Break Through Your BS - Uncover Your Brain's Blind Spots and Unleash Your Inner Greatness

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Product Information
"Break Through Your BS" is designed to show you how to do just that. It aims to show you how your mind deceives you in different areas of your life, thereby preventing you from your inner greatness.
It addresses the types of bullsh,t barriers holding you back from the greatness you deserve, such as:
- Excuses
- Hidden blind spots
- Limiting belief systems
This book is intended to help you discover more compassion and understanding for yourself, as well as for others. It shows you how to turn your BS mind into your greatest ally, and covers areas such as:
- Common mental traps smart people fall for
- Why your intelligence can be your greatest enemy
- How your desire for self-sufficiency is a barrier to true empowerment
- Why you should rejoice in the fact that you will never get rid of your BS
- A mental switch to turn fear into your friend towards achieving your goals
- Why your excuses may be 100% factually true, yet still be complete bullsh,t
- How going after what you want is the very thing that keeps you from getting it
- How people manipulate you, and how your brain is unknowingly sabotaging yourself
- Why your attempt to love and sacrifice for others may be keeping you from true love
- A mental distinction that automatically moves you into a growth and progress mindset
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Download Your Video Training Series and Resource Guide
- Introduction
- The Lake of Greatness
- Are Belief Systems BS?
- 2VL vs. 4VL – Upgrade Your Brain’s Thinking
- What You Know Is BS
- Warning: Your Knowledge Is (Potentially) Dangerous
- Making Sense Out of Nonsense
- Limitation = Liberation
- The Slingshot Effect
- Choose Your Own Journey in BS Land
- Shackling Yourself in BS
- Bringing Out Your Hidden BS
- Still Searching for Your BS
- Why You Should Love Your BS
- We All Just Want Some Apples
- You Really Are Crazy… But So Is Everyone Else
- Healthy vs. Unhealthy Means of Meeting Needs
“Hold Your Breath,” and Turn Fear into Your Friend
- How to Not Give a Shit
- Honey, I Shrunk the Bullshit
- Extreme vs. Moderate
- The Secret of the Deadly Slime
- Realist vs. Idealist
- Act or Analyze
- How to Get Off Your Ass and Get to Greatness
- Morphine for the Mind
- The Root of Fear
- Losing is a Delusion
- Nothing to Lose, Nothing to Gain, Everything To…
- To Receive or To Rob: That is the Question
- How to Actually, Like for Seriously, Get What You Want in Life
- The Parable of the Greedy Giver
- How to Stop BSing Yourself
- Breaking the Addiction of Slavery
- Removing Your Own Shackles
- You’re Wrong
- How to Be Even More of a Badass, Do Even More Badass Shit, and Have an Even More Badass Life
- CSM – My Secret Weapon for Overcoming Fear of Failure
- I Don’t Know and That’s
- You’re Awesome… But Don’t Let it Go to Your Head
- Being is Doing is Having – Having is Doing is Being
- It’s All Coming Together
- Remembrance Meditation
- A Journey Through WTF
- A Look Back at Your Adventure
- A Return to the Lake of Greatness
- Now – Here is Where You Have a Choice
- Always Changing, Always the Same
- The End… Or a New Departure Point?
- Why Did I Write This Book?
- Did Your Love Break Through Your BS?
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $3.25
- Paperback $14.99
Guarantee / Terms:
See policy of product website