Break Up, Wake Up, Move On: From Broken Heart to Open Heart, Prepare For The Partner You've Always Longed For

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Product Information
In “Break Up, Wake Up, Move On”, Randy Siegel offers advice in order to weather and get through a break up, and be better off for it. He also shows you how to prepare yourself for attracting the perfect romantic partner.
Siegel offers support as well as guiding you to connect with your true self, while preparing you to meet the person you are meant to be with.
This book includes insight, tools, exercises, and is divided into five parts:
- Setting the scene
- The breakup
- The wake up
- The break through
- Moving on
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Part One: Setting the Scene
1. Mainstream Married Man
2. Midlife Crisis
3. Serial Monogamist
4. Stop the Pain!
5. Embrace the Pain
6. Man Hunt
7. Start with Self
8. The Dance
9. Moving In
Part Two: The Breakup
10. The Split
11. No Contact
12. Party Pooper
13. Crazy Thoughts
- Compulsions
- Fantasies
- Past and Future Tense
14. Roller Coaster Emotions
- Love
- Relief
- Sadness
- Anger
- Jealousy, Hatred, and Vindictiveness
15. Acting Out
16. Be Gentle
17. Conclusion
- Lessons Learned about Breaking Up
- Report Card
Part Three: Wake Up
18. Suffer Not
19. Being and Doing
20. Becoming Aware
21. Mediation as a Way of Being
22. Facing the Past
23. Facing the Pain
24. Finding Peace
25. Feel First
26. Allow Emotions
27. Be Real
28. Four Limiting Beliefs
29. Letting Go
30. Nonattachment
31. Cutting the Cord
32. Shatter the Illusion
33. Get on with It
34. Forgiving, Forgiveness
35. Exes as Friends?
36. Conclusion
- Lessons Learned about Letting Go
- Report Card
Part Four: Breakthrough
37. The Pause
38. Ask Yourself
39. Past Relationships
40. Other Lessons Learned
- Commitment
- Consciousness
- Curiosity
- Honesty
- Communications
- Sex and Intimacy
- Codependence
41. The Central Lesson
42. Conclusion
- Lessons Learned about Learning the Lessons
- Report Card
Part Five: Moving On
43. Clean House
44. Surviving Holidays
45. Ideal Relationship Profile
46. Dating Again
47. Completion
48. Conclusion
- Lessons Learned about Moving On
- Report Card
Part Six: Moving Out
49. Divine Connection
50. Good-bye
Epilogue (A Final Report Card)
Appendices: Toolbox
- Seven Commandments for Conscious Parting
- Ten Tools for Letting Go, Learning the Lessons, and Moving On
- From Breakup to Breakthrough: Twelve Questions to Ask Yourself
- Additional Resources
About Randy Siegel
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $3.33
- Paperback $14.95
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