Become Mr. Right

Editor Review
"Advanced Material for Those Who Want to Build More Healthy Relationships"
For guys who have found that their relationships with women have evolved in ways they didn't like in the past, this product will be helpful.
This program is for advanced guys who want to get the most out of long term relationships with women. It will make you think, reconsider your past behaviors, and probably lead you to some simple but tough actions - if you have the courage!
Material Verges on Self Actualization
This program goes well beyond the realms of relationships with women and ends up focusing on your growth as an individual. The reasoning behind this according to DeAngelo is that you need to become a better man yourself in order to become Mr. Right and meet Mrs. Right.David takes material from some of his non-dating courses for business like Wake Up Productive on subjects varying from leadership, finding your purpose in life, making your day productive and living with a 'clean system' so that you build your energy.
This is all valuable stuff for your life - coming from my own perspective I know how improvements in all these areas of my life have benefited my relationships, so while you may not 'get' the link, trust me, it's there. DeAngelo does a good job of explaining this link in the program and obviously has chosen material based on his own progress (he gives examples of his own recent relationships in the program to illustrate).
Practicality 10/10 - Thorough but Slow Learning with Many Exercises
The whole program is pretty slow with many exercises and examples. On the positive side, if you are slow learner and like to work through exercises to understand exactly the implications of what is being taught this will be valuable to you. On the negative, if you get things quickly, this program will probably be too long for you - it had me 'yawning' and wanting to get on with it with some parts, and being very engaged with others.Building Intimacy and Solving Relationship Conflicts
A lot of time is dedicated to dealing with emotions in relationships with DVDs 5, 6, 7 & 8) dedicated to this. Concepts such as 'emotional waves' and 'holding space' will help you deal with a variety of situations in relationships.I felt that the part on 'Facilitation process' is valid for a 'mature relationship', however, it requires that your woman have a certain level of emotional maturity in my opinion to be effective. It came across as a mini-course in being a psychotherapist.
Advice on Mrs. Right
Valuable content here on what your expectations should be for a woman, and how she can bring a positive influence to your life and you to hers. This is definitely for guys at an advanced level - if you can't hold up a relationship, then it would be difficult for you to fathom starting here.For instance DeAngelo identifies these as the Deal Breakers for a woman:
- You don't want a woman who will accept excuses for not doing what you need to do
- You want a woman that can help you heal your emotional wounds (i.e. everyone has them, and its through positive relationships that they can be healed)
That's beyond the expectations of nearly every guy I've met - but the logic is tight. The point here is - this program is pushing things to a new level in terms of what you should expect from relationships with women, that may not be for everyone (ever or yet).
Weaker Component - Personality Types (DVD 9)
I was looking forward to the discussion on personality types, since obviously all women are not alike - and many guys need more guidance to use the tools provided with respect to what situations may come up and how different women may react.However, while DeAngelo normally does a good job on research, this part came across as weak. He introduces some frameworks from "The Five Love Languages", Myers-Briggs and NLP. This was overly simplistic in many areas, which caused confusion in the students on the course at times. Myers-Briggs has long lost 'validity' in the world of psychology as a reliable tool, and there are better alternatives he could have used.
Overall I would ignore this, as it is likely to leave you more confused than adding any benefits - with the exception of the five love languages. If you're interested in understanding women's personality types, the best course for this is the Pandora's Box System.
The Bottom Line
This is mostly a mindset, almost philosophical product, which has its value but is not for guys who are looking for step-by-step techniques to apply in specific situations, it's more complementary to those.For guys who have found that their relationships with women have evolved in ways they didn't like in the past, this product will be helpful for you. The majority of guys in this position are self-sabotaging their relationships in some way, and this program explores a wide variety of areas where you may be doing this.
This program is for advanced guys who want to get the most out of long term relationships with women. It will make you think, reconsider your past behaviors, and probably lead you to some simple but tough actions - if you have the courage.
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Product Information
"Become Mr. Right: is a video training program that introduces a set of tools available to start, build, and sustain a relationship with a woman.
- Relationship Skills
- Inner Game & Confidence
- Intermediate
- Advanced
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- The 3 things women demand in a man
- How a woman can spot a "fraud"
- How to develop rapport with a woman
- The steps to create intimacy with a woman
- The 8 mental blocks you must overcome
- The 3 poison emotions that run most men's lives
- How to figure out your unique learning style
- A visualization exercise that trains you to let go
- How to handle a woman's emotional waves
- How to keep your composure when a woman goes through extreme emotions
- How to clean up every aspect of your life
- How to figure out a what woman's primary interest is
- How to become a master of conflict
- How to actualize yourself as a better human being
- How to help a woman you care about solve her problems
- How to tell stories in a compelling way
- How to control your emotions when you are with a woman
- How to handle it when a woman says you don't understand her
What You Get:
12 video DVDs
Guarantee / Terms:
30-day trial. You will be charged after 30 days from date of purchase.
User Reviews of Become Mr. Right
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Become Mr. Right David Deangelo Review PUA"
April 29, 2011
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"This program is not for everyone, It Will Change Your Life. "
August 19, 2009
This program is not for everyone, it will change your life.
Knowledge of attraction and seduction is a prerequisite, you will never be able to have that lasting relationship with a 10 unless you can attract the 10 first.
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"Very Informative and Recommended for Purchase if You Get the Chance."
December 30, 2009
I found both of these programs very informative and recommend them for purchase if you get the chance.
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"One of the best anywhere"
September 29, 2011
Can you START here? I say give it a shot. You might well be served by previous programs, but if you began here I don't think you'd be going too wrong.
As David says in this program:
"When your focus is on actualizing yourself, the best you that you can be, and on maximum CONTRIBTUION, giving your greatest gift, whatever that is, most other things take care of themselves, and you become 10 or 100 times as powerful and attractive as a man and a person.
When you change your paradigm from "get" -- beyond "giving" even, to making a contribution -- and even go beyond "fair" relationships, where you give a little more than you get -- and develop into the greatest "me" you can be, actualizing your gifts, and contributing to the maximum level that you can, you become like a lighthouse on a dark night. You beam. You become so magnetically attractive that people just want to be around you. And when this happens you will find that you will have more amazing women around trying to get with you than you will know what to do with.
This is truly David DeAngelo at his very best.
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"The best out there.............."
June 03, 2014
If you are advanced, you'll get to learn to overcome your sticking [whatever they might be] points and you can say goodbye to the seduction community afterwards.
If you are intermediate, you'll learn to actualize yourself and will understand that "relationships are not chess games".
If you are newbie, you'll learn everything about inner game required for modern men today [rather than a program which teaches you about how to overcome limiting beliefs and social interactions which mess with your head.. Remember, no matter how "HIGH STATUS" you are, if you are not at level of contribution, people WILL eventually leave you].
This everything you'll need outside the "FIELD"...
Just a note, keep a copy of way of the superior man, if you are newbie or intermediate.
I never felt anything like this before watching and applying the concepts shared in this program, even though I became great at pick-up.
Don't think.. GET IT.
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