Beyond Words: The Art of Body Language and Physical Escalation

Product Information
This DVD home study course from Love Systems experts Cajun and Vercetti is designed to show men how to improve their body language so they can better approach and attract women.
- Attracting Women
- Inner Game & Confidence
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Introductory Look at Body Language
Part 3: Understanding Body Language
Part 4: A Detailed Look at Body Language
Part 5: Eye Contact
Part 6: Voice
Part 7: Movement and Touch Part 1
Part 8: Movement and Touch Part 2
Part 9: Social Touching
Part 10: Friendly Touching
Part 11: Romantic Touching
Part 12: Sexual Touching
Part 13: Sexual Presence
Part 14: Subtext and Mystique Part 1
Part 15: Subtext and Mystique Part 2
Part 16: Day Game
Part 17: Beliefs
Part 18: Online Game
Part 19: Master Class
What You Get:
Video download
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See policy of product website
User Reviews of Beyond Words: The Art of Body Language and Physical Escalation
Most Helpful User Reviews
"It's Really Long (That's What She Said)"
November 10, 2011
Disc 1-
The first disc is the introduction to body language. For those of us that have been in the game for a while this stuff will mostly be review. A lot of it can be found in Magic Bullets and other resources in some form or another. However, the advantage the DVD is that it's completely different to read about body language and SEE the body language. Being able to see Vercetti take the students through the basics of body language step by step can be a good refresher for anyone. The highlight of the first disc for me was when Vercetti used a mask to cover any facial expressions whatsoever. Then he adopted different postures and asked the crowd what impressions they got. With this demonstration he showed how the impressions you give off to those around you with your body language can immediately [affect] how they view you. You can be seen as nervous or awkward for example, before you even say a word. In this same light, you can be the most confident person in the world by simply walking into a venue in a confident manner. It truly can have a huge impact on your game without having to memorize any routines.
Disc 2-
Disc 2 covers eye contact, voice, movement and touch. I think the take-home point from this disc that Vercetti establishes is that body language is more than just your body. It is everything that you communicate with besides the actual words you say, so this disc focuses on those points. He discusses when and how much eye contact is appropriate and also how to harness your true voice from deeper than your chest or nasal cavity. On that point, throughout disc 1 and 2 Vercetti leads the class through practical exercises and stretches to aid in body language and voice control. I found them all to be well-taught and have real applications.
Disc 3-
In disc three 5.0 takes over to discuss physical escalation as well as the different types of touching: social, friendly, romantic, and sexual. For anyone that has read Magic Bullets this will all seem very familiar. However, in the same way MB discussed body language , it is helpful to see examples of the different types of touches (especially if this is something you're having trouble with.) What I found to be especially useful was when 5.0 discussed ways to transition and bridge gaps between the different kinds of touch to make everything seem more fluid and natural. He even highlights a few physical routines (such as the spin routine) that are fun and easy to have success with in field.
Disc 4-
Disc 4 covers the advanced topics of restraint, sexual presence, subtext and mystique. In this disc Cajun takes over and from the get go it's apparent that this stuff is called advanced for a reason. Whether it was Cajun taking a bit of time to get warmed up or me taking a while for things to start registering, it's longer into this disc before the usefulness becomes apparent. Actually, for those who may purchase the set I would recommend this: practice the skills in the set disc by disc in that logical order. If you can have solid practice and understanding of disc 1-3 by the time you reach this one, Cajun 's topics will take your game to the next level. In this sense, I would personally argue that disc 4 had the best information, but it can really only be harnessed once a person has at least solid understanding of disc 1-3. Now all that being said, Cajun is a great speaker and it's not like the topics are cryptic. In fact, I thought he was the best at creating analogies and real-life examples for the topics he discussed. I'll never forget the video of the man confronting the lions in Africa. The way he talks about subtext and mystic is great because for him it's about fucking with people and having fun in your interactions. Overall this was my favorite information in the set and has been the most useful with my game.
Bonus Disc 1-
Keychain leads the discussion in the first disc on rapid escalation. This talk wasn't AS long or detailed as some of the other information. However, I found his philosophy on the subject to be incredibly simple and eye-opening . The take away for me was "respect her limits, but don't be afraid to push yours." In other words, are you not progressing physically because you are afraid to move past her comfort zone, or because you are afraid to move past yours? Keychain shows how to quickly judge a woman's compliance and to move towards the kiss-close just as fast. If she's okay with making out and you want to, then why not!? There's no REAL time limit on it.
In his second talk Keychain briefly covers Day Game . All very good information, but I'm not as familiar with it so I won't discuss it as much. Overall I found Keychain to be relatable and he uses his sense of humor well to keep the crowd interested.
Bonus Disc 2-
On the first half of this disc Vercetti comes back to talk about inner game and beliefs. This is a huge subject in and of itself, but I think he hits the most important point for the seminar in teaching how to eliminate negative beliefs. By getting rid of what's holding our game back and replacing it with positive we can achieve greater success with any task.
Next Cajun talks about his experience with online game and creating profiles. This shit's awesome, it's hilarious, and it works. That's all I gotta say about that. Cajun rocked this one.
Bonus Disc 3-
Lastly with the set there was a brief Q&A session for some of the students hosted by Vercetti and Cajun . Nothing more than some basic questions here from some of the guys at the conference. Worth watching in case you have one of the same questions as one of them I suppose.
Sorry this was incredibly long guys, but as far as home products go I believe this one is the most expensive so I wanted to be detailed to help you make your choice. Overall I would say this was definitely worth the purchase. It's the closest you can come to going to a seminar without actually being there and it's a fraction of the price for broke ass college guys like me. Tons of practical stuff to use right away and a little tougher stuff to step it up to the next level when you think you're ready. The bonuses only sweeten the deal by taking the most important pieces of big topics and presenting them to you ready to be used. I was happy to see the instructors practice what they preach with their awesome body language , voice, conversation skills and confidence. I will probably watch these DVDs several times as I go back to work on things.
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"Provides Knowledge Everyone Should Have"
November 10, 2011
it is filmed like your at a seminar or indepth part of boot camp about body language . This cuts all other studying you need to do and teaches you how to be more confident, or at least appear that way. Fake it till you make it.
As good as Vercetti is in this series, Cajun blows it out of the water. It's funny, he's not what people would say mainstream good looking, but by the end of the videos I could tell what girls see in him, you feel drawn to his presence.
Keychain also does amazing in the bonuses, some of his examples are unbelievable but you know he's done this stuff a hundred times and it works. That's the best part, all this knowledge people had to spend countless hours on, and you can cut down the learning time.
5.0 and Vercetti are phenomenal again, I'm going to keep watching this multiple times to understand everything. There is so much information that you will have to. I cannot say enough of this product, lovesystems has out done itself again with great products.
Its knowledge everyone should have but at the same time you want to be selfish so you have the upper hand.
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"The Material is Presented as If You Were a Student in a Seminar"
November 10, 2011
Disk 1 has just over 49 minutes of content. It's introductory in nature, so you might already be aware of some or all of it, depending on how much reading and learning you have already done on things like posture, breathing, situational awareness, eye contact, and other concepts. On the other hand if you have no idea what the term "beer shield" means, then this is the place to start.
The material is presented as if you were a student in a seminar. There are at least three different camera views which are switched between, and the presenter is in front of the room speaking to you, and from time to time performing demonstrations alone and with other students. Video and audio quality is good, and unlike a class, you don't have to worry about taking notes or missing something, you can review it over and over, or anytime you like.
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"It’s Actually a Life Coaching!"
November 10, 2011
This DVD set teaches you how to become aware of your body posture, of your body language and also read and understand other people’s body language . It’s not about words and routines, it’s about what’s going on underneath which counts for more than 90% of your communication. Not mastering this means not being able to master social understanding and at the end not being able to master game.
This set brings you exercises and insights you can incorporate in your daily life to improve yourself and the way people see you. It’s actually a life coaching!
Watching those DVDs will clear some common mistakes most guys in bars and clubs make like the beer shield, not locking in etc. Only small details… but very important to get rid of in order to succeed!
Each LS instructor has his own style and they are all really amazing. The best for me was definitely Cajun … probably because I’ve seen him in action during a BC and most of what he teaches in this DVDs reminds me of what he said during this BC. The guy is a rock star! His body language is rock solid, he exudes so much confidence and easiness it’s just incredible. Actually only paying attention to the way those guys carry themselves in this DVD set teaches you already a lot. The bonuses are also mind blowing specially the one on online dating!
So to sum up, if you’re thinking about getting one LS product, get this one! It’s the one which will have the most important impact on your life.
Vercetti , 5.0 , Cajun and Keychain thank you guys for making such a high quality product available. It’s a great piece of material.
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"All the Stuff I Learned from You Guys changed My Life"
November 10, 2011
I acquired the Beyond Words DVD, first of all, I missed some things because of the language, some words, expressions, etc.
For me it is a crucial dvd [to learn] body language, because I am almost the only person in my country who knows some stuff about that [because] it's impossible to learn live from an instructor like you guys can do.
It helped a lot, you have a lot of exercises to practice before sarging, cajun is a great speaker and vercetti too. I have already backed up those dvd and stored in a box [so I can] give it as a present to my future son when I got married in the future, because all the stuff I learned from you guys changed my life.
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"It's Like Having Your Own Personal Gold Mind"
November 10, 2011
Thanks Vercetti , Cajun , 5.0 and Keychain !
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"The results I get are just amazing!"
November 10, 2011
I'm currently not having a huge playground to practice, so I decided to put focus on anything else of the game. In other words on Body language. Hence I got a copy of the DVDs and I've been working on my body language in my everyday life since.
The results I get are just amazing! The way other people react towards me is much different from it was before having used the stuff on the DVD. Everybody just treats you much more respectfully. I get so many compliments from people who haven't seen me for a while, like "hey, you got [so] cute! What did you do?" etc...
There's stuff about how to fix your inner game , how to train your voice and even that you can train your face muscles... I had girls asking me "why are you so serious?" The DVD gave me the idea about moving my face muscles daily. Since girls looking and smiling at me almost all the time :-).
So, for me it was absolutely worth purchasing this product.
However, since the rest of my game is not very well yet my overworked body language might be kind of a disadvantage for me. Girls where I go out probably think, this guy is out of my league. Since my qualification is not good yet they can't believe that I want them and get pissed. Or they get pissed of me being to gamy, instead of just pulling the trigger. It's kind of having a Ferrari without being able to drive it properly, which is pretty ridiculous :-)
However, check it out and watch your results!
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"Beyond Words has literally changed my life"
November 10, 2011
Particular mention goes to Vercetti - awesome bit.
Great stuff guys!
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