Brad's Fashion Bible   

Brad's Fashion Bible
Dating Company: Brad P. Inc. | Dating Coach:
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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful

"A Solid Introduction to Fashion and Image Principles"

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Last Update: March 25, 2025
The Good
A very good foundational examination of the principles of fashion and image as they apply to attracting women and projecting an attractive image. The book will add a lot of value for beginners and those whose fashion/ image skillset is largely undeveloped.
The Bad
The bible is limited in its knowledge to beginner to intermediate level image and fashion principles. The more sophisticated and attractive points of image and fashion are left unaddressed. As a consequence this book is not recommended for intermediate or advanced users who already have a foundation understanding of fashion and image as it applies to attracting females.

The book also contains some 'bias' in some of the specific views of current fashion based on the author's own style. As a consequence some readers may find it more challenging to implement if they are not based in the U.S.

The Bottom Line
This was a pretty good fashion and style book, if short. We used to recommend it, as it was the best we had found on the market - and good value for money.

However, a newer and better course has been released that we now recommend: Check out Seduce with Style as the best fashion and style advice we've found to date.


Good Introduction into How Your Image and Fashion Affects Your Attractiveness
The first impression - the formatting of this book is clean and professional - it's pretty well packaged.

The tips and principles found in the book establish a good base point to start from for the beginner or someone who hasn't developed his fashion/ image skillset yet. Importantly, the book's first three chapters address the issue of the obstacles to men developing their fashion and image. It provides guidelines on the errors of socialized mindsets and the attractive mindsets as they relate to image and fashion. This is valuable since it is what holds most people back from developing their image skillset (particularly beginners to dating advice).

The book contains many pictures to illustrate its points which is essential for understanding the points made and implementing them. The principles established in the book are also not complicated, which should enable any beginner to apply them just by making the effort.

Good Effort to Make Practical - But Doesn't Go Far Enough
On the downside, whilst the author obviously spent a lot of time selecting illustrative pictures, mostly they don't go far enough in illustrating what good should look like with respect to a point he is making.

They don't contrast enough with the 'bad' examples given to illustrate the point really well. This reflects the limitation of him using web-based photos rather than having used his own 'models' to directly implement/ demonstrate the desired clothing and image principles.

This 'issue' would mostly affect intermediate to advanced daters, who have some fashion/ image sense, and would need to see the 'good' clearly to take it to the next level. On the whole the book's advice is still relatively easy to implement despite the weakness above.

Unoriginal but Good Source of Aggregated Knowledge
There is little original content in this book, about 70% is based on fashion and image tips that pick up artists have established over time. However it was the first product to bring these principles into one place for people to learn from. The frameworks Brad P. applies add some additional knowledge and value to the original knowledge base. Overall the book is a good source of aggregated 'knowledge' and Brad P. explains at a more detailed and subtle level some of the concepts traditionally used.

The Bottom Line
In the past we recommended this as the best fashion book we had found - although it wasn't ideal.

More recently we reviewed Seduce with Style, and now recommend it, as a much more comprehensive guide to style and developing an attractive fashion sense.

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Product Information

This handbook offers fashion tips and mindsets from a pick-up artist's perspective. It contains numerous images to demonstrate points made throughout.

Image, Physique & Style
Experience Level(s):

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Learning Format:
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Brad P.
Brad P. Inc.
Release Date:
July 21, 2002
Price: $67.00


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Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

Part 1: The Science of Fashion
- "Turn Ons" and "Turn Offs"

Part 2: Obstacles on the Inside
- Why We Sabotage Ourselves
- Playing it Safe in the Schoolyard
- "Nice Guy" Programing in the Home
- What's So Bad About Being a Nice Guy?
- The Nice Guy Look
- Nice Guys, Bad Memories
- The Nice Approach
- Anti-gay Social Programing
- Emulating Dad
- It Was Good Ten Years Ago
- Trying to Just "Be Myself"

Part 3: Obstacles on the Outside
- Elitist Communication Style
- The Changing Fashion Signal
- Mimicking the High Fashion Signal
- Mimicking the Low Fashion Signal
- Magazines and Mixed Messages

Part 4: The 3 Frameworks for Creating Your Look
- Framework #1: Normal, Well Dressed
- Modeling Movie Stars
- Framework #2: Sexy Stereotyping
- 8 Steps to Sexy Stereotyping
- Don't be Too Confusing
- How Far Should You Take It?
- The Outer Limits
- Male to Female Sexy Stereotyping
- Attracting "Normal Girls" with Sexy Stereotyping
- Myspace Sexy Stereotypes
- Framework #3: Pushing the Limits (Advanced)
- Speaking to an Elite Audience
- Social Impact
- The "Ironic" Look
- Retro styles
- Stereotype Blending
- Visual Impact
- Expensive Clothes (Label Whore)
- Customized Clothing
- The Repercussions of the 3 Frameworks
- Countdown to sex

Part 5: The Basics of Fashion
- Balance: Showpieces and Supporting Pieces
- The Most Essential Pieces of Clothing
- Your Hairstyle
- Communicating With Your Hairstylist
- Enhance Your Hair
- Grooming
- Always Look Your Best
- Fashion Over Function
- What Not to Wear
- Daytime verses Nighttime
- Training your eye
- Geographic Relevance
- Understanding Incongruence
- Recognizing a Failed Experiment
- Being "Good Looking"
- Anyone Can Do It

Part 6: Action Plan
- Frequently Asked Questions

What You Get:

- Brad's Fashion Bible eBook
- Brad's Fashion Bible User's Manual
- Diary of a Pickup Artist
- Geeks Get Girls
- Free Preview of my 30/30 Club (Meet 30 New Women in 30 Days)

Guarantee / Terms:

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful

"I Would Avoid"

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I got this the other night and I am pretty much done with it. Overall I am pretty disappointed with it.

The majority of the book is telling you that if you are dressed well women will be attracted to you, and if you are boring then you are a social reject. Thanks, big help.

Basically the best advice was to pick a movie star that looks like you and has a good look and try to copy it, big help.

I would avoid.
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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful

"I Didn't Think It Was Worth It"

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I actually ended up buying this about a month ago and didn't think it was worth it. I really wish Brad P had put a little bit more effort into this e-book.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"It Was Pretty Good"

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I got BradP's fashion book the other day, and I have to say I've changed my opinion. I actually think it was pretty good. Now, if you already have a good sense of fashion, then this book definitely isn't for you. If your one of the many that are just trying to figure what would work for you, however, then I think you will find his advice very helpful.
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0 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"Fresh and Creative"

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i liked his ebook. very fresh and creative. but the price is..erm..more than dollar per page?
in any casy if you practice with openers you can get really far really quick. cause you must have balls to use them!
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