Cliff's List Convention VOL 1

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Product Information
Cliff’s List Convention is a culmination of dating and seduction industry experts brought together into one live 3-day event to share their techniques, philosophies, insights, and experiences from the seduction community.
The event included some of the following topics:
- Day 1: How to approach women, meeting them online, getting women to call you
- Day 2: Sexual body language, seducing actresses and models, improving “Inner Game”
- Day 3: Setting up threesome, driving women wild with touch, meeting them in bars and clubs
The program is a learning platform taught by “masters” of attracting women. Volume 1 of the program features presentations from 20 presenters such as Mystery, Style, David DeAngelo, Tyler, Brent Smith, Steve P., Zan, Savoy, Lance, Dr. Alex, Bishop, Cameron, Will, Doc, DJ and David Shade. Two of the presenters within the entire group are considered “naturals” in the field and you learn why in the program.
The presenters were all once “regular guys” that were frustrated with their lack of success with women and did something about; now able to attract the women they desire and sharing how they did it.
The program includes:
- More than 18 hours of high quality, digitally recorded material
- Private membership access to downloadable online videos
- Presentations from 20 dating coaches, pick up artists, and seducers
Bonuses include:
- News letter interviews conducted by Cliff
- 7 week game improvement training guide
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- Masculine Sexuality & Sexual Skills
- Beginner
- Intermediate
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Below is a partial list of the presenters and what you will learn from them.
From Brent Smith:
- A “save” when having nothing to say to a woman that gets her comfortably talking
- The answering machine message to convince a woman to call you back for a date
- How to approach a woman right after she gets hit on by someone else
- Getting a woman to call you back first after the first time you meet
- A way to approach the woman every guy is hitting on in the bar so she chooses you
- How to get a woman to tell you the best line to use on her
- Getting a woman to hit on you without hitting on her
From Tyler:
- 4 tricks to exhibit high status and power to a woman
- Traps that prevent guys from learning seduction techniques and how to avoid them
- Duplicate the success bartenders and nightclub bouncers have with getting women
- Why meeting a woman “cold” is better than meeting her through friends
- 2 traits of the guys having high success with women and developing them in yourself
- How to bypass a woman’s “cold shoulder” and get her to quickly warm up to you
- How an older guy can give himself a big advantage over younger competition
- Implementing the program and make it a lasting, natural part of your personality
- Direct versus indirect openers and how to use them to ignite attraction in a woman
- A major “canned” opener mistake guys make that ruins their pickup chances
From David M.:
- 3 big mistakes when trying to meet women online
- How to end your emails if you want a woman to reply
- How to “spy” on guys to get their good online dating techniques
- How to challenge a woman to get her to repeatedly write you back
- A clever way to get women to reply to you who are not subscribed to a site
- Getting a woman to send you her phone number without asking for it
- The pictures to use to better your chances of an attractive woman responding
- How to be “picky” in your descriptions and still make yourself look desirable
- A simple technique to boost your profile to the top of search listings
- The subject lines that double your chances of a woman opening your email
- A 2-step email system so a woman replies to your second email with her phone number
- 4 word-for-word lines for teasing a woman online that create immediate attraction
From Steve P.:
- A 3-minute exercise to use on a woman you’ve met to create a deep spiritual bond
- Ways to extend your connection with a woman beyond sex on a deeper level
- The difference between relationship and one-night-stand approach techniques
- A live demo of one of the best ways to create an incredible bond with a woman
- An ancient Huna breathing exercise to double your connection with a woman
- Stop the negative “inner voices” that are killing your self-confidence and sabotaging success with women
From Will:
- What to wear that makes women approach you
- What is considered the world’s worst pickup line
- How to befriend nightclub doormen to get in free, without waiting
- Walking into a bar or nightclub with powerful confidence to stand out from other guys
- Letting a woman know you can either “take her or leave her”
- How to use a “wingwoman” to double your opportunities to meet women
- A simple electronic device for getting women to approach you in a bar or club
- How to start a conversation after eye contact with a woman the second time
- How to smoothly approach and stop a walking woman and strike up a conversation
- One of the best ways to introduce yourself to a woman
- The 4 questions never to ask a woman if you don’t want to look like a “chump”
- Conversation topics that get women talking and move things in the right direction
- Great default and follow-up questions to start a conversation with a woman
- A way to give a woman your phone number so she immediately calls you back
- Barometer Test to identify the type of woman you are dealing with and how to seduce her
- A bold way to approach a woman with a wingman to make her laugh with attraction
- A bold and humorous way to let a woman know that she shouldn’t pass you up
- A funny line to use on a short girl to maintain her interest in you
- 7 words to use on a group of women to win them all over at the same
- Killing Them Softly – a method of building attraction that makes you more desirable
From Dr. Alex and Cameron T.:
- A technique for cultivating your sexual energy
- A plan to become a multi-orgasmic man
- How to manifest your full potential to naturally attract women
- An technique to earn a woman’s comforting trust in the bedroom
- 4 types of women that prevent you from having a healthy relationship
- 3 very drills to expand your mind and make you more effective with women
- What to say to a “cool” woman that puts you on her level and relaxes her into conversation
- How to definitely stop caring about what other people think of you and live for you
- How to handle a controlling woman and take back the control in a gentlemanly manner
- Maintaining a confident and relaxed seated position with a woman that attracts her
From Mystery:
- How to eliminate approach anxiety and create feelings of confidence
- How to be seen as an attractive man to all of the women in a nightclub
- A simple secret to ELIMINAT E “approach anxiety ” and create feelings of confidence
- How to handle resistance to make a woman feel comfortable with “going all the way“
- Approaching a woman within a group of men, get accepted by them, and have her pursuing you
- How to use your fear of approaching women as a good weapon to improve your game
From David Shade:
- How to bring a woman to a vaginal orgasm
- How to bring out the sex-crazed animal inside a woman
- What “bad boys” do to get women sexually addicted to them
- How to get a woman to have phone sex with you on the very first phone conversation
From Doc:
- How to project confident status and power when first meeting a woman
- A system for expanding your social network and becoming “the man”
- How to improve your looks and increase chances of a woman positively responding to you
- How to use your environment to command attention and create a noticeable, confident presence
- Creating a unique, confident, sensual look that radiates you know how to please a woman
- 3 things a woman first notices about a man and using them to make yourself desirable
- How to make female friends and be “first choice” when they want to set up one of their sexy friends
- How to move to a new city and create a new life for yourself
- How to walk into a bar by yourself and find a great wingman
- A mental mistake guys make that results in “needy” body language that women notice
- The 3 things to be aware of when talking to a woman in order to create attraction
- A “warm yourself up” technique when entering a nightclub that sets you up for success
- Using questions women ask about you to create powerful routines that make women curious about you
- How the mistakes you make with women can be a good thing that helps you come up with great future routines
- Changing your voice tone to create a deep connection so a woman sees you as a potential lover
From Bishop:
- How to meet women without using pickup lines
- The things you can observe about a woman and comment on without looking like a schmuck
- Eliminating the inner issues and drama in order to avoid looking like a “dork”
- 3 ways to fend off a “cockblocker” so he looks and feels like a moron for even trying
From Patty:
- How to turn a woman on by standing behind her
- What your body language will reveal to a woman
- Live demonstrations of sexual body language techniques that attract women
- How to shake a woman’s hand with confidence and sensuality
- How to touch a woman while opening a door for her, making her feel like a woman
- The subtle body language that signals you should not deal with a woman
- A walk used by male models and ballroom dancers that makes women notice them
From David DeAngelo:
David’s first step to becoming a leading authority on dating advice for men was posting his theories and insights on Cliff’s List. David’s first posting under the pseudonym ”Sisonpyh”, turned the List into immediate success with a groundbreaking 10-page post detailing his unique strategies for meeting and attracting women. His theories were powerful, easy to use, and guys loved them. His first post became the foundation for David’s now-famous ebook, “Double Your Dating”. In this program, David returns to his roots and shares his insights.
From Style:
- Riddles, jokes, and games to keep conversations flowing and build attraction from women
- “5 Questions” fun technique to play on a woman that puts her in a sexually playful mood
- A funny mind-reading routine that fools a woman into thinking you have actual psychic abilities
- Style’s romantic story that subconsciously tells a woman that she better do whatever she can to make you hers
- 3 questions to get inside a woman's head, find out what she wants in life, and create an immediate bond with her
The First Ever “Threesome Panel”:
- Having multiple women at the same time
- 2 types of women open for a threesome
- How to score with several woman at the same time
- What to say to get a woman back to your place
- How to find a bi-sexual woman who is willing to share
- The best locations to find women who are open and willing
- How to influence a woman with the fun fantasies of a threesome
- Letting your woman know what’s in it for her in a threesome
- The type of woman never to bring up the idea of a threesome with
- Addressing your woman’s concerns and making her feel comfortable with the idea
- Reasons to never have a threesome with one of your woman’s friends
- The types of nightclubs to likely meet a bisexual woman
- A mistake and relationship destroyer when trying to set up a threesome with a girlfriend
- How to handle when a woman tries to get you to bring another man into the mix
- A method for going out with your woman and finding another woman for a threesome
- How to find out if a woman is open to a threesome the very first time you meet her
- The types of women most likely to have a threesome with you and finding them
- Bringing up the idea of a threesome with a woman you’re dating in a comfortable, exciting way
- How to find and attract a hot, bisexual girlfriend that will help you go out meet women, and bring them home
- Building and managing a “harem” of women that are available to do your sexual bidding
- How to test for bisexuality, where to find prospects, get them talking to each other, and close the deal
From Lance Mason:
- The best time to make the crucial “first touch”
- What you can tell from touching a woman’s hand
- Using body language to supercharge your cocky humor
- How to get closer to a woman that still keeps her in her comfort
- The big mistake inexperienced guys do that shows their weakness
- A smooth way to get close to a woman that tells her you know what you’re doing
- Letting a woman know that it is “ok” for her to show her attraction to you
- How to gauge her interest and know immediately whether she is worth
- The exact distance you should stand from a woman on the initial approach
- What your touch says to a woman – how to let her know instantly that you are a desirable man
- Shaking a woman’s hand in a sensual way so she gets the idea that you know how to please her in the bedroom
- How to initiate physical contact with a woman in a way that makes her ex cited instead of uncomfortable
- A body language move to smoothly take a woman away from her group for private conversation
- The line you can say to a guy that allows you to sneak in on his date without him noticing
A Complete Step-by-Step Breakdown of The Mystery Method:
- Making a woman earn your attention
- How to flip things around and out her on the spot
- Presenting your “nerdy ” hobbies in a way that you attractive
- 3 necessary rules to being a genuine guy and not look like a fake
- Showing interest in a woman so she sees you as a “catch” instead of a clown
- How to make a woman qualify herself to you and beg for your attention
- 2 ways to pass a woman’s tests that make you look more attractive
- Questions to ask a woman when you are ready to “reel her in” and close the deal
- Avoid becoming a “social robot” and instead attract women like a “natural”
- How to tell captivating stories and makes a woman curious about you
- Presented by Mystery, Savoy of LoveSystems, Jon Sinn of Sinns of Attracton, and DJ from Unified Living
- A new perspective of how attraction works and how to quickly and systematically create it
- A technique to approach a woman “under the radar” because she feels you are not “hitting” on her
- 2 fashion accessories that will make women notice you and are great conversation starters
- The secrets of the small group of men that move from one woman to another with ease
- The secrets of one of the “ugliest” well-known seducers and using them to date “out of your league”
- The real secrets of the “natural” seducers and how to create your own seduction life
- What to say when a woman asks how many women you have been with to turn her on for you
- A romantic way to structure a relationship that women love and allows your freedom
- How to let a woman know you are a desirable sexual “bad boy” instead of a player or jerk
What You Get:
Online access to downloadable videos
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