Awakening Dominant Male Attitudes

Editor Review
"So Bad We Cringed"
Syboh Seven
Last Update: March 28, 2025
Out of the box?
I'm going to make this review short because the product isn't worth spending a lot of time on.Now, let me introduce this review by saying this:
Firstly, I'm not one to be easily shocked and I have a very broad experience with pick up material, as a student, coach, and editor on this site. It's fair to say I'm very open to new ideas and material that is a bit "out there".
(For example, I love the Sex God Method ebook, which teaches you dominance in and out of the bedroom. I also value Paul Janka's material a lot, even though his approach is considered a bit insane by many.)
Secondly, as I started reviewing this programme, I didn't expect to get politically correct advice - it is called Awakening Dominant Male Attitudes, after all. Most guys definitely need their male attitude awakened, so I have no problem with that.
BUT...the "dominant attitudes" taught in this particular programme are not just "out of the box", they are creepy, bad and misleading.
Most of the ridiculously bad advice comes from Steve P.Now, Steve P. is not totally clueless and we gave a good review to his White Tiger Tantra product.
Here though, he doesn't shine, to say the least.
Through the programme, Steve P. makes several comments about women being bitches that should shut the fuck up and do as they are told.
I stopped counting the references and suggestions on slapping girls across the face with your cock - apparently, something Steve is quite obsessive about.
There is also a bit about loudly shouting "CUNT" to your girl in public places. A recommended strategy, demonstrated enthusiastically by Steve P. himself, shouting at the top of his lungs.
All of this is told without irony and in all seriousness. Students (and Hypnotica himself) laugh nervously in the background.
The general vibe of the teaching is just wrong. There is a way to be dominant that is playful, fun and mutually agreed upon, and this is not it.
Add to that the ridiculous Bandler impersonations and cringe-worthy "hypnosis sessions", and it's a wrap.
I hope that no beginners will ever try to apply this advice. Please do not shout "CUNT" in a crowded supermarket. It won't make you cool. Or dominant. Or loved by your girl. Trust me on this.
There are simply too many great products out there to bother with this one. Check out our Top 10 Ranking of products if you need ideas. If you are specifically looking for dominance products (and there is nothing wrong with that), I highly recommend the Sex God Method, which was reviewed by my fellow editor Angel Donovan. I totally agree with his positive reviews. Now THAT is a product that provides life-changing information on dominance, but delivered cleanly and with the right boundaries, so you don't start thinking that treating your girl like a bitch is a good idea in everyday life.You can see Angel's review of the book here, or see his review of The VIP program. You can't go wrong with either one.
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Product Information
'Awakening Dominant Male Attitudes' is a part of the 'Becoming A Powerful Man Series'. It teaches you how to be a dominant male by building a strong link within yourself, your identity, and behaviors.
Bonu items include:
- Bravo's Online Game 1.0
- Hypnotica On Maintaining Motivation
- Steve P's Secret To Talking To Women On The Phone
- eBook
- Download (Audio)
- Download (Video)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Part 1:
- Introduction and Trance
- Tapping Into Your Masculine Energy
- Goal Setting
- Shifting Internal Dialogue
- 3 Points of Attention & Soul Gazing
Part 2:
- Getting Control of Your Thoughts (Trance)
- Setting Your Intention and Having Fun
- Coming From A Place of Power
- Getting Control Of Your Relationships
- Changing Beliefs (Trance)
- Question & Answer Session
Part 3:
- Rock Out! - Change Work LIVE
- Scrooge (Trance)
- Pushing Your Bubble
- Raise Your Voice, Raise Your Energy
- Take Your Change (Trance)
What You Get:
Online access to downloadable program
Guarantee / Terms:
User Reviews of Awakening Dominant Male Attitudes
Most Helpful User Reviews
"I enjoyed the program"
March 22, 2013
Considering the background of Steve...his practices are more along the line of breaking someone out of their shell. Having experienced radical change work over the generally will settle and return back to the core of who they are.
I enjoyed several laughs watching this program. Steve does charge quite a bit of coin for his products, but I luckily took advantage of the reduced rate of the product(which was half the retail) at the time of introduction.
You will not find...mainstream, normative, style advice it this product. It is quite RAW, and I like it. As a man of color, I never had hyper masculine white male role models in my life. Products like this is glimpse of their experience and work.
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"This is very good but under-rated product: Many people just dont get this!"
November 07, 2015
Many people dont like this product because of how hard talk Steve P speak. Yes it is true that not everything in this product is Clever in every social situations and to put into action to every persons life. But you have too what is main concepts here: to change your mind set to more dominative. They speak using metaphors, and it is wrong to take those all 100% seriously, even they are in Steve P's life.
Here is three very useful Hypnosis. SCROOGE is pain-pleasure process and with that you can change your beliefs. For example you can use that to change your bad behaviours, addictions to better ones. Very useful.
THREE POINTS OF ATTENTION. Is another Super Effective Technique. Use this with EYE GAZING and you get super easily super much rapport with women. This is so advanced that many people just dont understand this. With these two techniques I made woman to relax deeply and go into that deep trance that it was very easy to give her lot of orgasms after that with and Without touching (using my voice). (Using david shade : phone sex product for what stuff I did talk, sametime with using eye techniques).
Hypnotica also give THE RIGHT way to USE AFFIRMATIONS. many people know that affirmations are good but they dont know EFFECTIVE ways to use those. Clearly if you follow his suggestions you can easily INSTALL NEW beliefs to your mind. Super powerful.
I can also very mention very powerful way to SET your GOALS.
There is really very much more good stuff included here.
I could say that price is probably little too much. 300 dollars would be ok price for this. STILL I consider this as a very good buy.
With this product I changed my attitudes so much that with David Shade's products I managed to become that level of hypnotist that I can give women orgasms just by my voice, no touching. This is powerful but David doesnt really cover Inner game stuff. Here Hypnotica and Steve P are good.
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"beware of false promises"
October 24, 2014
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