do find your presence more attractive, they will rarely initiate an interaction with you. It is still going to be up to you the majority of the time to approach a woman and lead things where you want it to go.
The book makes no mention of this, and no actual information is provided on interacting with women. The sole focus is the what/why/how of body language, and attracting women seems to be viewed as an afterthought.
In some cases there is some evolutionary psychology provided to back up the reasons for some facts and why they are important. In other instances, Brinded's personal hunches are given, and some might be debatable.
What's really lacking here though are examples of successful interactions one might have after they get their body language in order. He mentions a lot of 'natural' friends he has who do well with women, so maybe describing their body language while talking to women or what they actually say would have helped here.
It's too optimistic to think that carrying yourself more freely or having a more attractive walk is going to solve all of your dating issues. I think Brinded is banking on the fact that guys have already read or watched many other dating products and know how to approach and talk to women, which might not be the case.
What This Book Does Well
Brinded provides case studies showing that certain injuries or problems someone might be having with their body could be related to a different area entirely. For example, how a triathlete he treated had hamstring and calf injuries that were actually the result of muscle problems around his eye.
It's really emphasized here how important it is to treat the body as a whole, and Brinded takes a holistic approach to what he does.
There are links embedded throughout the book that lead to videos of various exercises being demonstrated. The main focus of his exercises seems to be freeing your body of stored tension and getting your body back to its natural, healthy state.
Brinded also talks about how the mind and body are linked. So the process a lot of guys take when learning about dating, is they learn some knowledge, apply it, then see some success. Over time their beliefs become more positive and their body language adjusts naturally to reflect this newfound success.
It stands to reason that by working on having the body language of someone who is successful and attractive to women, your beliefs might start to change to reflect this and you will feel more positive about yourself and women.
Presentation Of This Book
Unfortunately, the way this book is presented is a bit of a mess. While Brinded is clearly an intelligent guy in the field of sports science, his writing skills are pretty poor. The structure is a bit all over the place, and the whole book looks as if it were put together in half an hour.
The length of the book is 79 pages, but with huge, varying fonts used and cheap-looking photos, the actual content is much less than that.
Ironically, the last part of the book is a page of dedications, with the last being to a woman for "checking my terrible grammar and spelling". I would hate to have seen it beforehand, as the finished version is downright awful. Be prepared for many, many mistakes here if you read this book. It doesn't make the information any less worthwhile, it just gives an overall feeling of complacency and looks amateurish.
The Bottom Line
There are some interesting ideas presented here and most people would probably get some value from the exercises. As a complete system for attracting women though this falls well short. If you already have a base level of competence with women, you could apply the ideas here and probably see some success.
If you have no experience interacting with women, this book alone will not help you. It may assist you when used in conjunction with other advice about how to approach and attract women verbally.
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Product Information
"Code of The Natural" from Rob Brinded provides you with the step-by-step processes on how to change your body, posture and movement, on a subconscious level, which will enable you to create attraction in women like a "Natural".
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- Image, Physique & Style
- Inner Game & Confidence
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Do You Have Magnetic Hips Or Are Women Being Turned Off By Your Restrictions...
- Naturals Have Relaxed Muscle Tone
- Dimensional Movement Triggers Attraction In Women
- Posture Is Not A Choice
- Inner Game Issues Are Mirrored In Your Body
- Testimonials
What You Get:
Option #1: Code of The Natural eBook ($27)
- 1-month FREE subscription to Interviews with Attraction and Movement Specialists (your account will be charged $12.95 if you wish to stay subscribed)
- 3 Hour Long DVD interviews with Attraction Specialists.
Option #2: “The Code Of The Natural” Home Study DVD course ($197)
Bonus Items:
- An accompanying workbook with guide.
- A private invite to Approach Anxiety Annihilation 10 Week Course... this is for Home Study Course Customers ONLY
- Access To Code Of The Natural Membership Site
- A Free Interview With Male Nutrition Guru On How To Boost Your Sexual Vibe Plus Free Report On How Top 10 Ways To Lose Body Fat
Guarantee / Terms:
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
User Reviews of Code of The Natural
Most Helpful User Reviews
"For me, the best products ever"
August 30, 2011
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"Eye Opener, a Physiological Route for Inner Game, Helps Improve Your Nonverbals"
January 05, 2014
I feel relaxed and embodies good inner game. I think it will improve more once I have done a great number of these movements plus incorporated the strength routines.
Don't consider this as magic pill. You still have to study your favorite PUA system. Code of the Natural is a supplement to help your nonverbals. Sure, do consider what's properly and technically good body language. Sometimes, it helps if you consciously do it, but it feels less congruent to do that when you do these exercises. For example, I believe doing lunges, especially the 3d version of COTN can help you achieve what other body language products advice to have "longer stride lengths."
As a side note, there are other products in the fitness world that could help in this area, although not specifically marketed as a seduction product. Nonetheless, I appreciate Rob's work for inspiring me to research on fitness and movement education stuff.
Once you milk Rob's products, but want more, check out Scott Sonnon's materials for general fitness. As for 3d stretching ala Code of the Natural, the closest Sonnon products are Intu-Flow, Prasara Yoga, and Tactical Gymnastics (TACGYM).
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